(c) Copyright 2019
Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
All rights reserved
September 10, 2019: Ethnic Hawaiian racist Trisha Watson uses her weekly commentary at Honolulu Civil Beat to proudly claim the Mauna Kea controversy is a vehicle for a revolution to assert racial supremacy in Hawaii.
Sept 13: Leon Siu, who styles himself the ambassador of the continuing independent nation of Hawaii, publishes yet another "Ke Aupuni Update" describing his diplomatic activities at the United Nations in both Geneva and New York as he cultivates relationships in hope that other nations will revisit the 1959 removal of Hawaii from list of non-self-governing territories and will then support independence for Hawaii.
Sept 16: Hawaii Republican Assembly [self-declared conservative wing of Republican Party] sends a warning to its friends and to President Trump, filled with evidence that a high-ranking officer of the Hawaii Republican Party [Vice-Chair for Coordinated Campaigns] is an anti-military leftwing liberal and secessionist.
Sept 30: Leon Siu, who styles himself the ambassador of the continuing independent nation of Hawaii, publishes yet another "Ke Aupuni Update" describing his diplomatic activities at the United Nations in both Geneva and New York "to speak of Peace through Aloha" as he cultivates relationships in hope that other nations will revisit the 1959 removal of Hawaii from list of non-self-governing territories and will then support independence for Hawaii.
October 6, 2019: Longtime Hawaiian sovereignty con artist and scammer Keanu Sai announces he will give a lecture at a university in London on October 15; announcement provides a 57-minute video which includes mention of a new issue of Hawaiian Kingdom government bonds, leading to a webpage describing how the bonds are being sold by mail through a post office box in Honolulu. Sai's technique of selling bonds which can be redeemed only after a secessionist regime has actually won independence is touted as comparable to a similar tactic used by the Republic of Ireland to finance its campaign for independence from Britain a century ago. Of course it's illegal to offer or sell unregistered securities in Hawaii, and also to use the U.S. mail to commit fraud. Will state government bureaucrats finally crack down on him?
Oct 12: Ken Conklin posts Facebook announcement linking to full text of his letter to London associate lecturer warning about Keanu Sai's investment scam and false historical narrative, and providing proofs of what's true.
Oct 14: Leon Siu, who styles himself the ambassador of the continuing independent nation of Hawaii, publishes yet another "Ke Aupuni Update" describing his diplomatic activities at the United Nations in both Geneva and New York as he cultivates relationships in hope that other nations will revisit the 1959 removal of Hawaii from list of non-self-governing territories and will then support independence for Hawaii.
Oct 19: Thoughtful essay by Ken Kudo describes victimhood mentality of ethnic Hawaiian leadership pushing hard to create racial dominance through making constantly increasing demands for reparations and infiltrating government agencies.
Oct 26:
(1) Ethnic Hawaiian racial partisans are beginning to create a new "Aloha 'Aina" political party and place candidates on the ballot in the 2020 election on a platform to increase the (special race-based) rights of ethnic Hawiians;
(2) Yet another of Leon Siu's twice monthly "Ke Aupuni Update"s. This one is the least informative of them all, merely cheering up the readers, saying lots of (undisclosed) things are happening at U.N., and please send money.
Oct 27: Samuel Wilder King II, a Native Hawaiian attorney whose family has a distinguished history in Hawaii, points out that the Mauna Kea protesters present a risk to national security because of the anti-American secessionist underpinning of their movement, the threat their tactics will spread to military training areas, and the bitter rancor generated by their movement which is exactly what the Russians did with their inflammatory social media messages during the 2016 election.
November 11, 2019: Yet another of Leon Siu's twice monthly "Ke Aupuni Update"s. "Mauna Kea has changed things. There has been a paradigm shift; an awakening to a new reality. We are no longer mired in the realm of concepts, intellectual discourse and legal gymnastics. ... it is crucial for us to gain visibility and credibility in the intenational community. For other countries to help us, they have to see physical (not just theoretical) evidence that there is a real nation with real people passionately engaged in freeing ourselves ... The next few months is critical to triggering a breakthrough at the UN."
Nov. 23: Yet another of Leon Siu's twice monthly "Ke Aupuni Update"s. "Lā Kuʻokoʻa – November 28 – is the most important holiday of the Hawaiian Kingdom. That was the day in 1843 – 177 years ago – that the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France issued a joint proclamation recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign nation. ... Your Thanksgiving gathering would be an ideal opportunity to share with your ʻohana and friends about Lā Kuʻokoʻa!"
Nov 24: KITV television station briefly reports about revived Hawaiian Independence Day upcoming on November 28.
December 12, 2019: Long-time race-activist Walter Ritte reader commentary in Honolulu Star-Advertiser calls on ethnic Hawaiians to vote as a bloc to help change Hawaii to an ethnic Hawaiian nation. Conklin online comments.
Dec 14: Yet another of Leon Siu's twice monthly "Ke Aupuni Update"s. Hawaiian nationals feel trapped and persecuted under the American nationality but are finding ways to go around it. International awareness of the Hawaii situation is growing.
Dec 25: Honolulu TV station declares 2010-2019 the "Decade of the Native Hawaiian"; "Osorio said it’s important to see the TMT protests as part of a larger Hawaiian movement that’s also sought to reclaim the Hawaiian language and protocol."
Honolulu Civil Beat, September 10, 2019
A Hawaiian Revolution Emerges
Today we know our language; we know our culture; we know our rights; and we know what is best for these islands.
By Trisha Kehaulani Watson
The world has changed.
I’ve often written about the many ways in which Hawaii changed over my lifetime. I’ve often been critical of those changes, but the Mauna Kea Movement has highlighted the many ways in which Hawaii changed for the better over the last four decades.
In 1977, George Helm spoke at Iolani Palace during the height of the Kahoolawe Movement. He spoke of revolution, he said then, “This is a seed, today, of a new revolution … The kind of revolution we’re talking about is one of consciousness — the consciousness, awareness, facts, figures.”
In the many years since that day, Hawaiians and experts in Hawaiian history, language, and culture committed themselves to scholarship and research that would contribute to Helm’s “Revolution of Consciousness.” Scholars traveled the world to uncover and share information from archives lost for decades.
Hawaiians fought to protect and revive their native language. The 1978 Constitutional Convention would make Hawaiian an official language of the State of Hawaii. The Hawaiian language immersion preschools, Aha Punana Leo, would be formed and offer instruction in Hawaiian language to children across the islands.
Recognizing the fundamental importance of the native language to the Hawaiian people, advocates fiercely fight to make language instruction as accessible as possible in an effort to reverse late 19th century policies that targeted use of the Hawaiian language. As the Aha Punana Leo timeline explains, in 1896 “Education through the Hawaiian language in both public and private schools is outlawed on the model of U.S. policy towards the use of American Indian languages in education. Teachers are told use of Hawaiian with children will result in termination of employment. Children are harshly punished for speaking Hawaiian in school.”
Over time, more and more families began to communicate in Hawaiian again. Education flourishes. Music flourishes. Hula flourishes. A cultural renaissance continues to grow and strengthen.
Millions of pages of text from Hawaiian language newspapers and resources were preserved, digitized and made accessible to a larger audience. Historic facts flooded discourses as access to archives intersected with a growing number of Hawaiians who relearned their native tongue.
The number of Hawaiian Ph.D.s continued to grow, as more and more Hawaiians achieved advanced degrees at unprecedented rates. Today, Hawaiian Ph.D.s exist in every field and hold academic positions in universities across the world.
Building upon the extraordinary legacy of Haunani Kay-Trask, who became the first tenured professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii in 1986, what began as a provisional program in 1979 has swelled into the Hawaiianuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, led by one of Kamakakuokalani’s founding professors, Jon Osorio.
Trask, who along with Osorio, Lilikala Kameeleihiwa and Kanalu Young, would influence thousands of students coming through the university, helped to build generations of scholars, educators and activists. These people, many of whom are parents today, helped to exponentially grow a movement of informed, educated, confident Hawaiians and accomplices.
What we witness today on the mauna is the direct product of decades of activism and education. Hawaiians are no longer willing to sit idly by when their culture, rights and resources are threatened. Kupuna, steeled by decades of advocacy, are leading the effort and unyielding in their commitment. The most culturally astute Hawaiian youth in over a century are demonstrating that and culture and language are every bit as powerful as we all knew it could be.
Forty-two years ago, George Helm planted a seed. He told Hawaiians to come together. For the activists of that day knew then that the fight would not end with Kahoolawe. No, they knew then that reversing the multi-generational hurt and trauma would require much more than just protecting an island. It would require the restoration of language, the restoration of cultural practices, and the restoration of pride that had been so forcefully stripped from the Hawaiian people.
Growing up, I often was led to believe that being Hawaiian was something shameful. I was taunted, teased and ridiculed – for my dark skin, or my kinky hair, or my flat Hawaiian nose.
