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Dust Bunny Syndrome


When you hide under a sofa or chair and pretend that you are a dust bunny, choose one with a skirt on it. Be sure to lay just under the skirt on the side of the sofa or chair. You don't even have to go way back into the corner, just lay between the skirt and very edge of the sofa, and be sure to be very, very still.

When your human looks under the furniture for you, she will simply look under it, not at the very end, and she will miss you altogether. This is very, very entertaining because she is looking right past you. You can do this over and over again.

Do not let anyone see you come out from under the sofa because it gives away your hiding place. I know, I did that once, and meowmie caught on real quick, so I had to find another place to hide. If they don't see you, YOU WIN.

Warning: Do not try this under a recliner unless you have had lots and lots of practice. Recliners can bite kitties



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Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:16:21 EDT