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No One Can...

"Erin, Erin! She's are man!
If she can't do it,
No one can!"
And so are the words
That repeat through my mind
Day in and Day out
"If she can't do it,
No one can"
The standards have been set
I have to perform
To please everyone
"Erin, Erin! She's are man"
All my life people depend on me
To do everything right
To never be bad or get unhappy
The echo of the cheer
Rings through many ears
The weight of the world
Seems to be placed on our shoulders
One slip, we fall
We accept the challenge
Even rise to the challenge
But when do we relax
When are we allowed to be ourselves
When do we become happy
And why is it our fault
That we suddenly may fall
Could it be that the pressure
Sometimes get the best of us
Come on now! Sometimes we just want to know
That we are loved!
"Erin, Erin! She's are man!
If she can't do it,
No one can"...