When I became a mom, I swore my child would never feel anything but tremendous pride in being Hawaiian. My greatest achievement in life has nothing to do with education or business, it is having raised a child who proudly speaks Hawaiian, who proudly practices his culture, and, according to him, has never once felt anything but proud to be Hawaiian.
What you see on the mauna is not merely resistance – it is pride. It is an unyielding confidence that today we know our language; we know our culture; we know our rights; and we know what is best for these islands.
And we will never have those things stripped from us again.
** Note by Ken Conklin: Trisha Watson in 2019 writes a featured column once per week in Honolulu Civil Beat online newspaper. She continues to be a self-annointed spokesperson for ethnic Hawaiian racial supremacy, using sweet language and pity-parety victimhood. This continues her similar advocacy from ten years previously as a featured blogger on the Honolulu Advertiser. See webpage "Dialogs with a racist -- Bringing to public awareness the explicit, enthusiastic, and unapologetic racism of Trisha Kehaulani Watson, a featured blogger on the public website of the largest circulation newspaper in Hawaii" at
** 5 Online comments by various unknown people, using screen names and therefore anonymous, each limited to maximum of 1000 characters. A day after the article was published, there were 16 online comments which survived censorship by the editors. These are the 5 which received the largest number of reader "respect"s ["likes"]
I was born and raised on Maui 76 years ago and live here now. I have no Hawaiian blood. I had many part Hawaiian friends then and do so now. I also now have Hawaiian relatives by marriage. Ms. Watson said "Growing up, I often was led to believe that being Hawaiian was something shameful. I was taunted, teased and ridiculed – for my dark skin, or my kinky hair, or my flat Hawaiian nose." I never observed anything like that when I was young or now as a kupuna. Maybe that was an Oahu thing, it certainly did not occur among my circle of friends. While none of my friends have told me directly, I imagine some of them may support the current TMT protests. However, others, including relatives, have called such lawbreaking shameful and harmful to the long-term Hawaiian cause.
I was born and raised in Honolulu. I have no Hawaiian blood, but have many friends of all nationalities. I have not witnessed what Ms. Watson said about the way she was treated. Most people earn the way they are treated. Possibly this is also the case with Ms. Watson.
I believe that the Hawaiian Renaissance that continues on from the 1970's to today is at a crossroads. They have now established a presence that has not been seen in a number of generations, in a place where the population dynamics are resoundingly different than "the last time" Hawaiian's rose to claim their space.
So what about how to address a Hawaii of today, through Hawaiians that requires a much different approach. Lets face it here, 70% of the state of Hawaii is made up of non-Hawaiian blood individuals, whom for a good number of them were born and raise in Hawaii. How does a Hawaiian Renaissance address this "other"group that is vested also in the direction of Hawaii.
This is where a real, adult level conversation needs to be had in this state, with all stakeholders, to determine how we work with all these social elements. Because I believe that if we don't address this, we become yet another version of Fiji, and you know how much chaos they've had socially since 1987.
Ah, the undying appeal of victimhood. Nothing works better, the world over, to unite people than the call to awaken to their 'oppression'. It's exactly what the authoritarian government of the People's Republic of China is using to rally their citizens against the U.S. as they quietly seize islands and build missile sites across the Pacific. It's exactly what evangelical Christians use to rally their followers into a frenzy of political righteousness. It's exactly what Trump does at his rallies to energize his embittered base. Sure, it works. It makes people angry. It gives them a sense of purpose and an 'other' to attack. Is it true? Probably not, but when you're seeking power and influence over other people, who cares? Manipulate their emotions through an appeal that their very identity is at risk.
There's more than one parallel to the red hat MAGA crowd at a Trump rally and the red shirt MAUNA crowd, especially their desire to revert to the good ol' days.
As another Hawaiian in our divided community, why aren’t we fighting this hard for issues such as health care, housing and education? These are huge pressing issues that have plagued our people for over a hundred years and deserve the publicity hype you are giving to the TMT. By the by, the telescope is furthering education. Didn’t our ancestors navigate by the heavens or did you forget that while you’re busy trying to get headlines and followers to your hashtag. Fight issues that are affecting the strong majority of our people. I volunteer for organizations such as Sierra Club, Blue Planet Foundation and Polynesian Voyaging Society and see Hawaiians only at PVS. What’s with that? The other two organizations are pro-environment groups like our ancestors. We should be the majority attendees in all of the causes supporting environment, healthcare, housing, education that benefit ALL Hawaiians!
Free Hawaii blog, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
8y Leon Siu - Hawaiian National
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
At The UN
Aloha! I’m at the UN in Geneva again. The end of next week I go to the UN in New York.
Basically, our main objectives at the United Nations are: 1. to expose the wrong the US is committing in the Hawaiian Islands, 2. to share aloha and make friends with as many as possible, 3. to get our friends ready to mobilize their kokua when the time comes.
In Geneva… I usually attend the sessions of human rights bodies such as the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights Committee, the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, etc. to take advantage of the opportunity to meet and speak with all those that attend those meetings: country representatives, UN staff members, international lawyers, scholars and activists… to share our story and learn theirs… to build friendly relations and caring about each other’s situations, struggles and aspirations.
In Geneva… I deliver remarks (interventions) at the formal meetings to present a Hawaiian perspective on whatever topic is being discussed; pointing out the remedy lies in regaining control of decision-making on critical issues. At the Human Rights Council I speak regularly on panels hosted by groups from around the world, on many aspects of human rights. During a two week period, I will speak on anywhere from 3-6 of these panel events. Last year at one of the Human Rights Council sessions I spoke on five events, four of them alongside Dr. deZayas, who ended up speaking on a record seven panels that session.
In New York… group access is less available so it takes a lot of separate meetings to reach more people. I am able to sit in and observe the sessions, but not allowed to participate. However, New York is where the key mechanisms that can more directly impact us are located. We are preparing to have a resolution to review the procedures that led to “statehood” submitted to the UN General Assembly very soon. That review, innocuous as it may seem, will begin to unravel the web of lies that the US has spun to obfuscate their criminal actions against our country and our people. Exposure of the fraud will obligate the UN and every one of its member states to ensure a just remedy for the error they made… In other words, they have to fix the wrong.
In New York… we are also working with a broad coalition to light a fire under a vital UN mechanism that had been allowed to atrophy, leaving many peoples and nations stranded and abandoned in their quest to liberate their countries. Along with campaigning for our cause, we have been quietly building support for an action that will trigger relief for others as well.
Again, sorry for being cryptic for now. Soon we’ll be able to say more…
NOTE: The next two months are critical to getting the review initiated at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move this forward! Imua!
Kū`e! Kū Kia`i Mauna! Kapu Aloha!
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
Hawaii Republican Assembly, September 16, 2019
** Ken Conklin's note: HIRA is the (unofficial) conservative wing of the Hawaii Republican Party, created several years ago because of great dissatisfaction with the leftwing liberal orientation of the official Republican Party whose leaders think they must take liberal positions (including kow-towing to secessionist activists) in hopes of being competitive with the overwhelming dominance of the Democrat Party in Hawaii. Eric Ryan is head of HIRA, and produced the following content with many pictures, including a detailed, lengthy warning to President Trump.
***** INFILTRATION ALERT: Liberal Anti-American Activist "Sovereignty Al" Frenzel Evades Vetting and Infiltrates Trump campaign, Trump administration, and now controls the Hawaii Republican Party *****
With the FULL KNOWLEDGE of fellow officers at the Hawaii GOP, Anti-Statehood Fanatic Frenzel Wants Hawaii to Secede from the United States and Completely Kick the Army Out of Hawaii so he can hand over multiple bases exclusively for use by part-Hawaiians exclusively
Aloha Republicans:
As the title above clearly explains, we have a BIG, BIG PROBLEM in Hawaii.
Further below is a copy of the highly detailed warning letter that HIRA sent today to President Trump along with top officials of his campaign and top officers at the Republican National Committee. Severe vetting failures allowed leftist and anti-American activist Al Frenzel to become head of the Trump Hawaii campaign as well as a Trump administration appointee and (maybe worst of all) the 2nd highest ranking officer in the Hawaii Republican Party. According to many party insider, Frenzel actually calls all the shots at the beleaguered, RINO-controlled state political party.
**Photo caption
Al Frenzel with fellow anti-America activist Mililani Trask
How did somebody who wants Hawaii to leave the USA become a high ranking Republican, become the head of Hawaii's Trump campaign, and become an appointee in the Trump administration?? Easy. He was handpicked by fellow progressive Shirlene Ostrov, the state chairwoman who wanted to surround herself with fellow liberals who embrace her desire to keep the Hawaii GOP from taking the fight to Democrats in Hawaii; allowing them to get away with 65 years of policy failures.
