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Sing unto the Lord A New Song. praise Him as you travel along.

When we asked Him into our life stay. He cleanses our soul and shows us the way.

He put a new song into our heart. A new life we began to start.

He died on the cross for you and me. Forgave us our sins and made us clean.

We owe Him everything its true. He changed life for me and you.

Now we rejoice in His love. A new life a new song from above.

We walk and talk different now. Others know we are different some how.

They see the love and joy in us. The beautiful smile on our face.

They know a change took place. We take life at a better pace.

They see a beauty from within. Now that God as taken away our sin.

In everything we say and do. Theres been a change in me and you.

Sing unto the Lord A New Song. Until He comes to take us home © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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