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Why eat fruits?

Fruits have a number of qualities and positive effects to healthy eating. CLEANSING: Its serves to clean out our systems, by flushing our cells, bathing our tissues and stimulating the working of our metabolic processes.
SATISFYING: Its includes glucose from carbohydrates for energy and vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids for the building of protein, also satisfy our sweet tooth with their natural sugars.
ENERGIZING: Its is the only food that gives energy without taking it. Its natural sugars give our bodies energy without any digestive energy from our bodies. Ripe, whole fruits and freshly make fruit juices (not bottled or frozen) are loaded with their own digestive enzymes which go to work quickly in our stomachs. Within thirty minutes or so, the nutrients in fruit have been released into the intestines for absorption.
One rule about consuming fruit that must be followed is eating only on an empty stomach. Fruit passes through the stomach so quickly that if it is held up by slower digesting foods, it begins to ferment. Fruit is a great between-meal snack or as a breakfast drinks.

FRUITS (Eat fruit about one to two hours after a meal, or on an empty stomach). Fruits are generally more cooling than vegetables because of their water content. Try to eat fresh, local or seasonal fruits as much as possible. When fruit eaten in excess, some fruits- such as clementine, mandarin orange, orange and lychee- can give damp heat in Chinese medicine. Damp heat tends to affect liver, gall bladder, bladder, large and small intestines and the urino-genital systems. Symptoms include pain, burning sensations, heat and dampness in the genital area, infections, foul odour and a general feeling of heaviness in the body. People with damp heat can develop hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, cystitis, pelvic inflammation, ulcerative colitis, leucorrhoea, prostatitis, etc.
When cooling fruits eaten in excess may give a condition called 'wind'. In Chinese medicine, wind can cause symptoms like tremors, convulsions, shaking, spasms and pains that travel from place to place. The Chinese believe that epilepsy, arthritis and rheumatism can be aggravated by an excessive consumption of certain cooling fruits.

Rock melon (cantaloupe- cooling) is rich in calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, plus it has vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C. It also is a good 'flusher' of waste from the body. Best not to mix any fruit with melons (taste great on it own). Good if there is fever, high blood pressure, disorder of kidney and bladder, abdominal and stomach gas.

Banana (cooling) rich in potassium and an alkaline forming food, bananas contain all 6 essential vitamins. Benefits for stomach ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, and for general energy. The inner surface of the banana skin may be applied directly to burns or boils for healing effect. Overconsumption can create wind in the body. An excellent food, try a banana smoothie by blending 1 large banana with ice cold soy milk- its delicious. But Bananas are not suitable for people who suffer from catarrh, mucus, phlegm or sputum. People with weak constitutions, cooled systems, arthritis or rheumatism and menstrual pains.

Red apple (neutral), while green tends to have more cooling energies contains many of the essential minerals and vitamins strengthen the blood we need. Apples contain malic and tartaric acids, which help to prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion. Apples eaten with peel (contain pectin) are good for constipation, promote digestion, lubricate the lungs and relieve intoxication. The pectin helps to prevent protein matter in the intestines from spoiling.

Green grapes (neutral), but red or black are more warming. It can help in reducing blood acid levels, can assist with lowering blood pressure, anemic, promotes urination, assisting the liver and in the easing of arthritic pain. Grapes are high in potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins A, B, & C, and iron. Grapes are unsuitable for people who suffer from loose stools and diarrhea. This alkaline fruit helps to decrease the acid of the uric acid and lends itself further in aiding the elimination of the acid from the system, thus benefiting the kidneys. Excessive quantities of grapes may decrease appetite.

Sweet, ripe strawberries (warming) and sour strawberries are less warming is wonderful in a fruit salad- both in colour and nutritional value- but wash them well before eating. Strawberries are high in vitamin C and potassium, phosphorous and calcium. They are said to help motion sickness, abundant urination, for a sluggish liver, gout, high blood pressure and catarrh. Cut strawberry in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums to remove tartar from the teeth and strengthen and heal the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible.

Kiwi Fruit contain high levels of vitamin C plus essential elements such as magnesium and high in potassium, niacin and vitamin E. Contain wonderful enzymes that soothe the stomach. Eating several kiwifruits following a heavy meal will help relive a bloated feeling, heartburn or acid indigestion. Drink Kiwifruit juice as a food digestant.

