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Speech by Prof. S. Ron Oliver, SIGAda Vice Chair for Liaison

January 10, 1998

Hello Ada-Malaysia! Congratulations on forming a society to help educate people about Ada and provide a forum for your members to interact with others interested in Ada. ACM SIGAda maintains relations with many societies around the world. We are interested in strengthening these relationships and facilitating more interaction between your members and ours. Our web page at is currently undergoing revision, but you may want to visit it from time to time to see what we are up to. (By the way, my compliments on your web site. It is very well done.)

If many of your members are also members of ACM, or would like to be, you might want to consider establishing a Joint Membership Agreement with ACM. Under such an agreement members of one society may join the other society for a 20% discount. We are discussing making it possible for SIGs to enter into Joint Membership Agreements (e.g., so you could join SIGAda only, without joining ACM), but this option has not yet been implemented. If and when it is, I will be sure to let you know.

In the meantime, I would encourage you to have your society listed in the "Ada Around the World" section of our SIGAda Newsletter, Ada Letters. You may do so by sending contact information (name of a key person, address, phone number, email address, web URL, etc.) to the newsletter Editor, K.M. George.

If there is anything I can do to be of further assistance, please email me. Best wishes for success with your new society!

S. Ron Oliver
SIGAda Vice Chair for Liaison

© November 10, 1997 Lexical Integration (M) Sdn Bhd.