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If I could just ask that question
I may be alright
But all I can do is sigh

I just want to know
I need the closure in my life
I don't want the burden
And I want the loneliness to go

He's hurt me beyond words
He put a cloud over my heart
And hesitation in my mind
He's shattered part of my world

Is there an end?
Can my unhappiness end
Or had it just begun
Forever, I cannot bend

Heaven help me
As I cry out in pain
For once, I'm starting to believe
But I still cannot see

I want my past to be gone
It hurts me to remember
And it hurts me to forget
I wish I could sing another song

For now I will just weld the hope inside of me
Waiting patiently for the clouds
To go away, while I sit and wait
And hold my heart, inside of me