Don't believe it? Read the evidence for yourself. It's stunning how terrible the vetting was. Frenzel should be over on Mauna Kea right now with fellow anti-statehood crusaders (or driving a pickup truck around town with an upside-down flag) rather than leading the state's GOP, or leading the Trump Hawaii campaign, or serving in the Trump administration. But, when well-connected fellow liberals vouched for "Sovereignty Al" Frenzel, he snuck right through the background checks which should have stopped him in his tracks.
Don't think that Al Frenzel and his anti-statehood pals haven't thought this through. After Hawaii quits being an American state, Frenzel wants to give sovereignty activists the power to decide whether or not you can own your home and property anymore. If presidential appointee and top GOP officer Frenzel gets his way, the U.S. Army won't even be around to protect your family anymore.
Read our letter (below) to President Trump, which we copied to his campaign manager and the head of the RNC. You'll get to read the evidence firsthand that was either overlooked, ignored, or never found during the vetting of Frenzel for his various positions with Trump and the GOP.
But, let's be REALLY clear -- Every executive officer in the Hawaii GOP knows about “Sovereignty Al” Frenzel’s liberal, anti-American stands . . . and they’re happy to let RINO Frenzel call the shots because they really don’t disagree with him. As party leader, they support Frenzel’s decision AGAINST celebrating the 60th anniversary of Hawaii’s Statehood. They support Frenzel’s decision AGAINST calling for anti-statehood activists to clear the road on Mauna Kea. They support Frenzel’s questionable relationship with anti-American activist and convicted rapist Demont Conner. They support his running interference for closet Democrat Andria Tupola while she pretends to be a Republican. And they support kicking out Republicans who expose the liberalism, incompetence and corruption of Frenzel and others.
Frenzel occupies the single most important position in the Hawaii GOP -- Vice-Chair for Coordinated Campaigns. As the acting chair of the party, Frenzel is charged with specific tasks that he refuses to even do. Voter Registration? Not happening. Voter Identification? Not happening. Maximizing effectiveness of party resources? Not happening. Get Out the Vote Program? Not happening. Messaging to Voters? Not happening. Under party rules, Al Frenzel is directly responsible for oversight and organization of the Coordinated Campaign Program. But he's not doing jack squat. Frenzel spends all his time fighting conservatives and trying to push the Hawaii GOP in a more liberal direction. None of his associates at the party mind this.
** Ken Conklin's note: Much of the evidence against Frenzel in the HIRA attack against him can also be found in a webpage I produced in 2014 containing my recommendations on which candidates to support or oppose in that year's election.
About 80-90% of the way down that webpage I wrote a detailed analysis of Frenzel's push to oust the military from Hawaii as a step toward secession, and how his explicit treason statement were concealed behind a picture of a flag on his campaign website -- the flag was actually a clickable link which led to the following:
** Now back to Eric Ryan's remarks:
After reviewing the stunning evidence against Frenzel, you can't help but wonder how a recently failed libertarian candidate for state house with an anti-USA sovereignty platform become the vice-chairman of the Hawaii GOP in 2019? Frenzel did it by fooling nearly everyone around him, including the RNC, the Trump campaign, and the White House while simultaneously obtaining the support for himself and his liberal, anti-USA positions from the likes of Ostrov, Tupola, L'Hereaux, Lipscomb, Tatibouet, and others who embrace "Sovereignty Al" Frenzel.
HIRA is calling on President Trump, his campaign, and the RNC to perform serious vetting of Al Frenzel in light of HIRA’s thorough research. Ultimately, we want Trump to get rid of Frenzel so that his liberalism and anti-USA venom no longer poisons the administration, the campaign, and our party. Until that happens, Trump's and RNC's unintended message to Hawaii is that Republicans are PRO-SECESSION from the USA. It's bad enough that Frenzel, Ostrov, Tupola, Conner, and the rest of the RINO's at the Hawaii GOP support sovereignty. It's appalling to think that our president and our national party might be willing to go along with the nonsense of Frenzel and his liberal pals. That's why we can't imagine Donald Trump, Ronna McDaniel, and other top Republicans even know the beliefs of the person they've gotten into bed with.
If you’ve been wondering why the Hawaii Republican Party has been TOTALLY SILENT about celebrating 60 years of Statehood and TOTALLY SILENT about construction of TMT and silent about anti-statehood activists taking over our state party, you can wonder no longer. And if you get to know Al Frenzel’s liberal viewpoint (as HIRA documented in our letter today to President Trump), you’ll understand why the Hawaii GOP isn’t fighting Democrats about anything at all. Democrats sleep well at night in Hawaii because Shirlene Ostrov and Al Frenzel and Gene Ward and their liberal comrades at 725 Kapiolani Blvd. refuse to do battle with Democrats over the future of Hawaii. Indeed, they refuse to do battle with those who believe Hawaii is a “fake state” because they agree with these anti-USA radicals. They WANT to turn the Hawaiian Islands into a third world independent country.
Frenzel’s LinkedIn page reveals that Frenzel held top positions with Hawaii’s official Trump for President campaign throughout 2016. Today, word has it that he and other closet Democrats and secessionists are under consideration for top posts in 2020.
BOTTOM LINE: Frenzel needs to go. Now. He must be ousted from the Trump campaign, from the Republican Party leadership, and from the Trump administration. And those who knowingly supported Frenzel's campaign to become the 2nd in command of the Hawaii GOP must also be removed immediately.
Folks, that's the dismal state of our party. Even more disturbing information is coming from HIRA this week. Stay tuned and brace yourselves
** Ken Conklin's note: To see the lengthy, detailed letter from Eric Ryan to President Trump, documenting Al Frenzel's support for secession from the USA, go here:
Free Hawaii blog, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2019
8y Leon Siu - Hawaiian National
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
Ku Kia`i is infectious! … Ku Kia`i Waimanalo!
With expressions of solidarity continuing to flow in from all over the world, protectors of the Mauna have passed 70 days of Kapu Aloha. Not only that, support at home is growing. In the two months of remaining steadfast to the principle of Kapu Aloha, a major shift has taken place in the polls. It went from 72% of “Hawaiians” for TMT, to now something like 52% siding with the Protectors to stop the project. It’s an amazing turn around! Congratulations and mahalo nui to the Kapu Aloha warriors. Ku Kia’i Mauna!
And now… it’s spreading! Aloha aina to the kia’i at Sherwoods in Waimanalo!
The Lahui arising!
UN Geneva Press Meeting
I was in Geneva from September 9-21 attending the Human Rights Council where I was a speaker on five panels, delivered two interventions to the council, and had several meetings with various diplomats and organizations. We continue to build momentum there.
On September 20, ACANU, the Association of Accredited Correspondents at the United Nations (the UN Press Corps), convened a meeting in Press Room 2 at the Palais des Nations to hear Dr. Alfred deZayas, Ambassador Ronald Barnes (Alaska) and me announce an initiative that will soon be introduced at the UN General Assembly in New York… The initiative calls for a review of UN General Assembly Resolution 1469, adopted in 1959. That review would start to unravel the claim that Hawaii and Alaska are part of the United States.
The correspondents gathered expressed great interest as, for the past five years, they had been tracking and publishing articles about the illegal occupation of Hawaii and Alaska by the United States. And more recently, they’ve been watching the story of Mauna Kea unfold. Five years ago, it was Pakistan that blew open the door by asking the U.S. a question about a recommendation made by Independent Expert Dr. deZayas in 2013, suggesting that the situations of Hawai`i and Alaska were international, not domestic matters.
In New York…
I’ve been in New York for the opening weeks of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly. Lots of security and speeches. And demonstrations close to the UN and at various parts of the city. So far I’ve had several opportunities inside and outside the UN, to speak of Peace through Aloha. This is a theme that is being well received… Developing…
NOTE: The next two months are critical to getting the review initiated at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move this forward! Imua!
Kū`e! Kū Kia`i Mauna! Kapu Aloha!
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
** Note by Ken Conklin: Protests against building a 30-meter telescope on Mauna Kea have ballooned to where there are sometimes more than a thousand people blocking the access road who have set up tents, porta-potties, etc. in a permanent cult compound; and on October 5 there was a parade of perhaps ten thousand protesters in Waikiki carrying Hawaiian flags and shouting slogans. In addition Keanu Sai, Leon Siu, and other secessionists have stepped up their efforts internationally to solicit support for Hawaiian independence. Keanu Sai has revived his previous scam of offering to sell Hawaiian Kingdom government bonds. The following content focuses on what Sai is doing, with an interesting note at the end about how the Governor's chief policy advisor used his power of running the government in the Governor's absence at the beginning of his first term 5 years ago to help prevent the government from using its police powers to nip the Mauna Kea protest in the bud when it was weak.
