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As  the new age dawns in the world of
mobile computing .
There is a new standard that is being set
for smart professionals .

This standard cannot be met by all .
The reason being , they don't have what
it takes to back their product or service .
We  Do ...

At Tipi^Technologies we don't want
to sell you a notebook .
We want to sell you a concept .

Our Concept ...

When you purchase our Notebook we
will not only offer great tech support ,
but as time goes by , we will keep you and
your ^TIPI^ up to date with our latest
hardware innovations , for as long as
you own your ^TIPI^.

Ok? What does this really mean.
If we decide to replace one or more items
in Our Notebook and it affects the
overall performance of our notebook .
Then to show our gratitude for your
loyalty to ^TIPI^ .
We will automatically contact you and
inform you of the upgrade .
That's right, you heard me .
We will personally see to your future being
a secure and a productive success .

We believe in our ^TIPI^ .

^TIPI^ NB-Series #1954

Now, here's the million dollar question ?
Why buy the Cow when all you really
need is the Milk ...

Don't leave your Tipi ,
without Our ^TIPI^ ...

 A  North  American  Company

If you can find a better Notebook .
Buy it ...

Contact Your
 ^TIPI^  Representative
Do it Today ,  yesterday was to late ...

your  Last  Laptop ...

A division of NWM Ltd.  2000-2021


wcb 2000 2021