At Valley of the Temples in Kane'ohe
At home in Kane'ohe.
August 29, 2000 in Lieutenant Governor's office taking candidate oath to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Hawaii when filing nomination papers to run for trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. In the background is my campaign manager, Mrs. Sandra Puanani Burgess.
On September 12, 2010 Ken Conklin gave a lecture/discussion opposing the Akaka bill at Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu. and Grassroot Institute published a notice providing a link to the lecture notes and 68 minutes of video, at
On April 21, 2010 the Honolulu City Council held a public hearing on a resolution to support the Akaka bill. Ken Conklin gave testimony and was questioned by Council members for about 15 minutes. Two YouTube videos include that material, at
Sunday, November 15, 2009: Ken Conklin and Jon Osorio (Professor of Hawaiian Studies) were interviewed separately regarding race in Hawaii, and the greatly shortened and edited results were the focus of a 9-minute segment broadcast on National Public Radio weekend Edition. AUDIO FILE mp3 is at:
Wednesday June 18, 2008: Ken Conklin was interviewed by Tom McAuliffe, Director of Communications for Grassroot Institute of Hawaii. The interview discussed Conklin's background, commitment to the principles of unity and equality, opposition to the Akaka bill, and hopes for the future. The resulting 25-minute podcast was placed on the GRIH website at:
Tuesday June 10, 2008: Ken Conklin was sole guest on KKCR Community Radio, Island of Kaua'i, Program "Kaua'i Soapbox," host Karlos deTreaux, 90 minutes, 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Because of a controversy on Kaua'i, the first topic was Hawaiian native burials, followed by sovereignty issues in general. The entire 90 minutes can be re-played from the radio station's archive:
July 2007, Ken Conklin was interviewed by JP Muntal, formerly of Hawaii Public Radio, resulting in a 37 minute podcast. Topics include Conklin's book, Hawaiian apartheid, racial separatism, ethnic nationalism, Hawaiian religious fascism used to justify racial supremacy, Kamehameha Schools admissions policy, how a historical falsehood was asserted on the floor of the U.S. Senate in June 2007 to push the Akaka bill. The podcast can be played at
Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
46-255 Kahuhipa St. Apt. 1205
Kane'ohe, HI 96744
tel/fax (808) 247-7942
"Hawaiian Apartheid -- Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State" (E-Book Time, print-on-demand). 302 pages, paperback
LCCN: 2007923618
ISBN-10: 1598244612
ISBN-13: 978-1-59824-461-8
PREVIEW Cover, Table of Contents, Chapter 1 at
My very large WEBSITE ABOUT HAWAIIAN SOVEREIGNTY contains more than 950 webpages, each of which has from 3 to 300 pages if printed. Includes legal documents, scholarly essays and analyses, and polemical opinion pieces.
"Hawaiian Sovereignty: Thinking Carefully About It"
Born and raised in Chicago and Niles, Illinois. Father sold woodworking machinery on commission to schools and small factories in a territory including Illinois and Iowa. Mother worked as an office clerk in a small specialized manufacturing plant of a large corporation. As a high school student I took advanced placement courses in Mathematics, Chemistry, and English, when the AP program was just getting started nationwide; plus 4 years of German and 2 years of Russian. Worked as clerk in a stationery store. Held 3 summer-long jobs in Chicago, between college years, as garbage man, factory floor worker, and actuarial assistant in a life insurance company.
Attended University of Illinois, Urbana, for all 3 degrees full-time for 7 years. Completed my B.S. in 2 years because of advanced placement credit from high school, proficiency tests to certify independent study, and course loads of 20-25 credits per semester.
