Find an object that you can fit inside, or under, a paper bag or a box perhaps. Keep very still and quiet. Remember, don't giggle. This way your human will mistake you for the object that you have chosen to be and will not be able to find you. Also this gives you the possibility of a sneak attack (which is very good) when they pass by. Refer to photo for example. Caution: never use large kitchen appliances, boxes during the Christmas season, or plastic trash bags. (Also see warning). They may carry you outside to the trash and then you will have to start all over.
Your humans will glance under the bed, then go on to the next place to look, and the next, but if you remain calm and be very quiet, it will take them hours to find you.
All the while they are looking, they will be wondering what you are up to, or maybe they will think you may have escaped outside. When they open the door to look outside, or you pat their foot with your paw, YOU WIN
Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:16:22 EDT