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These vitamins and minerals can also play a crucial role in maintaining the immune system:

Beta-Carotene (5,000-10,000IU or 100milligrams) not Vitamin A

Buy only beta carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A- not vitamin A itself. Beta carotene is found natually in yellow and dark green vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, yellow corn, kale, beet greens, tomatoes, broccoli, asparagus, spinach , turnip greens and orange-coloured fruit such ascantaloupe melons, mango, papaya, dried apricots, nectarines, prunes, tangerines.

When the body needs Vitamin A, it can convert beta-carotene to vitamin A. this means beta-carotene is a safe-storage form of potential vitamin A and is a safe supplement. (Beta-carotene can become vitamin A on demand) It is known to be an immune system stabilizer. The beta-carotene in the thymus regulates and enhances the normal development of the vital T-cells and aids the kidneys in filtrating and removing immunological debris from the blood. A powerful antioxidant that reverses some pre-cancerous conditions, particularly those affecting the skin, lungs, mouth, throat, stomach and colon.

Vitamin A can be toxic if taken in large amounts over a period of time, it may cause blurred vision, loss of hair, enlargement of the liver and spleen or birth defects. Example, liver, cod-liver oil, egg yolks, full-fat dairy produce, herring, mackerel. Beta-carotene does not have this problem even at high levels. It the ideal vitamin A supplements.

Beta-carotene may have more potent antioxidant activity for breast cancer when compared to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is water-soluble and non-toxic, it is best to use a good-quality natural beta-carotene and to use it with other synergistic antioxidant nutrients.

Vitamin E (500-1200IU or 100 milligrams)

Be sure you select an all-natural vitamin E called "d-alpha tocopherol" or "d-alpha tocopheryl". Your supplement should contain all the known members of the vitamin E family (alpha, beta, gamma and tocotrienols). Always choose a natural vitamin E that contains selenium and vitamin C. The two works synergistically. Vitamin C is water-soluble protector (antioxidant), and vitamin E is the fat-soluble protector. As our cells are made of both fat and water, so our toxic environment is also made up of both water-soluble and fat-soluble toxins. Therefore, we need the protection both these nutrients can give. Vitamin E stimulates antibody production and speed up T-cells reactions. It protects the fat in the cell membranes from free radical attack and damage. This discourages the formation of abnormal cells.

Vitamin C (500-1,000 milligrams-time released or don't take it all at once)

Vitamin C disarms many harmful chemicals found in our environment. For example, nitrates found in food products such as cured meats, cigarette smoke and some drinking water are changed in our bodies to a deadly carcinogen called nitrosamines. Vitamin C blocks this deadly chemical in our bodies. It also blocks numerous chemical carcinogens like benzopyrene and organochlorine pesticides such as DDT, dieldrin and lindane. It helps the thymus make T-cells and stimulates other whites blood cells to kill bacteria.

Excess intakes of Vitamin C can causes gastric and urinary tract disorders.
There is some possible concern that vitamin C may increase the risk of toxicity of the chemotherapy drug Methotrexate as vitamin C is an organic acid which may inhibit secretion from the kidneys at high doses. It is advised not to take high doses of vitamin C either twelve hours before, or twelve hours after, Methotrexate administration. Food sources: Citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwi fruit, green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard, kale, Brussels sprouts), parsley, sweet peppers, potatoes (especially new potatoes), sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, turnips, cantaloupe melons, liver, currants, cauliflower, sprouted seeds and beads.

Vitamin B complex

They play an indirect role in the immune system by helping to supply much needed power to this energetic system. Some of the B vitamin does play a direct role in the immune system. They are thiamine, B6, riboflavin, B12, folic acid and pantothenic acid. It increases antibody response, keeps the thymus active, spleen and other lymphatic controllers in good health. Maintains body's bacterial destruction abilities and keeps cellular immune responses efficient. Indirectly helps control blood histamine levels. Acts as a cofactor aiding many other nutrients in keeping the system normal and in balance. The complex is water-soluble, and need a constant replenishment.

Food sources: Whole grains, oatmeal, brewer's, brown rice, legumes. Dried yeast, liver dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, crude molasses, yogurt, lecithin. Fish and meat are good sources of B6 and B12. Deficiency of B vitamins impairs immune function. Choline helps detoxification by eliminating toxins and drugs from the liver. Folic acid can interrupt Methotrexate activity ( consult with your oncologist). Avoid folic acid supplementation during chemotherapy, restoring the levels after treatment.

