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When Do We...

We push stronger, faster, harder
The standards stack up
We are expected to rise up
Meet every new challenge
We are chosen to lead
But when do we follow
We feel the pressure
Since the day we were born
When did we have our childhood
Every year we are expected
To accomplish more, achieve more
Than ever before
They shuffle us to harder classes
Never letting us digest what we learn
We're just expected to know, not think
We're just expected to move forward
Never look back
Maybe that's why we never learn from the past
We're not supposed to fall
But what happens when we do
You shun and brand us
"She couldn't make it. She's not smart. She can't be embraced."
Society pushes and pushes
We're supposed to go and go
When do we stop
When do we learn
When do we look beyond the fog
When do we become loved
For who we are
Not what we can do