Hawaiian Kingdom blog, October 6, 2019
Middlesex University London to Host Dr. Keanu Sai’s Presentation on Hawai‘i’s Occupation and War Crimes
The United States' Prolonged Occupation of Hawai‘i: War Crimes and Human Rights Violations
Date and Time: Tuesday, 15 October 2019 17:30-19:00 BST
Location: Middlesex University The College Building, 2nd Floor, C219-220 The Burroughs London NW4 4BT United Kingdom
Registration: The event is free and open to the public as well as faculty, staff and students of Middlesex University London. Click here to Register
About this Event: From a British Protectorate in 1794 to an Independent State in 1843, the Hawaiian Kingdom’s government was illegally overthrown by U.S. forces in 1893. U.S. President Cleveland, after conducting a presidential investigation into the overthrow, notified the Congress that the Hawaiian government was overthrown by an “act of war” and that the U.S. was responsible. Annexationists in the Congress thwarted Cleveland’s commitment, by exchange of notes with Queen Lili‘uokalani, to restore the Hawaiian government and Hawai‘i was unilaterally annexed in 1898 during the Spanish-American War after Cleveland left office in order to secure the islands as a military outpost. Today there are 118 U.S. military sites in the islands, headquarters for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Unified Military Command, and is currently targeted for nuclear strike by North Korea, China, and Russia.
This legal and political history of Hawai‘i has been kept from the international community until the Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom arbitral proceedings were initiated in 1999 at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands. At the core of the dispute were the unlawful imposition of U.S. laws, which led to grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention by the U.S. against Lance Larsen, a Hawaiian subject, and whether the Hawaiian Kingdom, by its Council of Regency, was liable for the unlawful imposition of U.S. laws in the territory of an occupied State. This talk by Dr. Keanu Sai, who served as Agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in the Larsen case, will provide a historical and legal context of the current situation in Hawai‘i and the mandate of the Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate war crimes and human rights violations taking place in Hawai‘i. Dr. Sai encourages attendees to view beforehand "The acting Council of Regency: Exposing the Exposing the American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom" at:
** On that webpage the embedded video is at
And is also available on YouTube at
The description accompanying the YouTube video says
"This is a short 57 minute version of the documentary. The full length version is currently submitted to the film festival circuit, and will eventually be released to the public. Featuring: Dr. Keanu Sai, Kau'i Sai-Dudoit, Dexter Ke'eaumoku Ka'iama, 'Umialilioa Sai, Dr. Willy Kauai, Dr. Niklaus Schweizer, Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier, Kamuela Yim, Donovan Preza, Steve Laudig, former Hawaii County Council member Jennifer Ruggles, and Maui County Council Members: Tamara Paltin, Kelly King, and Shane Sinenci."
At around minutes 36-39 of the video is the announcement of the issuance of Hawaiian Kingdom government bonds. A webpage provides an application to purchase these bonds by mailing a check with the application to a post office box in Honolulu. Of course it is illegal in Hawaii for an unregistered securities dealer to offer to sell securities which are not registered with the State; and the U.S. Postal Service can also prosecute anyone using the mails to commit fraud. It will be interesting to see whether the state and/or federal government will step up to prosecute these scammers.
Hawaiian Kingdom (HK) bonds are a savings product. While you own HK bonds they earn interest even during inflation.
You may purchase HK bonds by downloading the application here (PDF) and follow the directions.
For any inquiries regarding HK Bonds you can contact the Ministry of Finance at
Current Fixed Rate: 2.50%
Minimum purchase: $25 for a $25 bond
Maximum purchase: $100,000 for a $100,000 bond
Denominations: $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $10,000, $50,000, $100,000
Issue Method: Paper HK bonds, with embossed seal, mailed to the bondholder
Rates & Terms
HK bonds have a fixed annual interest
HK bonds are sold at face value, i.e., you pay $25 for a $25 bond
Redemption Information
Minimum term of ownership: 1 year
Conditional redemption: Redeemable at par within 1 year after the 5th year from the date when the United States of America's military occupation of the Hawaiian Islands has come to an end and that the Hawaiian government is in effective control in the exercising of its sovereignty
Interest-earning period: 6 years
HK Bond-related Frequently Asked Questions
What is an HK bond?
A bond is a loan to the government and is exempt from any taxes whatsoever. It is a debt security issued by the Ministry of Finance to help pay for the Hawaiian government's borrowing needs. HK bonds are issued in paper form with an embossed seal over the Minister of Finance's signature. The Ministry of Finance keeps an electronic file of the issued HK bond(s).
How is the Ministry of Finance authorized to issue HK bonds?
On September 1, 1886, King Kalakaua signed into law An Act To authorize a National Loan and to define the uses to which the money borrowed shall be applied (1886 Bonds Act). Under Section 1 of the Act, "The Minister of Finance with the approval of the King in Cabinet Council is hereby authorized to issue coupon bonds of the Hawaiian Government."
After the passing of Queen Lili'uokalani on November 11, 1917, the throne had become vacant to be later filled by an elected Monarch in accordance with Article 22 of the 1864 Constitution. In the meantime, Article 33 provides that the Cabinet Council shall serve as a Council of Regency in the absence of the Monarch.
Are HK Bonds taxable?
No. According to Section 2 of the 1886 Bonds Act, "Said bonds shall be exempt from any taxes whatsoever and shall bear interest payable semi-annually at the rate of not more than six per centum per annum and shall be redeemable not less than five nor more than twenty years after the date of their issue, the principal and interest to be paid in gold coin of the United States or its equivalent." The current U.S. dollar is the equivalent today to the U.S. gold coin in 1886.
Who can purchase an HK bond?
Any person, irrespective of nationality, can purchase an HK bond(s). Persons include corporations, companies or trusts.
How is the earnings rate of an HK bond determined?
There is a fixed rate of return, which remains the same throughout the life of the bond.
Is a HK bond inheritable?
Yes. The person or persons named on the bond is part of the bondholder's estate and is regulated by the Hawaiian laws of inheritance.
Can I give a HK bond as a gift?
Yes. When you purchase a HK bond as a gift for someone else, you must provide that person's full name and email address.
Can I ever lose money in HK bonds?
No. HK bonds are securities backed by the Hawaiian government. The interest rate is fixed and the redemption value of your HK bond cannot decline.
How are lost, stolen, or destroyed HK bonds replaced?
Before a new paper HK bond(s) can be reissued you must provide the bond(s) serial number. If you don't have the serial number please provide the full name on the bond, specific month and year of purchase, and the address for the owner of the HK bond.
Where can HK bonds be redeemed?
HK bonds can be redeemed at places to be announced by the Ministry of Finance.
When can I redeem an HK bond?
HK bonds can be redeemed within 1 year after the 5th year from the date when the United States of America's military occupation of the Hawaiian Islands has come to an end and that the Hawaiian government is in complete control in the exercising of its sovereignty.
In order to redeem HK bond(s), identification will be required that will link the person seeking to redeem the bond to the name(s) on the bond.
Did other governments issue bonds with a conditional redemption similar to the Hawaiian Kingdom's bonds?
Yes. When the Irish Republic was fighting for their independence from Great Britain from 1919-1921, the Irish government sold bonds with the following condition, "Said Bond to bear interest at five percent per annum from the first day of the seventh month after the freeing of the territory of the Republic of Ireland from Britain's military control and said Bond to be redeemable at par within one year thereafter."
The bottom of the application form provides mailing instructions:
Check or money order shall be made out to “Aupuni Fund,” [Government fund] accompanied with this application and sent by mail to P.O. Box 2194, Honolulu, HI 96805-2194. Exchequer bonds in paper form will be sent to your mailing address.
** Note from Ken Conklin: Anyone can copy/paste that mailing address
P.O. Box 2194, Honolulu, HI 96805-2194
into Google to get several pages of results indicating a history of about 20 years where that P.O. box is used by numerous Hawaiian secessionist individuals and institutions. One interesting name that turns up in the results for that P.O. Box is Mike McCartney, who has worked behind the scenes for Hawaiian secession for many years, and who actually was Governor David Ige's chief of staff throughout Ige's first term of 4 years. A few months after Ige became governor, he was on a trip in Asia at the time when the first major effort was made (March 2015) to do a blessing and groundbreaking on Mauna Kea to begin construction of the thirty-meter telescope, but a group of sovereignty activists blocked the road and disrupted the ceremony. With Ige out of state, Mike McCartney was unofficially but effectively running the government, and chose not to enforce the building permit or shut down the protest. The same secessionists who disrupted that event have now been blocking the road and preventing construction for three months and continuing (July-October 2019), with thousands of additional protesters backing them up while displaying Hawaiian flags and living in a cult compound at the crucial intersection of two roads leading to the summit. The Mauna Kea protest has become a focal point for recruiting radical sovereignty activists.