Pears (cooling) are good in cases of lung heat where the symptoms are dry hacking cough, dry throat, dry mouth, and loss of voice and sometimes-coughed up blood with yellow-green sputum stomach heat which cause bad breath, mouth ulcers and pain (after eating oily, deep-fried and spicy foods). Try for other symptoms such as constipation with hard, dry stools, poor digestion, high blood pressure, inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis), deficiency in alkalinity of the body (acidosis), skin conditions (pimples, acne, boils ulcers), scanty urination and heating feeling.
Fruit Tonic for Weak Constitutions: - Soothing and strengthening tonic for delicate digestive systems, an aid for anemic conditions, and a speedy recovery from serious illness or major surgery. Remove inner cores from several ripe pears and quinces before cutting them up and inserting into a food blender with about 3 cups of carrot juice. Mix for several minutes on medium speed. Makes a delicious tonic drink when taken in the morning and evening. Chill before drinking.

Plums (sweet-neutral, sour-cooling) are good for people with sluggish livers (according to Chinese medicine) who, have difficulty in getting out of bed in the mornings or take a long time to get adjusted to new situations and environments. Also good for constipation - outstanding laxative for moving bowels, piles (hemorrhoids), poor digestion and abdominal gas. Plums and prunes (dried plums) are known to contain oxalic acid, a substance of benefit to the body in its natural state. When food in which oxalic acid exists is boiled, the acid destroys the calcium supply in the body. So both the plum and prune should be eaten in the natural state, without any cooking. Plum is not recommended for people with weak stomachs, ulcers, and acute or chronic gastroenteritis.

Raspberries (warm)
Raspberries are good for the congested liver, kidney tonic to control urination, dizziness due to motion sickness, destroying body worms, relieving menstrual cramps, removing excess fat of the body and blurred vision due to a condition called deficient liver blood in Chinese medicine. Dry green (unripe) raspberry is an important Chinese herb with a neutral energy and sweet-sour flavour. The tea is effective for diarrhea. Raspberries are unsuitable for people with scanty, dark urine.

Apricots (warming)
Sweet, ripe apricots are warming; sour ones are less warming. Both are good for the lungs. High in iron content and rich in minerals. This fruit beneficial in cases of anemia, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh and toxemia or blood impurities. Reports indicate that it will help in constipation, remove gallstones and will destroy intestinal worms. They are unsuitable for those with spots, boils, eczema, psoriasis, other skin infections or lung heat symptoms.

Cherries (warming)
Ripe, sweet, red or black cherries are warming, while sour cherries are less warming. Great for gout cure (1 tbsp. 3 time's daily- juices) and arthritis. Cherry teas relieve sinus congestion, common cold and hacking cough. Cherries are not recommended for people suffering from vomiting and with internal heat because they generate heat in the body. Therefore, cherries are recommended for the cold type of arthritis and rheumatism.

Peaches (warming)
Peaches are said to help people with lung problems, anemia, constipation, and high blood pressure, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach). Also nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), acidosis (deficiency of alkalinity in the body), bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes), asthma, difficult digestion and for bladder and kidney stones, and also helpful in removal of worms from the intestinal tract.

Strawberries (warming)
Sweet, ripe strawberries are warming and sour strawberries are less warming. It helps motion sickness and abundant urination, lubricates the lungs, strengthens spleen and cleans or rid the blood of harmful toxins. Strawberries have been recommended for sluggish liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure, catarrh and skin cancer. Cut strawberry in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, to remove tartar from the teeth and strengthen and heal the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible in order to dissolve the tartar. Then rinsed with warm water.

Grapefruit(cooling) has been an aid in removal or dissolving of inorganic calcium which may have formed in the cartilage of the joints, as in arthritis as a result of an excessive consumption of devitalized white flour products. Fresh grapefruit contains organic salicylic acid, which aids in dissolving such inorganic calcium in the body. Both grapefruit and tea have cooling energies should not consume together. It has a natural antiseptic for wounds when used externally, and indicated in cases of obesity, sluggish liver, gall stones, catarrh, fevers, pneumonia, poor digestion, poor complexion and valuable as a drug-poison eliminator. It is best eaten uncooked, either alone or added to a fruit salad. Can be juiced and drunk alone or combined with orange or pineapple juice.
The rinds of the grapefruit should be grated, cut and dried and saved for later use. Made tea, steep some peel in a cup of hot water and drink like tea, 3 times a day, to alleviate abdominal swelling and pain and diarrhea caused by indigestion in children. You can consider rinsing your produce with grapefruit seed extract. It potency as a bactericide and fungicide will. For home rinsing, add 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to each gallon of water.
Grapefruits are unsuitable for people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems, who suffer from aches and pains (because sour, cooling foods can aggravate the condition), pregnant women, women who suffer from menstrual pains.