B.S. Mathematics (Honors in Liberal Arts, Distinction in Math; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; James Scholar; Bronze Tablet)
M.S. Teaching of Mathematics (Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi)
Ph.D. Philosophy and Educational Theory (Dissertation: The Relevance Between Philosophic Theory and Educational Practice)
TEACHING CAREER for 30 years continuously; in Philosophy, Educational Theory, and Mathematics; including:
Assistant Professor of Philosophical, Historical, and Social Foundations of Education at Oakland University (branch of Michigan State)
Assistant Professor of Philosophical, Historical, and Social Foundations of Education at Emory University (Atlanta);
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at Boston University;
Visiting professor at University of Illinois and University of Michigan
Practice teaching in 7th grade Mathematics;
Substitute teaching in 4th grade (all subjects integrated child-centered);
High school teacher of Mathematics (grades 9-12, remedial to accelerated, including courses on computer programming in Pascal language);
PUBLISHED 43 scholarly articles in academic journals. All were published before the internet became widely used, but many of them that are especially significant have been made available on the internet in both pdf and simple-text formats, at
A webpage created in 2012 has the following title: "Kenneth R. Conklin -- Scholarly publications and teaching positions from 1962 through 1992, and description of some life experiences which influenced the growth of the spiritual and philosophical viewpoint running through his work." See
An interesting side note concerns the legitimacy of Ken Conklin's Ph.D. Hawaiian sovereignty zealots love to make totally false personal attacks against their opponents in an effort to discredit them. One such attack was made by the now-disgraced President of the University of Hawaii, Evan Dobelle, who relied upon what the crazies at the UH Center for Hawaiian Studies had told him. Dobelle tried to smear Conklin by saying publicly that Conklin's Ph.D. was bogus. But independent reporter Bob Rees verified that the degree is real, and the proof of its legitimacy was on file at Windward Community College in the form of Conklin's official transcripts from the University of Illinois, required before Conklin could be given a teaching position there. Those records would have been easily available to the President of the University if he had bothered to check. Rees also took note that Dobelle and other UH officials were still dodging any discussion about or admission of the flagrant violation of academic freedom when UH gave zero support to Conklin a year previously when intimidation and threats of violence were directed against Conklin's short-course on Hawaiian sovereignty. See "VERITAS AT THE UH" -- article by reporter Bob Rees published in The Honolulu Weekly newspaper for October 15-21, 2003 at:
Visited Hawaii on three summer vacations from 1982 to 1989
Moved permanently to Hawaii in Summer 1992
Studied Hawaiian history, culture, and language, 1992-1995 night school
Speak Hawaiian with moderate fluency; attended hundreds of Hawaiian sovereignty public rallies and smaller meetings.
U.S. Census Bureau worked on occasional data-gathering projects 1998-2006, interviewing thousands of people of all ethnicities and income levels in their homes.
Ran for Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee in November 2000, placed 4th out of 20 candidates with 18,115 votes. The candidacy required winning a civil rights lawsuit to allow people with no Hawaiian native ancestry to run for OHA trustee. See webpage about the candidacy at
and webpage about the civil rights lawsuit at
Taught Mathematics half-time at Windward Community College Fall 2002
Taught a 12-hour short-course on Hawaiian sovereignty at University of Hawaii (Manoa), Fall 2002; which was nearly canceled before it started due to intimidation and threats of violence from Hawaiian sovereignty activists. See:
"University of Hawai'i and Hawaiian Sovereignty -- A Case Study in Political Correctness Run Amok" at
Published perhaps 300 commentaries and letters about Hawaiian sovereignty in about a dozen Hawaii newspapers and some mainland newspapers. Numerous appearances on radio and television programs and podcasts.
Co-editor of a website containing the entire scanned and digitized 808-page Morgan Report, plus summaries of individual testimonies plus compilations of topic-related portions of it. The Morgan Report is the official report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations published in February 1894 regarding the U.S. role in the Hawaiian revolution that overthrew the monarchy on January 17, 1893.
Researcher and content author of webpage providing about 100 photos of formal letters of diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Hawaii in 1894, rediscovered in the Hawaii state Archives in 2008. The letters are personally signed by emperors, kings, queens and presidents of at least 20 nations on four continents in 11 languages; and some are accompanied by translations, cover letters from foreign ministers, and envelopes. Photographs of the originals, plus Liliu'okalani's letter of abdication and loyalty oath to the Republic, are at
A webpage explaining the significance of these letters is at
Here are some webpages written "from the heart" (i.e., no citations and no attempt to be scholarly) which describe my fundamental principles regarding Hawaiian sovereignty and some of the personal experiences in Hawai'i that caused me to hold these views.
Aloha For All -- Basic Principles (Unity, Equality, Aloha For All)
The Aloha Spirit -- what it is, who possess it, and why it is important
About the author of the website (including my spiritual relationship with the 'aina and the symbolic significance of Kawaiaha'o Church)
From the Na'au -- Open letter to Congress and the people of Hawai'i (a shorter version was published in the Honolulu Advertiser on March 11, 2001)
Ken Conklin -- Personal background and anecdotes showing why the Akaka bill would be harmful to the unity of Hawai'i (includes spiritual reasons for coming to Hawai'i; and discussions of some specific topics including: Racial restrictions on voting and candidacy; Using Hawaiian language is a political statement in itself (some Hawaiian activists hate me for speaking "their" language); Special coddling of ethnic Hawaiians in criminal and civil proceedings; "Political correctness" at UH and censorship of opposing views.