Kenneth Conklin Facebook post, October 12, 2019
Hawaiian sovereignty con artist David Keanu Sai continues spewing a false narrative of Hawaii's history. Sai's stepped-up campaign includes propaganda videos, and he is now fundraising by offering an investment -- an obviously fraudulent new issue of Hawaiian Kingdom government bonds which can be purchased by mailing an application and check to an anonymous Honolulu post office box. Hopefully the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs will prosecute the violations of securities laws, and the U.S. Postal Service will prosecute for fraudulent use of the mails. In both cases there should be prosecution and not merely a cease-and-desist order, because Keanu Sai has been doing financial scams for decades, including the "Perfect Title" scam of the 1990s for which he was convicted of a felony. But don't hold your breath waiting for slow-walking inept bureaucrats to do their jobs (example: Mauna Kea).
In Summer 2019 Sai gave a series of three multi-hour power-point presentations to a committee of the Maui County Council who are in cahoots with him and were happy to give him their impressive venue. Links to videos, a fawning newspaper report, and full text of Ken Conklin's 20-page rebuttal which he sent to the committee between sessions #1 and #2 (giving them time to use it to cross-examine Sai, which of course they did not do), are at
On October 15, 2019 an associate lecturer at a London university is giving Mr. Sai a stage for another performance. Because it's at a university, where robust discussion of controversial topics should be expected and opposing views should be made available, Ken Conklin sent the lecturer an email ahead of time warning her about Mr. Sai's history falsehoods and investment scams, and giving her detailed proofs of what's true. Conklin wanted to make it easy for the lecturer to provide Conklin's lengthy information to students and the public, so he gave the lecturer a short webpage URL she can distribute where the entire email is posted including the investment scam and the proofs of several major truths about Hawaii's history which contradict Sai's narrative. The VERY IMPORTANT WEBPAGE where both the London lecturer and you, the general public, can read about the investment scam and three truths about Hawaii's history, is at:
Here are three important truths about Hawaii's history which Mr. Sai does not mention and which destroy his whole theory: (1) There is a Treaty of Annexation; (2) The Republic of Hawaii freely offered the Treaty and it was internationally recognized as the rightful successor to the monarchial government; (3) There was never a U.S. military takeover or occupation of Hawaii, nor any U.S. puppet regime. Please go to that webpage to read detailed proofs of those points:
Free Hawaii blog, 14 Oct 2019
8y Leon Siu - Hawaiian National
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
Traveling…I’ve been on a two-month working trip that took me to New York for a week, Geneva, Switzerland for two weeks and back again to New York for the past three weeks. I just arrived in Southern California for the final leg of my journey. It’s been a very intense and productive trip with numerous meetings and amazing progress in our efforts to Free Hawaii… we are getting close…
Kū Kiaʻi NYC
It has been a joy to join with the NYC ʻohana at the every-Friday-evening Kū Kiaʻi Mauna hui pono at Washington Square in Manhattan. Aunty Pua Case, her daughter/photographer Kapulei Flores and filmmaker Jalena Keane-Lee were there this past Friday, fresh from Mauna Kea. Earlier that afternoon they had given a highly informative and inspiring presentation at New York University (NYU) attended by about 75 NYC ʻohana crammed into a conference room to hear Aunty Pua speak and enjoy a preview of the soon-to-be-released, Standing Above the Clouds, a film by Jalena.
A week prior, I had a talk-story session also at NYU with the New York ʻohana about what we’re pursuing at the international level and the opportunity for our New York ʻohana to become engaged in that work…
The UN and Decolonization
What are we doing at the UN regarding decolonization?
First of all, we are NOT seeking to use the UN’s decolonization process to “decolonize” Hawaii.
What we ARE doing is exposing the fact that in 1959 the United Nations’ decolonization system got scammed into accepting a report by the United States that the Hawaiian people had voted for Hawaii to become a state of the U.S. As a result, the UN deemed Hawaii “decolonized” into being an integral part of the United States.
Although we in Hawaii know the Hawaiian Kingdom is still a sovereign, independent country, and that the 1959 plebiscite was an utter fraud, the U.S. continues to maintain complete control of the Hawaiian Islands… confident that the UN and all its members officially regard Hawaii as part of the United States, not an independent country.
To correct that situation, we have been engaging various UN bodies and agencies, including the UN’s decolonization mechanisms: 1) to debunk the notion that the Hawaiian Islands are or had ever been a part of the United States; 2) to remove the UN’s support of the United States’ false claim to the Hawaiian Islands; and 3) to get the UN and the entire international community to acknowledge the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist as a sovereign, independent country.
The Decolonization Alliance
We are also actively engaged in decolonization to kokua the many non-self-governing nations who are still trapped in the grip of colonial rule (or occupation) and being denied their right of self-determination.
There are many such places… The most prominent ones in the news recently are: Hong Kong, Catalonia, Kashmir, West Papua, Okinawa, the Rohingya of Myanmar, the Uyghur of Xinjian (China), the Naga … We have been standing in solidarity with their efforts to gain independence through the UN decolonization process.
Six years ago in New York we formed an organization called The Decolonization Alliance, joining together the efforts of nations seeking independence with activist and advocacy groups to press the UN to step up its decolonization process. Through a series of Decolonization Dialogs and other special events (the most recent last Tuesday on French Polynesia) we have been able to cause significant forward movement for decolonization… Developing…
NOTE: The next few months is critical to triggering a breakthrough at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move us forward! Imua!
Kū`e! Kū Kia`i Mauna! Kapu Aloha!
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
"New Hawaiian" Facebook page, Saturday, October 19, 2019
BRIEF HISTORY. The Kanaka Maoli race of people (often called "kanaka") were the first among all current immigrants to Hawaii, thus considered aboriginal "natives" of the land. Because their monarchy became a Republic in 1894 then annexed by the U.S., there is an erroneous belief that "their land was stolen". As a result, since 1900, the history of the kanaka has been one of protest - to get back the land they claim to have lost and to derive benefit from income coming from these lands today. But no land was ever taken from the kanaka people. In 1848 King Kamehameha III claimed that all was government land for the benefit of all residents of the kingdom and not owned by any monarch or individual. Nothing changed with the Republic, Annexation, or Statehood. They were government lands then and they still are.
BEGINNING OF OHA. In 1978, their "Hawaiian rights" sovereignty movement protests hit pay dirt with the formation within our government of The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) and The Department of Hawaiian Homestead Lands (DHHL). These agencies today empower the Hawaiian or Kanaka Maoli (kanaka) race with billions upon billions of dollars going toward health, education, culture, and governance only to their race.
RACISM. I believe OHA and DHHL are racist agencies and destructive to Hawaii. We do not have an Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help all the people of Hawaii. Instead we have an Office of Kanaka Affairs helping only one preferred race of people. We do not have a Department of Hawaiian Homestead Lands, we have a Department of Kanaka Homestead Lands only for the kanaka race.
RACIST MISSION. OHA's mission is to "Empower" the native Hawaiian people (the kanaka). This is our own state government saying this, an agency that has spent millions of dollars supporting the failed Akaka bill which proposed a dividing of Hawaii with a separatist government of and for the kanaka people. From OHA's website https://www.oha.org/ on "Governance" for the Kanaka people - it is specifically stated "Laying the foundation for building a new Hawaiian governing entity." It reads, "Our focus on governance involves facilitating a process for Native Hawaiians (kanakas) to form a governing entity. A recognized governing entity would solidify Native Hawaiians (kanakas) as a political rather than racial group, safeguarding trusts, programs, and funding sources serving Native Hawaiians (kanakas). A governing entity could advocate and negotiate greater self-sufficiency and autonomy for Native Hawaiians (kanakas)."
KANAKA PROTEST. We do not have a "Hawaiian Rights" movement. We have a "Kanaka Rights" movement. We do not have a TMT protest against envirnment, we have a TMT protest for "Kanaka Rights". OHA, an office of our very own state government has already spent millions upon millions of dollars in support of the TMT protestors. Let us be clear, THE TMT PROTEST IS A “HAWAIIAN (KANAKA) RIGHTS” sovereignty movement with the object of seeking power, land, and benefits only for the Kanaka people.
KANAKA TAKEOVER. Much of the people who disguise themselves innocently as "Hawaiian Rights" advocates who are within the agencies of the very government we depend on to end the TMT protest support a TMT windfall in benefits to the Kanaka. We shudder to imagine a sovereign government dividing the Hawaii Republic, yet already the Kanaka have infiltrated and are already in control at this minute terrorizing the bureaucracy and preventing quick and immediate law enforcement in the name of "protecting Hawaiian rights".
