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My Mask

Many a mask I wear
It’s how the world shall see me
Throughout each day, it’s how I will be
The inside, never given much care

My smile, my laugh, my happy face
It’s all for me to hide
Hide the real me inside
The world does not see the leather, only the lace

My frown, my tears, my pain
That’s what I am
Welled up, a smile for a dam
So that to all I may appear sane

My mask is there so I can control
How I am perceived every day
Helps me keep those emotions at bay
Keeping that mask on remains my goal

If the day comes where the mask falls
The end would draw near
The dam pours my tears
And the world will hear my call

The mask allows me to bend
The mask keeps me on top
The only way for that mask to drop
Is only if I had met my final end