Short co-editor autobiography posted on the Morgan Report website, using the well-known song "He Hawai'i Au" (also called "I Keia Po") to describe myself as Hawaiian. The song accurately describes my own path through life -- the journey has been long on a path to find a place in this world that I can call home. I have no need to wander anymore, because now I know -- I am Hawaiian.
A webpage created in 2012 has the following title: "Kenneth R. Conklin -- Scholarly publications and teaching positions from 1962 through 1992, and description of some life experiences which influenced the growth of the spiritual and philosophical viewpoint running through his work." See
Ken Conklin is an independent scholar focusing on issues related to Hawaiian sovereignty. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy, and held the rank of Associate Professor of Philosophy and Educational Theory at Boston University. He also has a Masters in Mathematics, and has taught Math at University of Hawai'i -- Windward. He taught a controversial course on Hawaiian sovereignty at University of Hawai'i flagship campus at Manoa in Fall, 2002. He maintains a large website about Hawaiian sovereignty, which can easily be found by putting "Conklin thinking carefully" into the Google search engine. The website URL is
Dr. Conklin began visiting Hawai'i in 1982, and has been a permanent resident since 1992. He has moderate fluency in Hawaiian language. He has substantial knowledge of Hawaiian history, as well as ancient and modern cultural practices; and has helped with restoration of heiau (stone temple), taro patch, fishpond. He has attended hundreds of Hawaiian sovereignty meetings, appeared in numerous TV and radio programs about Hawaiian sovereignty, and has published perhaps three hundred major and minor newspaper articles on the topic. Dr. Conklin was the first person with no native ancestry to run for Trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, in November 2000, placing 4th out of 20 candidates for one seat on the board, in his first (and probably last) run for public office.
Aloha kakou!
I visited Hawai'i as a tourist on summer vacations starting in 1982, felt the spiritual power of the land, fell in love with the rainbow of cultures in Hawai'i and especially with the Hawaiian music, hula kahiko, and other traditionally Hawaiian cultural elements that define the core of what makes Hawai'i the most wonderful place in the world. I therefore decided to live permanently in Hawai'i as soon as I was eligible to receive a teachers pension. Accordingly I moved permanently to Hawai'i in 1992.
My reasons for moving here were primarily spiritual and cultural, including a great love and admiration for Hawaiian culture and language. At that point I had not yet studied Hawaiian history very deeply, and knew very little about the sovereignty movement. But I assumed that the people who produced such beautiful culture, language, and music must also be right about their view of history and their demands for sovereignty. I mistakenly assumed that most ethnic Hawaiians agreed with the Hawaiian sovereignty activists and the activists' views on Hawaiian history and sovereignty. I mistakenly assumed that the beautiful culture, language, music, and hula were somehow inherently related to the political agenda of the activists. That's why, immediately upon moving to Hawai'i permanently, I not only began learning Hawaiian language and studying the history, but I also began attending Hawaiian sovereignty meetings and political rallies.
However, I am a very inquisitive person, and also a scholar. That means I ask a LOT of questions, and I probe way below the surface to try to get all the way down to the bottom of the issues that interest me. The issue of Hawaiian sovereignty was the most complex intellectual, emotional, and spiritual puzzle I had ever encountered (and with a masters in Math and a Ph.D. in Philosophy I have dealt with a LOT of very complex topics!). That's why I devoted full-time for many years to the study of the issue, including not just academic study and reading but also praying, meditating, talking with people at great length, etc. The more I learned about history, and the more I attended sovereignty meetings, I slowly became filled with doubts about what the activists were saying. I noticed that their version of history was superficial and often just plain incorrect. I felt a growing awareness that racial separatism and ethnic nationalism are morally wrong. It took me about 5 years of full-time study, thought, meditation, and gut-wrenching inner turmoil until the "big picture" fell into place in my mind and my na'au. I reached the conclusion that there is no historical, legal, or moral justification for race-based political sovereignty for ethnic Hawaiians.
The sovereignty movement has two main branches -- the racial separatist Akaka-bill supporters seeking a race-based government excluding anyone lacking a drop of the magic blood; and the ethnic nationalists seeking to restore an independent nation which would include all racial groups BUT (unlike the historical Hawaiian Kingdom) would establish racial supremacy for ethnic Hawaiians on the grounds of "indigenous rights," making 80% of Hawai'i's people into second-class citizens whose voting and property rights would be severely limited (thus Hawai'i would come to resemble South Africa before Mandela, in which a racial minority had legal authority to oppress a much larger majority).