Copper (1.5 milligrams)

Copper is needed to utilize the iron. Low levels of copper can cause the T-cells to be weak and not respond normally. This mineral is a T-cell regulator. Copper is also a component of an enzyme system called SOD (superoxide dismutase). Copper bracelets have a reputation in folk medicine for reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. The copper in the bracelets was probably absorbed through the skin and sent to the enzyme systems. Copper/zinc SOD is a good anti-inflammatory.

Iron (10 milligrams)

This mineral affects lymph nodes, energizes T-cells and is essential for chemical reactions by which white blood cells kill bacteria. The key function of iron is to enable the immune system to recognize foreign invaders. Remember when once your levels are normal, additional iron does not need.
Excess iron depresses the immune system response and can hinder zinc absorption. Supplemented iron should be avoided if you have been diagnosed with cancer, as iron has been shown in research to increase tumour growth.

Zinc (15 milligrams of zinc gluconate)

A shortage of zinc cause the thymus gland to shrink and produce fewer, more poorly formed T-cells. Zinc is a key ingredient in thymulin. Without this hormone our thymus gland cannot make mature T-cells. Zinc supplementation slows the growth of tumor cells. Selenium and zinc together, improved T-cell responses. It maintains proper insulin activity, involved in building proteins, needed for normal wound healing and used to maintain vitamin A at normal levels. It is a natural antihistamine.
Excess zinc can cause copper deficiency and affect blood cholesterol levels. These are the most important, but by no means the only, nutrients that are vitals to a normally functioning immune system. The only other nutrient that should be emphasized is water, without which blood vessels slow down; lymphatic fluid thickens, resulting in the immune system losing the effectiveness of its method of transportation around the body.
Boosting our immune system is the main means for us to protect our cells from damaging invaders. Without our immune system standing guard over every cell in our body, microscopic invaders would soon overrun and destroy them. So take steps to build a strong immune system.

Selenium (50 milligrams)

Selenium alone speeds the production of antibodies and a mild anti-inflammatory. It works with vitamin E to make vitamin E much more effective in the body. A good ratio is 10milligrams of selenium for every 400IU of vitamin E. It also increases the ability of the macrophages and related cells to kill bacteria and tumors. This mineral is a very potent anti-cancer agent. Glutathione peroxidase is in every cell in the body, but the liver contains extremely high amounts. The liver is our main detoxification organ, and it needs these systems to do its job properly. It neutralizes peroxides that attack fatty portions of our tissues.

Magnesium (300milligrams)

Low magnesium levels tend to reduce the antibody output of the B-cell family. It also regulates vitamin C and calcium metabolism, so a low level could affect the efficiency of these two nutrients.
Excess phosphorus can bind magnesium and zinc making them unavailable for proper absorption. Use magnesium as a supplement combined with calcium.

Garlic (take enough to equal two bulbs a day)

Garlic tends to normalize and stabilize the immune system to function efficiently. It enhances the actions of the macrophages and T-cells. It especially makes the macrophages more aggressive. It makes the T-killer cells more active. They are the cells that destroy cancerous cells and cells sick with virus attacks.
Add garlic supplement to your daily nutrient intake. The best on the market are making by a temperature-controlled process that results in an odor-controlled produce.

Echinacea (lymph cleanser)

Echinacea is quite an amazing herb for the immune system. It promotes general cellular immunity, stimulates the T-killer cells and fights candida and increases the phagocytic power (eating ability) of the macrophages (scavenger cells). These are cells that eat (phygocytize) bacteria, virus particles, damaged cells, cancer cells and cell debris. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and normalizes antibody (immunoglobin) and other chemical portions of the immune system.
This herb is to be used, as needed, average dose is around 300 milligrams in tea 2 times a day for 7 days on and 4 days off. It is best taken for courses of two months and then not taken for a couple of months before restarting. Taking it continuously create a 'resistance' to its therapeutic effects. A good product will contain both the Echinacea angstifolia and the Echinacea purpurea forms. It work best for illnesses that come and go and not deep-seated or chronic. (E.g. Colds and Flu) Echinacea raises white blood cell counts and increases resistance, as well as stimulating natural killer cells. It is anti-microbial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and has an anti-viral effect.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)(90 milligrams with meals 3 times a day)

GLA is an essential fatty acid (EFA). "Essential" means our bodies cannot make them, so we must get them from foods.GLA is supposed to be made from the vegetable oils in our diets. The problem is that because they are all processed, GLA cannot be made adequately. Therefore, purchasing unprocessed oils or taking a supplement is an absolute necessity.
One of the deadliest steps in cancer is metastasis, or spreading of cancer cells to other. GLA has been shown to prevent this spread in some cancers by increasing the strength of a cellular "glue" called E-cadherin. This substance holds cells tightly to one another and prevents the cells from breaking loose and spreading.