Lemons (cooling)
The rind contains oil of lemon. The juice has citric acid.
Pure lemon juice diluted with mineral water and sweetened with barley malt extract is a nice cooling drink for anyone with an overheated blood system. The vitamin C helps cool the body. As a natural antiseptic, the juice of the lemon will destroy harmful bacteria found in cuts and other areas of infection. It will also help in removal of tan spots on the body, such as freckles, serving as bleach. Lemons are unsuitable for:
People with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems and tendencies towards them.
People who suffer from aches and pains.
Women who suffer from menstrual pains.
People with gastric or duodenal ulcers and excessive gastric acid.

Mandarins Orange (cooling)
When taken in small doses, mandarins are good for the digestion, However, they may create damp heat and phlegm if taken in large quantities, especially in people prone to catarrh, mucus, phlegm and sputum. Not suitable for:
People with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems.
People who suffer from or are prone to catarrh, mucus, phlegm and sputum.

Oranges (cooling)

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Good for people with overheated blood systems, but not those who suffer from or are prone to catarrh, mucus, phlegm or sputum. Sour oranges are not suitable for those who suffer from aches and pains as sour, cooling foods can aggravate the pain by contracting the tendons and muscles. Women who suffer from menstrual pains should also stay away from oranges, especially between ovulation and the last day of the period.

Persimmons (cooling)

In China, persimmons are eaten on hot summer days to cool down the body. They are used to treat constipation with hard, dry stools, dry hacking coughs accompanied a dry throat and mouth, and high blood pressure, especially in people with overheated blood systems. It lubricates the lungs, strengthens the spleen and affects the heart, lungs and large intestine.
The unripe green fruit has a high percentage of tannic and malic acid. The preferred way of drinking is to cut a few persimmons into small pieces, then poured a cup of hot water over the fruits and allowed to steep for several minutes. Used to aid sore throats.
Not suitable for:
People with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems.
Women who suffer from menstrual pains.

Dates (neutral)

Dates are a highly concentrated and nourishing food, and easily digested as well. Valuable for cases of anemia, low blood pressure, stomach ulcers, piles, colitis, tuberculosis, sexual impotency and nervous conditions. Is one of the richest in naturally healthful carbohydrates. A valuable substitute for candy and not acid-forming. Do not eat them daily, or you may gain unnecessary weight. Dates are unsuitable for people who suffer from or prone to catarrh, mucus, phlegm and sputum.

Figs (neutral)

Figs are rich in Fibre, beneficial for constipation, stew them in water to increase their cooling energies and to remedy constipation with hard, dry stools and also beneficial for sore throats, coughs and ulcers in the digestive system. It is also helpful in cases of Ryanaud's disease, where there is suspended animation of the arms and legs, apparently resulting from poor circulation.
Not suitable for people who suffer from loose stools and diarrhea.

Lychees (warming)

There are no health benefits of lychees. Too many lychees can create damp heat in the body. Unsuitable for people with overheated blood systems.

Longan (warming)

They are suitable for people suffering from anemia and hair loss due to anemia. Overconsumption of Longans can overheat the body. Its not suitable for people with overheated blood systems and those who prone to catarrh, mucus, phlegm or sputum.

Bananas (cooling)

This cooling fruit is for people suffering from heat-caused constipation with hard, dry stools, piles or bleeding piles. Pisang hijau is the coolest variety. Pisang raja and Pisang emas are slightly less cooling. Overconsumption can create wind in the body.
Eat 1 to 2 soft bananas twice/three a day before bedtime and first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to relieve constipation, thirst in a hot disease. An experiment on animals shows unripe banana is effective in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers. Reports also indicate that the inner surface of the banana skin may be applied directly to burns or boils for the healing effect.
Not suitable for people who suffer from catarrh, mucus, phlegm or sputum. Also people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems, arthritis or rheumatism and women who suffer from menstrual pains.
To make bananas less cooling: Should bake, grill or barbecues in its own skin. Mash and bake with one of these hot spices: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise or caraway seeds.

Ciku (cooling)

Not suitable for people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems, asthmatics and those whose suffer from catarrh, mucus, phlegm or sputum.