When the "big picture" finally fell into place for me after years of study, attending sovereignty rallies, meditation, prayer, conversation, and soul-searching, I reached the conclusion that there is no historical, legal, or moral justification for race-based political sovereignty for ethnic Hawaiians. But it was not only a conclusion or an understanding that I reached, it was also a growing awareness of the potential for great evil in the sovereignty movement. I came to realize that this issue is not merely something to think about and understand, but also something that has a strong moral component that requires action. Having gotten the 'ike, now it was necessary to do the ho'ike! And so I reluctantly gave up the quiet life of private thought and reflection, and stepped into the public arena with published newspaper articles, speaking out at meetings, filing a lawsuit against racial restrictions on running for statewide public office (OHA trustee), and then ran for OHA trustee in November 2000. It was the first time I ever ran for office (other than high school student council!), and I was pleased to come in 4th out of 20 candidates for one seat on the board, in an election that had 96 candidates for 9 seats (the winner in my contest was Haunani Apoliona, current OHA chairperson). Although I lost the election, I was proud to have participated as one of a multiracial group of 13 plaintiffs (including two ethnic Hawaiians) who won a great moral and political victory for all Hawai'i's people. Our Arakaki#1 lawsuit established that everyone regardless of race has a right to be a candidate, thereby rectifying a history of 20 years of racial segregation in Hawai'i elections for statewide public office. The 18,115 votes for me were cast by people who knew exactly why they were voting for me (not because I was a famous musician or well-known politician), and I shall always treasure each and every one of those votes.
I am proud to have other civil rights activists as my friends -- people who are fighting in the courts to abolish racial segregation in how people receive benefits from the government, and who are fighting in court to abolish racial restrictions on who can attend the best K-12 school in the world for perpetuating Hawaiian culture. We are not anti-Hawaiian -- we are anti-racism. My friend Bill Burgess served as attorney pro bono in the Arakaki#1 lawsuit, and is head of the "Aloha For All" group fighting for civil rights and social justice. His wife, Sandra Puanani Burgess, who is Hawaiian-Filipina-Chinese, courageously served as my campaign manager in the OHA election. My friend Patrick Hanifin (who died at age 48 in 2003 while working in his law office fighting for social justice) had a fiancee who was of 100% African ancestry, a native of the Ibo tribe from Nigeria with a masters from Harvard, who was working as a journalist and administrator on issues related to the aids epidemic. My friend Earl Arakaki whose name headed our list of plaintiffs is a retired policeman of Okinawan ancestry, while his wife (also a plaintiff) is of Hawaiian native ancestry. I am not married.
We understand that Hawaiian culture and language and spirituality are called "Hawaiian" not because they are racial but because they are cultural manifestations that grew and developed in the archipelago now known as "Hawai'i." The people who first produced that culture were all Polynesians, who produced the traditional Hawaiian culture by bringing their religious beliefs and social customs from their former homelands and adapting them to the local environment and the unique spirituality of these islands. But for the past 230 years the culture has grown and changed to become what it is today, as other people have come from other places bringing their own religious beliefs and social customs, which the Hawaiians already here eagerly adopted. A culture and language belong to all people who love it, study it, and participate in it in their daily lives. Hawaiian culture, music, hula, and language today is not the product of a racial group, does not belong to a racial group, and is not transmitted genetically. A nation or society belongs to all its people, who have a right to be treated equally regardless of race.
When I became the first person with no native ancestry to run for OHA trustee, it made headlines in all the newspapers, TV, and radio. One sentence I spoke was quoted most often: "Yes, I am the anti-OHA candidate, but I am NOT the anti-Hawaiian candidate." And it stuck. People understood that. And so I affirm that I am fighting against racial exclusion and racial supremacy; I am not fighting against ethnic Hawaiians as a group. In an interview on the courthouse steps a TV reporter asked me "Dr. Conklin, if you are elected, will you forget the Hawaiian people and their needs?" I answered, "'A'ole au e poina i na kanaka maoli. Nui ko'u aloha i ka po'e kanaka hawai'i 'oiwi, a me na po'e a pau noho ana ma Hawai'i nei. I will not forget the Native Hawaiians. I have great love for Native Hawaiians and for all the people who live in Hawai'i."