Shiitake and Maitake Mushrooms

An experimental medicine called Lentinan has been made from shitake mushrooms and used in treating advanced cancer patients. It increases numbers of macrophages, T-killer cells and T-helper cells, and prolongs the lives of some cancer patients. Eat shitahe mushrooms daily(at least twice weekly) for a month follwed by a seven-day break.

Reishi mushrooms (Ling-zhi)

It possess anti-tumor activities (inhibits the groeth of some malignant tumors),free-radical scavenging(anti-oxidant) , immunostimulat(improves immune function) and liver-protective properties(protects against liver toxins).

Chinese Ginseng

Essence: Neutral
Meridians: Enters the spleen, lung and heart meridians
Effects: Increases vital energy; tones the spleen and lung, promotes production of blood and body fluids; calms the spirit and improves mental power
Indications: Depleted vital energy (Qi) which can produce symptoms such as shortness of breath, listlessness, weak pulse (especially after severe or prolonged illness); a large loss of blood; digestive disturbances such as loss of appetite, diarrhea; lung problems; loss of body fluids; heart problems; insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, irritability
Note: TCM does not recommend taking ginseng for the common cold


Licorice Root-
Very good detoxifier, biochemical balancer, mild laxative.

Burdock Root-
Skin and blood cleanser, improves liver function, anti-bacterial and antifungal.

Parsley Leaf- diuretic, good kidney flush

(Huang Qi in Chinese- one 225mg capsule 2 to 3 times daily)

The Chinese value Astragalus as an immune enhancer and as a tonic. It also helps to support the immune system during chemotherapy and to reduce some of the side effects including poor appetite, hair loss and depression. It also has been shown to be effective at protecting the liver against damage from chemotherapy, as well as improving immune function in cancer patients.

Essence: Warm
Meridians: Enters the spleen and lung meridians
Effects: Strengthens the immune system; boosts vital energy (Qi); diuretic; disperses swelling; detoxifies
Indications: Deficiency of vital energy (Qi), manifesting as symptoms of increased susceptibility to colds and flu, numbness in extremities, spontaneous sweating, uterine bleeding, blood in stool; spleen function problems such as poor appetite, loose stool, lethargy; prolapse of organs; skin problems and infections; diabetes


Green Tea
It contain anti-oxidants, bioflavonoids, tannins and indoles.

Is a digestive tonic,stimulates circulation and sweating. Ginger is a stimulant with antioxidant, pain relieving, muscle relaxing, detoxifying, and bactericidal properties. Ginger drink can ease menstrual problems. relieve nausea and motion sickness, arthritic, rheumatic,'gas' (wind) and muscluar pain.


Angelica Root
Essence: Warm
Meridians: Enters the liver, heart, and spleen meridians
Effects: Tones the blood (build Tcells), increases blood circulation, relieves pain; moistens the bowels; regulates menstruation
Indications: A condition of blood deficiency (such as after surgery, cancer treatment; often seen with symptoms of pale lips and tongue, sallow complexion, dizzyness, palpitations); irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding; various pains due to stagnation of blood, rheumatic joint pain, impact injuries; constipation; skin infections, sores, carbuncles, boils.
Note: Angelica root stir-fried with wine increases its properties of promoting menstrual flow and increasing blood circulation

Notoginseng Root (Tianqi)
Essence: Warm
Meridians: Enters the liver and stomach meridians
Effects: Can increase blood flow (circulation) and stop bleeding; helps the function of the heart and liver; increases vital energy without the side effects associated with various types of ginseng; relieves insomnia, palpitations; relieves pain; reduces swelling, inflamtion, masses, tumors
Indications: Various types of internal and external bleeding; heart disease (such as angina pectoris); sport injuries; breast masses, tumors, other types of masses and tumors

Research has shown that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, is even more effective than beta-carotene in preventing the development of cancer and protects the liver against the damage of toxins. It inhibits abnormal blood clotting. It inproves digestion, prevents and heals gastric ulcers. (My mixture:5 tbsps turmeric juices+5 tbsps warm water+1 tbsp lime juices+ suger to sweeten.)

Milk Thistle (silymarin)
This herb provides potent antioxidants, which are specific to the liver, the organ of detoxification. It helps liver cells to repair and regenerate themselves after they have been damaged, and contain flavones which protects liver cell against lipid peroxidation damage. As milk thistle is immensely useful as a liver support it can be beneficial to all people on chemotherapy.

Optimal nutrition will give you the best chance for an optimal immune response and maximum resistance to disease.