CULTURE SUCCESS. Ever wonder why its taking so long to legally clear the road of protestors? Our leaders have become influenced, lulled, and intimidated by the prevailing "Hawaiian rights" faction of government. Our Governor has become intimidated by "Hawaiian rights" proponents who are pushing for "negotiations", meaning dollars and benefits to the kanaka. Tulsi Gabbard and our other senators and representatives in Congress have for years advocated for “Hawaiian Rights”. So have our local councils, newspapers, and news personnel. That is why we hear from news and media the government supporting "talks and negotiation" and working to include "Hawaiian culture". Let us open our eyes and face the facts. "Kanaka PROTEST for over 100 years for land stolen." IS the “Hawaiian culture”. "Receiving power, land, and benefits from our government, billions upon billions for the kanaka only” IS the “Hawaiian Culture” for the past 40 years.
CONCLUSION. "Hawaiian (kanaka) rights" advocates will likely prevail on the TMT protest, achieve a windfall in land and increased benefits while they easily forgive and forget in exchange any previous claim of desecration or “sacredness” of the mauna. As for me, as much as I support TMT and astronomy, I would disfavor it if it means we can only get it in compromise by empowering and endorsing a continuation of "Hawaiian (kanaka) rights" in our government "facilitating a process for Native Hawaiians (kanakas) to form a governing entity." Sure, Hawaii will lose billions from TMT, but supporting a government based on racism destroys Hawaii.
I AM NOT AGAINST THE KANAKA RACE. The Kanaka race are “true” Hawaiians. They contribute much to our Hawaiian culture. But anyone, Kanakas included, who advocate "Hawaiian rights" excluding other races, are not Hawaiians. They are a small, greedy percentage of the Hawaii population who cares not for the whole of society. You would think that I'm against the Kanaka race. Untrue, as I have kanaka in my own family. There are many Kanakas who are Hawaiians. These are Kanakas who believe in the equality and rights of all races - they do not agree to benefits going only to the Kanaka. They and all like them of any race, I call Pure Hawaiians. END
KITV News, October 26, 2019
Could Hawaii see another political party? Aloha Aina hopes to join the mix
There's a group working to create another political party in the islands ahead of the 2020 Elections.
There's a group working to create another political party in the islands ahead of the 2020 Elections. The proposed party is called Aloha Aina and it aims to advocate for more rights for Native Hawaiians. Leaders say they want to start their own party because they're frustrated with how current state leadership handles issues related to Native Hawaiians like the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea and the wind turbine project in Kahuku.
"I see the administration totally different so I want change," Donald Kaulia, an Aloha Aina Party co-founder, said. "A leadership from the local people here that understand that we've been controlled by a dominant party for so long."
This isn't the first time Aloha Aina tried to register. Organizers say there was enough support in 2014 with more than 1,500 signatures. But it couldn't qualify because more than half were non-registered voters. So founders are trying again this year. They already requested a petition from the state to start. Now it needs support from 757 registered voters by February 20 next year to move forward. One supporter agrees it's time for change.
"You look at what Mauna Kea started, so much people getting involved now. I feel like it's the right time to ride that wave and just continue the momentum into the voting booth and hopefully that's what happens," Daniel Carreiro, a Kaneohe resident, said.
Some political analysts say there's a long road ahead for this proposed party.
"If you're a third party, you have to figure out a way to overcome that because Democrat Republican, especially in today's world is the most powerful cue that people have in deciding how to vote," Neal Milner, political analyst, said.
Milner believes one of the challenges is convincing people who are already a part of a political party to switch sides. Another issue: getting enough votes in an election.
"In order to win office, you need one more than half the vote and if there's anything that's kept third parties or minor parties from being successful at the state level, at the national level. It's been that kind of number," Milner said.
Low voter turn out is also a problem in the state. There was more than 741,000 registered voters in 2018 but less than 40 percent showed up to the polls.
"That's our strategic plan, is to target those 400,000 registered voters to come on our side," Kaulia said.
Organizers believe they can become the change they want to see with this movement.
KITV4 also asked the Aloha Aina Party who some of the candidates would be if the party becomes official. Kaulia wouldn't say but did tell me about three dozen people from communities statewide are interested to represent the party.
** Ken Conklin's online comments:
In year 1900, the first election was held in the Territory of Hawaii. Ethnic Hawaiians who had opposed annexation created the racist "Home Rule" Party, which was successful in electing militant Robert Wilcox (he had led an attempted counterrevolution in 1895 in which men were killed) to be Hawaii's first Territorial Delegate to Congress. Wilcox won because ethnic Hawaiians were a large majority of U.S. citizens eligible to vote (Asians were a majority of population but very few had been citizens of the Kingdom or Republic and therefore were not U.S. citizens after Annexation). But Wilcox did a lousy job partly because he could barely speak (pidgin) English. In 1902 ex-Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole decided to run as a Republican, and won easily. The Home Rule Party was never heard from again.
The TV news report showed one of the signs we have all seen in the last few elections: "I'm Hawaiian and I vote." I'm gonna make my own sign "I'm Haole and I vote" and I will stand right next to anyone holding the other sign when I see it displayed. If ethnic Hawiians want a race war at the ballot box, that's what they will get; and they'll lose BIG. In the process they will fan the flames of racial divisiveness and produce a backlash resulting in reduction or elimination of hundreds of racial entitlement programs where they enjoy government handouts at everyone else's expense.
Free Hawaii blog, 26 Oct 2019
8y Leon Siu - Hawaiian National
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
The Nation Rising
Who are we? Many are kanaka maoli... many are not; many have declared themselves as Hawaiian nationals or Hawaiian Kingdom subjects... many have not yet done so. But one thing we do have in common is the underlying Aloha ʻĀina for Hawaiʻi nei. He Hawaiʻi au (I am Hawaiʻi). ʻO mākou ʻo Hawaiʻi (We are Hawaiʻi).
The Hawaiian Kingdom was a highly educated society, whose subjects were akamai and engaged in matters of public affairs; espesially when it came to matters of Aloha ʻĀina and governance. The Kuʻe actions we are seeing today spring from our legacy, indeed, our kuleana of Aloha ʻĀina... to mālama Hawaiʻi and to kūʻē against harmful acts that endanger our people and our lands.
Often called “resistance”, it is really the desire to defend and preserve the deep-seated cultural values and love of country, solidified into a national consciousness and identity of Aloha ʻĀina.
Todayʻs manifestations: Mauna Kea, Haleakalā, Nā Wai ʻEha, Waimanalo, Kahuku... are the echos of Kalama Valley, Kahoʻolawe, Waiahole-Waikāne, Hilo Airport... back to the Kuʻe Petition, Aloha Aina rallies and other vigorous protests against annexation. This is not something new or frivolous, it is who we are.
The current resistance movement and the independence movement are not one and the same, but they are strongly related in Aloha ʻĀina... and fast approaching the point of merger...
We have clearly demonstrated that our love for our land compels us to oppose the continuation of unrestrained exploitation of our lands and resources... We have “put our foot down.” Now what are we going to do about it?
Next Ke Aupuni Update - The Urgency of Presenting a Nation
Remember that old finger rhyme? Here is the church, here is the steeple...? How does that apply to us?
NOTE: The next few months is critical to triggering a breakthrough at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move us forward! Imua!
Kū`e! Kū Kia`i Mauna! Kapu Aloha!
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Sunday Octsober 27, 2019, Guest Commentaray
Delays in clearing TMT protesters pose risks to stability, security
By Samuel Wilder King II
It is time Gov. David Ige and Big Island Mayor Harry Kim cleared the protest camp on Mauna Kea. Their continuing delay is destabilizing our society and creating risks to our national security. The protests against the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) have morphed from what may have been a legitimate exercise in civil disobedience, into an anarchic campaign corroding the rule of law.
The corrosion began with the illegal blockade of the Mauna Kea Access Road (blockades, by the by, are acts of war, not nonviolent civil disobedience). It shifted to blockades of the H-1 freeway: Mauna Kea-inspired protests against a wind farm project in Kahuku then resulted in “someone” blocking a road by cutting down a utility pole with a chainsaw on the same night the massive turbines for the project were being transported down the road. “Someone else” then damaged a turbine by cutting an anchor bolt with a blow torch.
The protests’ climax may very well be an attempt to shut down a premier military training base on Big Island, which will hamstring American military readiness in the Pacific.
This breakdown in our society has resulted in skyrocketing law enforcement costs. The protesters have claimed that the projects themselves should pay for law enforcement. Requiring private businesses to hire mercenaries and empowering them with police powers is a terrible idea. The proper course of action is for the Attorney General’s Office to seek restitution from the protesters and their financial and social media backers, as they are the ones who intentionally created the situation necessitating the increased police costs. This will shift the costs to those who have caused the damage. It will also create the proper disincentive for such lawlessness going forward.
The governor’s and mayor’s delay in clearing the Mauna Kea protesters is also a risk to our national security. As described above, the protests are shifting to Pohakuloa, a major training base that any number of American adversaries in the Pacific would happily see closed. Given that TMT is one of the few areas of cooperation between China and the United States, Russia and North Korea have every reason to try to foment social division in order to shut TMT down. Better yet if they can shut down TMT and Pohakuloa using the same protesters.
