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Hiding Bonuses

Now this is what I call a bonus

Bonus No. 1

Adoration. You may allow your human to pet you after you come out of hiding to show their admiration for your great ability to hide.

Bonus No. 2

Treats. If you hide well enough, your human will panic and this may result in them using bribery to get you to come out. Tuna is good.

Bonus No. 3

New Toys. When you have reached a level of hiding beyond their ability to find you, they may resort to bribing you out into the open with new toys. Bribery is good.



CLAW University, Sports College

Your Personal Entertainment Center | Homemade Toys | Making Tracks | Hunting Spiders | Good Sportsmanship
Outdoor Debate | Pawball | Squirrel Fishing | Hampering | Kitty Solitaire | Kitty Potty Training | Home Alone | Hide and Seek
Bird Hunting | Three Kinds of Mice | Kitty Camouflage | Ghost Hunting | Bags and Boxs | Hunting Small Animals | Hunting  



Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:16:14 EDT