However, there are some ethnic Hawaiians who seek racial supremacy and seek to exclude others lacking the magic blood; so of course I am fighting them. As it happens, the ONLY ethnic group in Hawai'i whose leaders are trying to form a racially exclusionary government is ethnic Hawaiians. The ONLY ethnic group in Hawai'i that already has POWERFUL government and private institutions that are racially exclusionary are ethnic Hawaiians. OHA proudly proclaims there are over 160 racially exclusionary federal programs benefitting ONLY ethnic Hawaiians. OHA, DHHL, Kamehameha Schools, Papa Ola Lokahi, Alu Like, etc. ruthlessly try to keep out anyone lacking a drop of the magic blood. I'm not worried about the Narcissus Festival or the See Dai Doo society, because they are very small ethnic-oriented civic groups. I'm worried about huge multimillion dollar (Kamehameha is multiBillion dollar) government agencies and private institutions that are extremely powerful and have their tentacles reaching into all the major political and social institutions in Hawai'i. The lawsuits against Kamehameha school admissions policy, for example, used a California law firm rather than a Hawai'i law firm for one very simple reason -- it is impossible to find ANY major law firm in Hawai'i, with the resources needed to fight Kamehameha, which does not have contracts with Kamehameha (or OHA or DHHL) and represents Kamehameha on other legal matters. The whole power structure in Hawai'i is infiltrated by, and economically and politically beholden to, these huge, powerful ethnic Hawaiian institutions.
It is the job of a civil rights activist to speak truth to power, not to harrass small groups that are of no importance to the big picture. I know Hawaiian history, Hawaiian language, Hawaiian culture, and Hawaiian politics. So that's what I focus on. I know that the only ethnic group some of whose leaders are seeking a race-based government of its own (a "Native Hawaiian" government that would be a cancer in the body politic of Hawai'i) is ethnic Hawaiians. I know the only ethnic group having large and powerful racially exclusionary institutions is ethnic Hawaiians. That's why the targets of my civil rights activism are those ethnic Hawaiians who operate, or advocate in favor of, these illegal and immoral proposals and institutions.
To that vast majority of ethnic Hawaiians who do not support such illegal or immoral things, I say, I have no quarrel with you and I wholeheartedly love, respect, and support your cultural heritage.
To those ethnic Hawaiians who accept benefits from such racially exclusionary programs, I ask you to reconsider the morality of what you are doing. Just as some white people on the mainland, who formerly belonged to racist organizations or lived in racially exclusionary communities eventually figured out that what they were doing was wrong, and changed their behavior; I hope ethnic Hawaiians will step away from such programs (although I do understand that some programs provide great benefits to some people who are truly needy and who will have difficulty making the moral choice to step away from them).
To those ethnic Hawaiians who are leaders in such racially exclusionary institutions, or who actively work for racial separatism or ethnic nationalism, you are my political enemy, and it should come as no surprise that I attack your ideas.
I wrote a book in 2007 whose primary purpose is to make crystal clear what is the major threat posed by the Hawaiian sovereignty movement: "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State." See:
Attorney H. William Burgess
Ken Conklin and Bill Burgess at the U.S. District Court in Honolulu on July 25, 2000, at a news conference after filing the lawsuit to desegregate candidacy for statewide public office in Hawaii.
Sandra Puanani Burgess
Sandra Puanani Burgess and Ken Conklin in the Archives of the State of Hawaii on March 25, 2008 holding the letter from the royal court of China from 1894 officially recognizing the Republic, de jure, as the rightful government of Hawaii.
Sandra Puanani Burgess and Ken Conklin reviewing a folder of documents in the archives.
H. William Burgess and Sandra Puanani Burgess -- "Challenging OHA With Aloha For All" (biographical commentary by Malia Zimmerman published in Midweek newspaper on O'ahu on January 2, 2002; includes photos of Bill and Sandra)
Rubellite Kawena Kinney Johnson, Professor emerita of Hawaiian Language and Literature at University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and a Living Treasure of Hawai'i officially declared by Hongpa Hongwanji. A webpage providing portions of her resume and her testimony on the Akaka bill is at
Earl Arakaki, retired police sergeant; and lead plaintiff in the Arakaki#1 lawsuit to desegregate candidacy for OHA trustee and Arakaki#2 lawsuit to abolish OHA and DHHL
Jere Krischel, Senior Fellow, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii; Editor-in-chief of the Morgan Report website and Native Hawaiians Study Commission Report website; Designer of webpage containing letters of recognition of the Republic of Hawai'i.