Coconuts (cooling)

Fresh coconut meat and juice are sweet and cooling for hot sunny days. Consume coconut meat and juice once a day, first in the morning on the empty stomach for 3 consecutive days, to relieve tapeworm and fasciolopsiasis. Overconsumption can cause wind in the body. Not suitable for people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems, people with arthritis, rheumatism and epileptics. Also from women who suffer from menstrual pains.

Custard Apples (cooling)

This fruit with its green, scaly skin, white flesh and black seeds is not as cooling as other fruits so it can be taken by anyone in small quantities (e.g. one small fruit per sitting), and not on a daily basis.

Jackfruit/Nangka (cooling)

This highly aromatic fruit is usually sold in sections because the whole fruit is too large. Take jackfruit only in very small quantities (e.g. not more than two or three seeds per sitting), and not on a daily basis. It may be eaten raw or sliced into a salad with other fruits and vegetables. Overconsumption can cause wind in the body. It is unsuitable for people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems, people who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism and epileptics. Also people with aches and pains, especially when the pain travels from place to place.


Malay Apples/Jambu merah (cooling)

These light, airy, red fruits should be eaten in small quantities, e.g. five to six small ones at one sitting, but not on a daily basis.

Mangosteens (cooling)

Mangosteens should always be eaten with durians because their cooling properties balance the heating properties of the durian. Durains and mangosteens are in season at the same time. Those with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems should not eat more than three mangosteens without having at least one durian seed.

Pineapples (cooling)

Pineapples contain papain, which aids digestion and chlorine, valuable for digestion of proteins. Bromelain in pineapple has been used to heal various types of inflammation, edema and thrombus. Pineapple is very cooling and acidic and can be unhealthy if eaten in excess. In Singapore, ripe pineapple are peeled, and soaked in a sprinkling of sea-salt for 1 hour to neutralise their acidity and make it less cooling. Over consumption can cause damp heat in the body. It is not suitable for people with: weak constitutions; cooled blood systems, with stomach or duodenal ulcers and with arthritis or rheumatism, and those with aches and pains, also women with menstrual pains and pregnant women.

Pomeloes (cooling)
These fruit is high in fibre and good for heat-caused constipation with hard, dry stools. Pomelo is not as cooling as banana so people with weak constitutions or cooled blood systems can occasional eat a slice or two.

Star Fruit (cooling)

These fruits help to lower blood pressure in people with overheated blood systems. Not suitable for people with weak constitutions, cooled blood systems.

Water Apples (cooling)

Do not eat them on a daily basis or do not have more than six fruits in one sitting.

Watermelons (cooling)

Good for people whom suffer from spots, acne, boils, thirst, heat-caused constipation with hard, dry stools and scanty dark urine, you can have watermelon until the condition clears.

Papayas (neutral)

Papayas are good for constipation and digestion because they contain an enzyme called papain found in the white sap on the skin.

Guavas (neutral)

These fruit have more vitamin C than oranges, but over consumption can cause constipation.

Durians (warming)

The rich sweet creamy flesh is difficult to digest, it can be harmful to people who overindulge themselves. Southeast Asian doctors will tell you the beginning of the durian season is the signals of the 'flu' season. As the durian create heat in the body, which rise body temperature and gives thick yellow nasal discharges.
Mangosteens are supposed to accompany durians, the sour taste from the mangosteen helps the body to digest the warming durians. Plain brown rice congee with raw lettuce also can counteract the effects of the heat durian.
Not suitable for people with strong constitutions, overheated blood systems, with high blood pressure and people with fever, for people with skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, and red rashes. CAUTION: Alcohol must not consume with durians.

Mangoes (warming)

They should be eaten in small quantities only. Overindulgence can cause damp heat. Mangoes are not suitable for people who suffer from or prone to hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, cystitis, prostatitis, leucorrhoea, vaginal infections, pelvic inflammation, skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, spots, pimples, acne and boils.

Rambutans (warming)

Do not eat too much as it can cause damp heat. Unsuitable for people with coughs. The juice will tickle and aggravate the respiratory tract. People who suffer from or prone to hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, cystitis, prostatitis, leucorrhoea, vaginal infections, pelvic inflammation, skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, spots, pimples, acne and boils.

Further reading: Vegetables as medicine- Pelanduk Publications. Chinese system of food cures, Henry C. Lu, -Pelanduk Publications. The art of long life Chinese foods for longevity, Henry C. Lu- Pelanduk Publications.