Sports College
Ghost Hunting 101 Your teacher for this class
Jessie, Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire
Ghost Hunting is a very important part of our everyday life. We see Ghosts in every thing we do and every place we go, so gather around kitties, and lets explore the wonderful world of Ghosts
Wall Ghost
Take the elusive Wall Ghosts........ Your human is sitting in the chair watching TV and you are casually strolling through the room, when suddenly you stop dead in your tracks and stare at the wall ... for a long time ... is there something there, did you see a bug???? Your human, of course thinks you have lost your mind, but you must always be on the lookout for Ghosts. It is a kitties job, and you must do it well.One of the fun things you can do with Wall Ghosts is to walk casually through the house, and all of a sudden leap as high up the wall as you possible can, then continue your stroll as tho you did nothing. You never know when you will encounter that elusive Ghost. It keeps your humans on their toes also.
Paper Ghost
Paper Ghosts can be hunted at any time, day or night, they are especially abundant during Christmas, on birthdays or any other gift giving holiday.
Christmas is an annual event that gives us many opportunities to hunt Ghosts, one of my favorite I might add. When your human is trying to wrap
gifts, go for the Paper Ghost which surely is hiding under all that wrapping paper that they have scattered all over the floor.Do your very best to shred the Ghosts hiding places, be quick, don't let them get away. They usually hide at the very bottom of the pile, so dig, dig your way through the paper and find that elusive little critter.
They are also known to hide inside the little things your human calls a bow. So be sure to grab one and run for a good hiding place, because your human will probably follow you and try to retrieve the stolen merchandise. Don't let that happen, there may be a Ghost in there.
When your human is reading a newspaper, she usually holds it up in front of her, that is another place the Paper Ghost is sure to hide, be sure to sneak up quietly and then jump directly at the center section of the paper. This will surprise your human, (if you do it properly they will let out a yelp) and scare the ghost. Humans love surprises! Ghosts don't. If you have a little problem doing this in a smooth and graceful manner, be sure to practice, because practice makes perfect.
Sheet Ghosts
Ghost Hunting is especially important when your human is attempting to make the bed. That tricky Sheet Ghost always hides under the covers, and it is important that you rid your house of these pesky creatures.Hop up onto the bed when your human is trying to make it, curl into a little ball right in the middle of the bed and lay very still, all the while listening carefully for the Sheet Ghosts, or you can pounce directly onto the sheet your human is trying to
arrange on the bed, but most important, don't forget to look very carefully and enthusiastically for the Sheet Ghosts while you are there.If your human tries to ignore you by covering you with the sheets, move around and try to investigate things as much as possible, remember kitties, find the Sheet Ghosts, that is what you are in there for. Be sure to protest loudly when you're evicted, this may frighten the Sheet Ghosts and when they run for cover, you can pounce.
Curtain Ghost
We must also talk about the clever Curtain Ghost. This creature hides among the drapes and curtains in your home. They come out only when your human is
not looking. I have seen kitties race up the drapes, shredding them in the process, trying to save their human from a wayward band of Curtain Ghosts. I
have even known a few kitties to knock the entire curtain rod down in their enthusiastic attempt to rid the world of this menace. We have torn more than
a few curtains at our house in our never ending attempt to capture these pesky creatures.
Remember Kitties
Save The World, Catch A Ghost
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Wednesday, 14-Aug-02 14:56:39 EDT