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Thank you so much William for this poem you made for me....

Oh!!!!what a most beautiful Spiritual Angel you are,
Look!!!you are as radiant as the Morning Star,
Your radiance is so brillant, I can see you from afar,
You are formed by the Loving Creator's hands, such love from the start
The love from your heart emits into it's radiant glow,
Oh look!!!such brilliant colors like a fresh rainbow,
It is evident, contact with your love, one can only grow,
The beautiful spiritual you, is the one I really want to know,
While visiting your web pages, the spiritual you takes me by the hand,
We soar into the skies as you show me your beautiful land,
There are many who will read, yet they will not understand,
You are very special, in fact you are so grand,
You have so much love to give, you are always in demand,
Your visit to my site was a honor and a blessing,
It is evident you are blessed, there is no guessing,
"Beautiful Spiritual Angel"

©William W. Chadsey
February 23, 2003

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