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4. Designer Trainers
The marketing men know how to make sales,
They'll sell you what you want as long as you can pay,
The fashion moguls, they fix the prices,
And blame inflation when the Unit cost rises.

They make you believe the value of the brand,
While taking all the money right out of your hand,
Advertising agent appeals to your greed,
He'll sell you what you want, not ask you what you need.

Money, money, money keeps the business world a turning,
A lot more money than I'll ever be earning,
we buy their products, play right into their hand,
They get us where they want, meeting payment demands.

A conspiracy of fashion taking this world by a storm,
No designer label! Son you shouldn't have been born,
But I refuse to bow down, I will not play their game,
I'm a person of dignity, not measured by a name.

My advice to you - Become consumer abstainers,
Do something totally radical,
Don't wear designer trainers

You are worth more than the clothes that you wear,
Girl you are more beautiful than the way you shape your hair;
You are an individual, you don't need to conform,
Don't bow to peer pressure, go against the norm.

Beauty is an attitude, an attitude of heart,
It's a spring within you, something quite apart,
From the external expression of cosmetic application,
If only you could be yourself, you could cause a sensation.

Of course we are all vulnerable,
To powers of persuasion.
It's easier to go with the flow,
And resist not temptation,
But if we believe our worth,
Lies in the purchases we buy,
We're going to be left with nothing,
On the day that we die.

My advice to you - Become consumer abstainers,
Do something totally radical,
Don't wear designer trainers.

The things in life that are worth the most,
Are the things we can never buy,
The most valuable thing you can possess,
Is to possess your life.

There can never be another,
To exactly fill your space,
You are a unique individual,
Within the human race.

All around the world the message is conform,
To the power of Pepsi-Cola and the economic laws,
Do not be blind to powers of marketing pressure,
There are higher standards by which your life shall be measured.

My advice to you - Become consumer abstainers,
Do something totally radical,
Don't wear designer trainers.