The Mauna Kea protests are ripe for such foreign interference, if it is not present already. Exacerbating social, religious and ethnic cleavages is exactly what the Russians were doing during the 2016 presidential election (see the Mueller Report, pages 22, 25). “Someone” has been creating fake social media accounts, outrageous lies and inflammatory commentary online, which is similar to social media tactics used by Russian “trolls” (see Muller Report, footnote 28) during the 2016 election (see Mueller Report, pages 24-26).
This is not a political campaign. There are innumerable ways to spend money supporting these protests in secret. Many protesters are clearly hostile to American national interests, if not America itself, erroneously claiming that the United States overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy, that Hawaii should secede from the U.S., or outright tying the Hawaiian sovereignty movement to “challenging U.S. global domination.” You do not see the protesters flying any American flags (they have burned one).
Allowing the protesters to remain on Mauna Kea gives them a media platform that inspires lawlessness and vandalism. Given the anti-American rhetoric and actions coming from the protest camp, the protests now present a risk to our national security. It is time for Gov. Ige and Mayor Kim to stop legitimizing the protesters’ illegal actions through further negotiation. It is time to clear the road.
Samuel Wilder King II is a Native Hawaiian attorney practicing in Honolulu.
Free Hawaii blog, Monday November 11, 2019
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
The Urgency of Presenting the Nation
Remember this old finger rhyme?
** Cartoon of children's rhyme using hands and fingers:
This is the church; this is the steeple; open the doors; and see all the people
How about we change it to this?
** Cartoon showing beautiful scenes of Hawaii
Of course, we are not a church, we are a nation. But the same principle applies. The point is, whether it’s a church or a nation, without people it’s not going anywhere.
For many years we have been diligently educating ourselves — and the world — that the Hawaiian Kingdom was never extinguished or relinquished… that ours is a lawful nation in continuity. We have talked about the ʻāina, the environment, the natural resources and the territorial boundaries.
We presented our history and the wrongs suffered from fake annexation, fake statehood, land rip-offs and other illegal acts... and how justice demands our nation be restored.
Mauna Kea has changed things. There has been a paradigm shift; an awakening to a new reality. We are no longer mired in the realm of concepts, intellectual discourse and legal gymnastics. With Kū Kiaʻi Mauna, the doors have been thrown wide open and we see ourselves — the people — standing as lāhui, keiki o ka ʻāina, aloha ʻāina and kapu aloha… the heart and naʻau of the nation…
The national consciousness of the people has been awakened... we know who we are and what our nation can be, and that it is up to us move forward together in kapu aloha to maka ala... envision and set the course to navigate the future!
Standing up the Nation
It is not only important that we rally and build our lāhui here at home, it is crucial for us to gain visibility and credibility in the intenational community. For other countries to help us, they have to see physical (not just theoretical) evidence that there is a real nation with real people passionately engaged in freeing ourselves and not sitting back, waiting for someone else to rescue us. They have to see that we are determined to go it alone if we have to.
The more we do to stand up our nation, the more likely it is for the world to “see” us... and stand alongside us.
Hawaiʻi loa kū like kākou! All Hawaiʻi stand together!
NOTE - The next few months is critical to triggering a breakthrough at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move us forward! Imua!
Kū`e! Kū Kia`i Mauna! Kapu Aloha!
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
Free Hawaii blog, Saturday November 23, 2019
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
The Irony Of 176 Years Of Independence
It was a world-changing event. On November 28, 1843, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France formally recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom, a tiny island nation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, as a sovereign country. It was an historical breakthrough. A game-changer.
The proclamation by the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France meant the Hawaiian Kingdom was accepted and would be henceforth supported as an equal sovereign by the two most prominent members of the exclusively European club of sovereign Christian nations informally known as “the family of nations.”
The Hawaiian Kingdom being identified as a sovereign Christian nation meant European powers could not invoke the dreaded centuries-old “Doctrine of Discovery” to colonize the Hawaiian Islands… something the European powers were doing throughout the Pacific (and around the world) at that time.
The Hawaiian Kingdom was able to pry open the door to the exclusive European club of sovereigns (“the family of nations”), not only for the Hawaiian Kingdom to enter, but for others to follow a century later.
The supreme irony is, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the first non-Eurocentric nation to be recognized as an equal sovereign state; the nation that paved the way for well over a hundred present-day United Nations members; the nation that never engaged in any hostile act toward anyone… is today struggling against a massive U.S.-led conspiracy denying that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists!
The good news is that we are again blazing the way in the international arena and as we stand up (Kūʻe) the lāhui here on our ʻāina, we are proclaiming we are still here. We, aloha ʻāina, are the living proof of that sovereign Hawaiian Kingdom that was recognized 177 years ago!
Celebrate Lā Kuʻokoʻa
Lā Kuʻokoʻa – November 28 – is the most important holiday of the Hawaiian Kingdom. That was the day in 1843 – 177 years ago – that the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France issued a joint proclamation recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign nation.
There are numerous celebrations occurring all over the nation. Search social media or google to find events near you to attend. Because this year, the 28th falls on the American Thanksgiving Day, most of the Lā Kuʻokoʻa events will be before or after the 28th.
But hereʻs what you can do on the 28th... Your Thanksgiving gathering would be an ideal opportunity to share with your ʻohana and friends about Lā Kuʻokoʻa! As you gather to give thanks for the many blessings, tell your ʻohana about the historic achievement of our awesome King Kamehameha III and the emissaries he sent on this amazing mission to the opposite side of the globe
Hawaiʻi loa kū like kākou! All Hawaiʻi stand together!
NOTE - The next few months is critical to triggering a breakthrough at the UN. Your kokua is needed to move us forward! Imua!
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
Also... Just in time for Christmas gift-giving...
Check out the great FREE HAWAII stuff you can purchase HERE
All proceeds go to help the cause.
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
Hawaiian community renews push to recognize holiday overshadowed by Thanksgiving
As people around the country prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and turkey, this year, Thanksgiving falls on another holiday that plays an important role in Hawaiian history. La Ku?oko?a recognizes the day in 1843 on November 28th
Sunday, November 24th 2019, 12:19 PM HST by Tom George
As people around the country prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and turkey, this year, Thanksgiving falls on another holiday that plays an important role in Hawaiian history.
La Ku'oko'a recognizes the day in 1843 on November 28th when the Kingdom of Hawaii's sovereignty was officially recognized internationally by Britain and France.
It was once an official public holiday during the Hawaiian monarchy era, but lost that recognition when Hawaii was annexed to the United States. There have been efforts over the years to get official recognition again, but they haven't been successful.
Next session, native Hawaiians are hoping to get La Ku'oko'a officially recognized a state holiday in Hawaii.
Now, with Mauna Kea creating a huge wave of Hawaiian activism and a cultural renaissance, many are using the fact that La Ku'oko'a falls on Thanksgiving this year to change the conversation about colonialism and its role in history.
Hawaiian activist Walter Ritte says just like native Hawaiians, Native Americans on the U.S. mainland are challenging commonly accepted narrative, including the history of Thanksgiving. "They're now telling us a different about Thanksgiving, that it wasn't all this lovey-dovey kissy kissky kind of thing, but there was a lot of lot of bad things going there."
This year, Ritte says his home of island Moloka'i will be hosting a big La Ku'oko'a celebration, including music, and speakers from Mauna Kea.
He says while many people in Hawaii may still have a Thanksgiving meal with their families, he hopes they'll also La Ku'oko'a as an opportunity to learn more about their history. "To question some of the things we've been taught all these years about the things we do celebrate and why we celebrate them," he says.
** Ken Conklin's online comment:
What happened on November 28, 1843 was a mutual non-aggression agreement between Britain and France where they promised to each other, in writing, that neither one of them would try to take over Hawaii. It was not an agreement between either of them with Hawaii; it was only the two of them talking with each other ABOUT Hawaii. The agreement was not addressed to Hawaii, and Hawaii did not sign it. It was signed only by one low-level diplomat from France and one from Britain. Woop-de-doo! By contrast, in 1894, after the monarchy had been overthrown and when the Republic of Hawaii had been created -- then letters were received in Honolulu, directly addressed to President Sanford Dole, personally signed by Emperors, Kings, Queens, and Presidents of at least 19 nations officially recognizing the Republic as the rightful successor government of Hawaii.
Honolulu Star-Advertiser, December 12, 2019, reader commentary
Column: Time for Hawaiians to stop being nonvoters, and to be heard
By Walter Ritte
We have to do better. Thanksgiving this year fell on Nov. 28, a day that is auspicious for Native Hawaiians because on that day in 1843, Britain and France recognized the sovereignty of Hawai‘i. La Ku‘oko‘a is a kingdom holiday that Hawaiians are increasingly rescuing from obscurity. Hawaiians still feel an allegiance to beloved Queen Lili‘uokalani, who was removed from her throne by a group of American businessmen, with the help of the U.S. government.
