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WILL YOU LISTEN (or will you mock) (Pratt)

When I speak about religion
Some of my friends start to scorn
I wonder what they'll say
Should my Lord return
When I say Jesus is alive
Will you listen or will you mock?
You can't change the fact He died for you
If you believe it or not

Some people say that I'm a bit simple
Some people reckon that I'm confused
But it doesn't take much common sense
To realise the truth
That Jesus is a Saviour
He died and He rose from the dead
And His Spirit is still so powerful
He can raise you from your death
But still you won't listen

Why won't you let Jesus take you
Why don't you let His Spirit break you'?
Are you such a snob; got no time for God?

I can't make you believe in God,
Only He can do that
it's up to you to make your decision
When you know the facts
Maybe you believe you can live without Him
And your quite happy how you stand
I used to believe that too
But now God's taken my hand


Adrian: Piano, Bass & Lead Guitars, OBX Synthesiser, Vocal
Gwyn:    Drums
Yvonne & Susan: Backing Vocals

PSALM 14:1 - 2, JOHN 3:16 - 21