1. Sometimes I get questions from readers of my website or book, and from news reporters or politicians, asking me to describe myself and my background.
2. Some Hawaiian sovereignty activists seem incapable of engaging in rational discussion of the issues, and feel a need to attack me personally. They think they can discredit me by calling me names, or by trying to trash my reputation by posting scurrilous attacks on the internet. After all, if Conklin is just an evil-hearted anti-Hawaiian racist, then there's no need to pay attention to what he says.
One middle-aged part-Hawaiian woman has devoted countless hours to creating multiple webpages over a period of years, whose sole purpose was to trash Ken Conklin. She is very wealthy, living primarily in a large house with indoor swimming pool in New Port Richey, Florida, while also owning property and traveling frequently among several other places including Hawaii, Washington D.C., King County (Seattle), and Las Vegas. One reason she created multiple hate-pages was to be sure they would rise to the top of the list when people use Google or other search engines to look for my writings or information about me; and in that mission she was successful. She has done the same thing to my friends and colleagues.
For example, she has repeatedly accused me of killing ethnic Hawaiian children -- she leaves it at that -- presumably because she thinks (but does not say) that my opposition to Hawaiian racial entitlement programs will have the effect of reducing the amount of money being spent for race-based welfare programs and therefore ethnic Hawaiian children will die from starvation or disease or poor housing. Yet this same woman has tried and failed at least three times to adopt a child (one try was for twins and she even bought a twin-stroller in anticipation). Perhaps adoption agencies or biological parents might have judged her to be a rich-bitch dilettante who is emotionally unstable and whose constant travel and lifestyle would make her a poor candidate for parent.
This hater's name is Lana Robbins. Her most frequently-used screen name is "Haolegirl" which she says was her nickname as a child on account of her light complexion in a family of darker-skinned Hawaiians. She is obsessed with race; for example, she created one webpage for the purpose of complaining about and "outing" Asian-Americans who use the word "hapa" to describe themselves as mixed-race people but who do not have any Hawaiian native blood -- she angrily demands that the word "hapa" should be used only by people who have some degree of native Hawaiian blood quantum mixed with their other ancestries. For those who want to contact this woman to discuss her crazy ideas, here's some information. It comes mostly from her own websites and blogs, although the address came from the property tax list of her town.
Name: Lana Ululani Robbins
Alias: Haolegirl
e-mail: "Lana Robbins"
[Husband's name according to property record: Brett M. Robbins.]
Property tax number 15 26 16 0130 00000 0690
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawai'i
Birthdate: May 1967
Height: 5'5"
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Ethnicity: English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Hawaiian [says 3/8 Hawaiian]
Education: Kamehameha Schools graduate '85;
University of Washington
graduate '96 (B.A. Psychology, Mathematics)
Around 2001 she wrote on one of her websites:
Enjoying my new house: It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a three-car garage, a reading room, a new pool that cost me my f!cking right leg, and fruit trees (orange, tangelos, grapefruit, mango, and banana trees and I don't know how to take care of them.) I have a gardener who take care of the lawn for $45 a month. I live along a lake so my house is pretty fancy ... I also have property in Washington state as well as a place in Vegas.
Lana Robbins sells real estate with Coldwell Banker in Tampa Bay and Tarpon Springs
Lana Robbins, GRI, RealtorĀ®
Direct Email:
Office Phone: (727) 797-1665 Ext.: 111
Cell Phone: (727) 542-1729
Address: 29 N Pinellas Avenue Suite B, Tarpon Springs, FL, 34689
Lana is also owner and president of a residential and commercial cleaning service in New Port Richey. Their slogan is "We do the dirty work so you don't have to!" How appropriate that is as a description of what Lana does on the internet where she slanders her political opponents.
Here are just a few of her many webpages (there were dozens more in previous years, and perhaps dozens of others even now) -- copy/paste the URLs.
[going to "next" page won't work, but here's a page trashing Earl Arakaki; then simply change the number 25 to go forward or backward]
Photo from Lana's realtor webpage, showing her with bleached blonde hair, lots of makeup, and looking closer to her current age.
The other photos are from other webpages in previous years when she was younger; and some of those webpages are no longer on the internet. She formerly posted semi-pornographic photos of herself, but has removed those as her real estate business has prospered. Wouldn't want to frighten the rich old people or the horses, now would we?
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(c) Copyright 2008 - 2012 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved