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My quiet place with you I share. A place where God is always near. I listen to the water flow. And let God fill my soul.

I lay my burdens at His feet. He sends His Holy Spirit so sweet. I look at the beautiful sky above. And surround myself in His love.

I talk with Him and often cry. He comes close my tears dry. He always comes to meet me there. And I always go to Him in prayer.

He knows my heart and sees inside. He knows with Him I will abide. With Him theres nothing I can hide. But still He walks right by my side.

He leads me beside the water still. Supplies the grace to walk in His will. He gives me a heart willing to give. So a better life I learn to live.

Take time to go to your quiet place. Go there with Jesus face to face. Let Him restore your heart and soul. Let His Holy Spirit in you flow.

My quiet place with you I share. To let you know how much God cares. He's waiting there for us today. To help us down lifes pathway.
© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2002

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