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A class by Murph


What not to hunt.

Not all small furry animals are suitable to hunt. In fact some of them can be dangerous. Here are some of the animals you should avoid. They may look harmless but be careful.


BeaverThis is a beaver. He lookes like a gentle creature.
However, he has very sharp teeth and a dinner plate tail that can hurt if he hits you with it. He also lives in water and can cut trees down using only his teeth. If you see a stream with a log dam and a nice pond with a pile of branches in it then you are looking at a beaver home.


MuskratThis cute little animal is a muskrat. He also lives in the water. He is about 20 inches long, a very good swimmer and lives in caves beside the stream or lake bank. He may look like a rat because of his long skinny tail but he is not. You can tell when he is near by his musklike odor. Unless you are a very big cat you should avoid him.


SkunkNow, this is the one you want to avoid at all costs. You know him by the black fur with the white stripe down the back. He has a very bushy tail and is about 2 ft. long when grown.
Don't EVER, ever sneak up on a skunk. Their weapon is not their teeth and claws. It is their scent. They can spray you from under their bushy tail. So if you find yourself in back of a skunk RUN.


There are lots of other animals that you might think you want to hunt. Opossum, badger, weasel to mention a few. These are all dangerous in one way or another and best avoided.


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Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:01:45 EDT