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Bed Tag

In the great game of Bed Tag the object is to become one with the bed, to hide under the bed, as far back in the corner as you can get. If possible choose a bed with a skirt around it, or something under the bed, like a box, so that you can hide behind it. But be sure to scoot way back into the corner, and be very, very still.

As your human is hunting all around the house calling your name and looking in all the wrong places, don't give in to the temptation to giggle. Be very quiet.

You can also take your paw and reach out from under the skirt of the bed to smack at my meowmie's feet as she walks by, scares her every time!

Your humans will glance under the bed, then go on to the next place to look, and the next, but if you remain calm and be very quiet, it will take them hours to find you.

All the while they are looking, they will be wondering what you are up to, or maybe they will think you may have escaped outside. When they open the door to look outside, or you pat their foot with your paw, YOU WIN Ý



CLAW University, Sports College

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Monday, 07-Jan-02 10:25:46 EST