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Home Alone
Our names are Jessie and SassyJazmine We will be your instructors for today, we hope you enjoy this class .

(Jessie) It's time for your meowmie to go visit Grandma, but what to do with Kitty she says? The reply used to be "Take her to a kennel" but this is no longer the standard reply. Today, behaviorists agree with what we have known all along -- we prefer our own turf...


(SassyJazmine) Whether your meowmie hires your neighbor's kids, asks a friend, or goes with a professional, preparations for leaving you home alone remain the same.

(Jessie) Now face it kitties, we know weekdays from weekends, and we know that a certain theme song on TV means a snuggle on your meowmies lap. Basically, we thrive on routine to prevent anxiety, frustration and bad behaviors, we need to keep our routine as normal as possible. If you normally play outdoors before your meowmie goes to work, or when she returns, or perhaps before she goes to bed, the kitty sitter shouldn't expect you to accept two quick visits a day with no outside time. If the kitty sitter fails to honor our routine, she may not only get some funny behaviors, but we may also loose some of our (gasp) house training.

(SassyJazmie) If you are stuck in a cage during workdays, will the same hold true while meowmie is away? Absolutely not! If you are normally caged for eight hours and suddenly you're caged for 23 hours, that's a major change. Instead, you could be confined in a safe, secure area such as a bathroom. Even the smallest bathroom is wonderful compared to a cage. Your litter box, some toys, food and water, you should be okay, and it is better than the cage. Unless you do like my sisfur's wedwink did, get into a wrestling match, knock the waterline to the porcelain drinking fountain loose, and flood the bathroom.





CLAW University, Sports College

Your Personal Entertainment Center | Homemade Toys | Making Tracks | Hunting Spiders | Good Sportsmanship
Outdoor Debate | Pawball | Squirrel Fishing | Hampering | Kitty Solitaire | Kitty Potty Training | Home Alone | Hide and Seek
Bird Hunting | Three Kinds of Mice | Kitty Camouflage | Ghost Hunting | Bags and Boxs | Hunting Small Animals | Hunting  


Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:16:12 EDT