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My Hubby

This page is in honor of my husband.
We have been together since 1969,
and we have been married since 1979.
His name is Tan. He is my best friend, my buddy
and my love .
We have been through some wonderful times
during our life together.
But along with the good, comes the bad, also.
My hubby and I have had our share of ups and downs

in our marriage,
but we figure we have already faced
the very worst thing that can happen to us.
Everything else is pretty much trivial.
I love him with all of my heart.
He is my strength..

His Hobbies are diving,
and boating.
Thank you for visiting.

To my husband...

I'm Just A Woman
A woman needs to be assured.
In each and every way,
She needs a lot of understanding
when she's feeling somewhat down.
She needs for you to make her smile,
and take away her frown.

A woman's heart is fragile.
Her feelings are that way too,
Times she feels so sad inside,
not knowing what to do.
It's hard to be a woman,
misunderstood in many ways.
Sometimes all it takes to help,
Is a loving word, to make her day.

She needs to know… she's the one.
That's the center of your heart.
So, please listen when I need to talk.
Please kiss away my tears,
Let me share my worries with you,
and help me face my fears.

You see, I'm just a woman.
If we learn how to listen,
and share our feelings,
we will soon discover,
that our love has grown stronger.

You mean more to me,
than you will ever know,
Your strength and wisdom,
I admire so,
Your heart is so giving, and free,
You were my strength
when I was hopeless and low,
Your commitment to us,
has opened up the door,
You have taught me to look within,

If you cared . . .
You'll allow me inside of you
You'll tell me your hopes, your dreams,
your fears, your hurts
You'll tell me where you'll blown it
and where you've made it.
You'll laugh with me, but not at me
You'll talk with me, and not to me;
And you'll know when it's time to do neither.
You'll love me anyhow,
But you've ask for the best that I can give
And gently draw it from me.

If you love me, Love me now,
while I can know the sweet and tender feelings,
while I am living. Do not wait until I'm gone.
And then have it chiseled in marble,
Sweet words on ice-cold stone.

If you have tender thoughts of me,
Please tell me now.
If you wait until I'm sleeping,
never to awaken.
There will be death between us,
and I won't hear you then.
So, if you love me, even a little bit,
let me know it while I am living.
So I can treasure it.

I'll always remember the love we once shared,
Of the days spent together and how much we cared,
Of your loving arms that once held me so near,
I thought that our love was so steadfast and strong
It's hard to believe that I could be so wrong
I can remember all of these things
It was back then I could hear my heart sing
As I sit here I remember it all
That sweet feeling of love I recall
So today,
I tell you this, that I am ready to move on,
And grow the love that we share,
Our love is dawning on the horizon.

Thank you for being all you are.
In good times and in bad.
In times when we would fight, dear...
But, always make up and be glad.
I guess you know that.

Thank You, For Times We've Shared,
For Memories We've Had
For Accepting Me The Way I Am,
For Listening When You Didn't Understand
Or Agree
For Forgiveness, For Making Me Feel Special
For Your Sacrifice