Corn Silk
Essence: Neutral
Meridians: Enters the liver, gall bladder, stomach, and urinary bladder meridians
Effects: Relieves water, dampness and heat in the body; helps gall bladder to pass stones; helps digestion system function well, particularly stomach and liver problems
Indications: Edema and swelling in the body; excess internal heat, gall stones; digestive disturbances such as diarrhea, belching, nausea

Corn Silk Tea

Save the silk from ears of corn and dry it. Take a handful of corn silk (about 20g) and boil in 3 cups of water until the liquid has been reduced by half. Drink tea while it is hot.



Spirulina with organic sulphur (MSM), vitamin C powder, and organic cayenne. I also add nutritional yeast, Barleygreen, beet powder, and kelp.

During crisis
Up to nine garlic cloves (raw) a day. I put in a small food processor with parsley, lemon, and a little sea salt to cut down on smell and make it palatable. Otherwise, two cloves a day when I think of it.

Coenzyme Q 10 - 100 mg once a day (expensive!)
Vit. D-3 - 800 IU a day. 1200 during crises.
Vit. C - 2000 mg
Vit E - 800 IU
Selenium - 250 mcg.
Melatonin - 3 mg.
Colloidal minerals - One tablespoon three times a week

With any herb, it's good to take a break from them one or two days every two to three weeks. When crisis has passed, it's not a bad idea to go nearly a week or to scale down.

Every Sunday is my herb-free day, with an occasional long weekend thrown in. When I first started, though, I went for a straight six weeks with no days off. When my diagnosis came back clear, my herbalist suggested that I begin to take an occasional day off to give my body a rest.

Cleansing Stuff

During crisis:one enemas a day, some with strong black coffee (cooled down of course!) Or use Herbal laxative


Gall Bladder Flushes

When the liver has been stagnant for a long time, sediments form in the gall bladder, according to some natural health writers, and that's the time to do a home gall bladder flush.

Gall Bladder Physiology
The gall bladder is a hollow inactive organ supplying bile to the digestive tract which is mainly used to emulsify fats and oils. According to some natural health experts who believe in gall bladder flushes, the gall bladder can be damaged by
Excessive amounts of fat and oil;
large amounts of spice;
very cold liquids;
cold dairy products
planning and thinking ahead all the time

These same writers say the gall bladder can be protected by
good quality vinegar.

According to these writers, gall bladder problems (thus suggesting the need for a gall bladder flush) are often found in people who are

constantly planning
hypersensitive to drafts
hypersensitive to noises
hypersensitive to strong smells.
When the liver is constantly stagnant, sediment often settles out of the bile and forms accumulations that resemble stones, sand or mud in the gall bladder.

Symptoms of sediment in the gall bladder:
periodic pain below the right side of the rib cage
tension in the back of the shoulder near the neck
bitter taste in the mouth
chest pain.


5-Day Gall Bladder Flush

This is a milder, slightly less effective variation of the one-day flush. Consume apples and radishes for five days. For five consecutive days, take two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of lemon juice on an empty stomach one time a day.

Gradual Gall Bladder Cleanse
This cleanse takes 21 days and is slower and gentler on the body. This is the one often recommended for those unsure of how much sediment or stones they may have. Cleansing two or three times a year ensures a healthy gall bladder.

During the cleanse, avoid all foods high in fat, meats, dairy, eggs. Eat unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to help clear the gallbladder.

These foods hasten gallstone removal:

and the spice turmeric

Radish also remove stones, so, for the entire 21 days eat 1-2 radishes a day between meals and drink three cups of cleavers tea or five cups of chamomile tea a day.

For every 160 pounds of body weight use five teaspoons of cold-pressed flax seed oil. Pour the flax oil over your food during one meal of the day or divide into half and use on two meals. Take the flax oil six days a week for two months.

How to Take a Ginger Bath

If you want a real treat, try a ginger bath. It is marvelous!

I like to take one before going to bed once or twice a week. I sleep so incredibly well. I always do, but the ginger bath cleanses the body (internally as well as externally) and relaxes you. I wake up feeling so relaxed and so great.

To take a ginger bath, put approximately 1/8 C. of ginger (either grated or powder from the supermarket) under the running tap. Run pretty warm water in at first and get in the tub. Once in the tub, let enough hot water run in to make the water pretty hot. Lie back and relax or read for about 40 minutes.

When I'm not going to read, I like to light a candle and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. Lot of times I like to take advantage of the 40-minutes to read.

After about 20 minutes, you begin to sweat.

After the 40 minutes or so, get out of the tub, wrap up in a large towel or sheet and crawl into the bed and cover up with your bedcovers. You will usually sweat for approximate an hour.

This method really helps sweat toxins out of your body.