Many kanaka maoli refuse to vote because they believe to do so is to legitimize the illegal annexation of the islands. I understand that — but as we make our way forward, much is being lost, our food security, our environment, our civil rights, our identity.
I said exactly this recently when speaking at the Hawai‘i People’s Congress convened by the Hawai‘i Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) that brought more than 150 people from across the islands to the University of Hawai‘i William S. Richardson School of Law. We came together to discuss how we can apply indigenous wisdom, or what I like to call the “ancient” green deal to move away from extractive economies and effect a just transition, maybe even a transformation.
I was very happy to hear many communities share how they are restoring the practices of our kupuna, rooted in Aloha ‘Aina, to ensure that we can survive and thrive in the face of the climate crisis. Rivers now flow to the taro terraces and ocean, fishponds are being restored, our access rights for subsistence gathering and religious purposes enforced.
The voices of people who have been silenced are being heard. From Mauna Kea to Kahuku, to Waimanalo and beyond, people are insisting on having a say in matters that deeply affect their lives. We are in crisis. Hawaiians and their beloved nation are on the list of too many negative reports on health, early deaths, cancer, diabetes, incarcerations, homelessness, suicides, etc.
Next year Hawai‘i moves to voting by mail (VBM). If you are among those who have long voted by absentee ballot, you won’t feel a great difference. But all those accustomed to going to their local polling station should know that it will no longer be there. Do not forfeit your vote.
My hope is that in 2020, legisators will take the next step of enacting Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), a logical complement to VBM that ensures that voter rolls are updated promptly every time someone applies for, renews their driving license or registers a change of address at the DMV. It will save individuals and the state money and make voting easier and more secure. Together VBM and AVR would significantly improve access to voting.
I wear a T-shirt with this website, https://olvr.hawaii.gov/, on it to encourage everyone to go and register to vote, and to look out for notifications from the Office of Elections in the mail. You should receive a ballot for both the primary election (Aug. 8) and the general election (Nov 3).
It’s time Native Hawaiians are not viewed through a lens that says “nonvoter.” An active, unified voting block can help ensure our true nation.
** Ken Conklin's 3 online comments [1000 character limit per comment]:
The following four civil rights principles should guide Hawaii’s future. They are widely accepted but need stronger application. Good people should stand up publicly to proclaim them, and defend them against radical activists noisily demanding special rights based on race or religion.
1. Equality before God: All humans are equal in the eyes of God [or Natural Law] regardless of race.
2. Equality under the law: Government should treat all people equally under the law regardless of race.
3. Unity with America: Hawaii is the 50th State of the USA, whose laws rightfully have jurisdiction here.
4. Unity of Hawaii: The people and lands of Hawaii should remain unified under the single sovereignty of the State of Hawaii, not divided along racial lines.
For some details, including clickable links about Hawaiian religious fascism, international recognition of Republic of Hawaii as legitimate successor to Kingdom, and Treaty of Annexation, google next line:
Mystery Hawaiian history
Mr. Ritte has a lifelong history as racial partisan. His closing line summarizes it well: "An active, unified voting block can help ensure our true nation."
No Mr. Ritte, your true nation is the United States.
You mention how Britain and France recognized Hawaii's independence in 1843 when they pledged to each other that neither would try to take over Hawaii. But that non-aggression pact was neither addressed to Hawaii, nor signed by Hawaii. By contrast, in 1894, following the revolution that overthrew a corrupt monarchy, letters addressed to President Sanford Dole formally recognized the Republic of Hawaii as the rightful successor government. The letters in 11 languages were personally signed by Emperors, Kings, Queens, and Presidents of at least 19 nations on 4 continents. Far more impressive than your Anglo-French proclamation. Photos on internet.
At that point Ritte's "true nation" was the multiracial Republic of Hawaii, not the race-centric Hawaii you're pushing for.
One more thing Mr. Ritte. You're advocating for a "unified voting block."
Ethnic Hawaiians are trying to create a race-focused political party to run candidates in the 2020 election. As the racialists have done before, they will do sign-waving with signs that say "I'm Hawaiian and I vote."
My inclination is to stand right next to them with my own sign that says "I'm haole and I vote."
You see, Mr. Ritte, if you succeed in turning the election into a race-war at the ballot box, you will lose BIG TIME. Because there are more of us than there are of you. Your racism, Kingdom flags and "Kanaka Maoli" flags displayed on Mauna Kea and all around the islands have rallied the silent majority of ethnic Japanese, Filipinos, Caucasians, and also the majority among ethnic Hawaiians, who support unity and equality for all Hawaii's people regardless of race. We will not allow you and your gang to take over.
Free Hawaii blog, December 14, 2019
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
What does “nationality” mean?
The term “nationality” refers to one’s identity with and allegiance to a particular country. It is about one’s political affiliation, not oneʻs ethnicity or race or culture.
What does “national” mean?
The term “national” is used to refer to oneʻs nationality — what country a person is from — as in: Japanese national, or Swiss national, Cuban national, etc. National is also a generic term used whether one is a “citizen” (belonging to a republic) or a “subject” (belonging to a monarchy).
What is a “Hawaiian National”?
A Hawaiian national is someone who is a subject of the Hawaiian Kingdom; someone who identifies with, professes and maintains allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Like the standard for nationality throughout the world, a Hawaiian national is either (1) descended from a Hawaiian national; (2) born within the territory of the Hawaiian Islands; or (3) took legal steps to declare his/her allegiance — to become ‘naturalized’ — to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
A Hawaiian national assumes all rights, benefits, responsibilities and obligations according to Hawaiian Kingdom laws. A minor child of a Hawaiian national has all the rights and benefits of Hawaiian nationality applicable to his or her age.
What are the current drawbacks?
The U.S. government and its puppet “State of Hawaii” use devious and strong-arm tactics to suppress the truth. They punish those who question, challenge and otherwise expose the fact that the U.S. is actually holding the Hawaiian Kingdom and its people as a captive nation.
This means that at the present time, Hawaiian nationals who donʻt want to be part of the U.S. system are not free to carry on everyday functions such as driving cars, conducting major business transactions, traveling inter-island, banking, etc. without being harassed or prosecuted by the Feds or State agents. Unless they can find alternate ways to live “below the radar,” Hawaiian nationals living in their own country risk being treated as illegal aliens or criminals.
The tide is turning
But the tide is starting to turn. It’s getting better. Years of persistent, sacrificial acts of resistance by Hawaiian patriots mounting legal, moral, social and political challenges to the present system are slowly causing the U.S. to back down to avoid direct legal confrontations that challenge their jurisdiction. (e.g. TMT)
At the same time, Hawaiians are stepping out of captivity and boldly challenging the U.S. by rejecting the imposed U.S. nationality and reclaiming their Hawaiian nationality. The nation is standing up to be recognized.
International awareness of the Hawaii situation is growing and it won’t be long before pressure builds enough for the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom to re-emerge as a free nation, putting an end to the political persecution Hawaiian nationals have had to endure.
Hawaiʻi loa kū like kākou! All Hawaiʻi stand together!
NOTE - We are in a critical time of moving to the next stage of rebuilding our country. Your kokua is needed! Imua!
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to - GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii
All proceeds go to help the cause.
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
Hawaii News Now (3 TV stations), December 25, 2019 [Christmas day]
The Decade of the Native Hawaiian
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Thirty Meter Telescope protests at Mauna Kea have attracted international attention ― and not only to the conflict, but to a rich Hawaiian movement that’s only been strengthened over the last decade.
Native Hawaiian activists and scholars say the 2010s was a time of growth, discovery and triumph for the indigenous people of these islands.
Jonathan Osorio, dean of the Hawaiinuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge at the University of Hawaii, said the TMT protests drew on years of practice in resisting “with aloha.”
“We aren’t aggressive or angry or violent about this,” he said.
“This has been for kanaka maoli the most important political .... expression of what we believe and who we are since the protect Kahoolawe occupation in the 1970s.”
To be sure, a number of Native Hawaiians have also come out in support of the Thirty Meter Telescope. And along the way, government leaders have sought to broker a resolution.
Osorio said it’s important to see the TMT protests as part of a larger Hawaiian movement that’s also sought to reclaim the Hawaiian language and protocol.
He said just a decade ago, Native Hawaiians didn’t know the protocol that now charts the course of every day at the Mauna Kea encampment.
“In bringing that protocol back and bringing our language back, we are actually changing the way we see themselves,” Osorio said.
“This is not an ethnic uprising. This is restoration of ancient knowledge.”
As we enter a new decade, activists are also shining a spotlight on the work still left to be done: The significant economic, health and education gaps that Native Hawaiians continue to face.
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(c) Copyright 2019 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved