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Good morning God its just me. Asking You to come with me today. Light my path along the way. Let me be kind to all I see.

Take this day Your will be done. From the rising of the sun tell day is done. May You be in everything I say and do. That others may see my love for You.

I ask that You use me Lord today. To help someone in some little way. Let me listen to those with a need. and let me plant a healing seed.

Let me be a friend who cares. That helps others with their fears. Use me to touch a heart or a life. That may be filled with pain and strife.

May this day bring glory to You from beginning to end. As broken hearts you begin to mend. thank you God for new beginnings at days end. Good Morning God It's just me! © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting are used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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