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So the Jester album was all done with - what next?

Various plans were mooted.

Plan A was a follow up album to be called "Troubadour of Triumph".  That never happened.

Plan B was to make an album of songs associated with the Christian Seasons.  The other part of plan B was to invite friends to contribute songs.  Some of them did. Paul Maylor, Philip Jones, Kevin Mercer, Chris Knowles and Rob Fisher...all came up with some crackers.  But again it never got further than becoming a few demo's on the 4-Track.

Plan C was to start a songwriting service - offering songs to Christian artists to perform and writing songs to order. 'Prattmusic Songservice"  did get off the ground  - in a small way. An English gospel artist took on a few songs, and used them in youth events.  A lady from South Africa commissioned me to put music to a poem she had written.  Another from South Wales did the same. Eventually the service died!

Plan D resulted in a cassette release of songs from a couple of live gigs I did with Kevin Mercer., at Mmold and Denbigh in North Wales. Some of the songs were from the Jester album, the others songs that might have appeared on either the "Troubadour of Triumph" or "Songs For the Christian Year" albums - had they ever materialised!  A couple of 'homemade' songs - just guitar and singing - started and finished off the tape.

Though 'very raw' (The warts and all production truly showed off some warts!) it actually sold quite a few copies at concerts etc…  It had a certain charm  - and some of the songs came off pretty well. 

Click here (or the cover) to download a number of the songs
from Adrian's "Live" station on 

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