The closet is my personal favorite place to play. I have figured out how to open the closet door, just a little is all that it takes. Sneak into the closet and crawl all the way to the far back corner, preferably behind a dress that hangs to the floor, or something that is stacked in the back corner. The darker the color, the better, unless you are a white kitty, then choose a light color.
Go back into the corner as far from the door as you can get, curl into a tiny ball and be very still. Always try to grab a quick nap, that way you won't hear all the pitiful cries of "where is the kitty" and be tempted to jump out at them yelling Surprise!!
After they have gone on to another room to look for you, you can take that long awaited power nap, then, after the proper time has gone by you can come strolling out of the closet as if you haven't any idea what all the commotion is about.
Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:16:24 EDT