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Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus for loving me. And for mommy and daddy.

Thank You for the sunny days. When I can go out and play.

Thank You for the birds that sing. The wind that blows and the bells that ring.

Thank You for the food to eat. And my comfortable bed where I sleep.

Thank You Jesus for my friends. And for my kitten that I love.

Thank You for my house where I live. And for teaching me how to give.

Thank You for letting me know I'm loved. And for Your angels in heaven above.

Thank You for my church. Where they teach about You. And for the skys of beautiful blue.

Thank You for making me Just as I'm. For making me healthy and keeping me safe.

Thank You for dying on the cross that day. For teaching me how to pray.

Thank You Jesus for everything. I'm a very lucky child because Your my King.

I love You Jesus with all my heart. So I just wanted to say:THANK YOU JESUS!! © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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