Latin Name |
Common Name |
Size |
Price |
Acanthoscurria geniculata |
Brazillian White Knee |
1/2" |
$35 |
Aphonopelma bicoloratum |
Mexican Beauty |
1/3" |
$40 |
Aphonopelma seemanni |
Costa Rican Stripe Knee |
2 1/2-4" |
$30 |
Aphonopelma sp. |
na |
Avicularia avicularia |
PinkToe |
3/4" |
$20 |
Avicularia minatrix |
Venezuelan Red Stripe |
1" |
$65 |
Avicularia versicolor |
na |
Brachypelma albopilosum |
Honduran Curley Hair |
na |
Brachypelma angustum |
Costa Rican Red Rump |
2" |
$50 |
Brachypelma auratum |
Mexican Flame Knee |
3/4" |
$65 |
Brachypelma boehmi |
Mexican Blood Leg |
na |
Brachypelma pallidum
x vagans |
Mexican Fantasy |
3/4" |
$20 |
Brachypelma klaasi |
Mexican Pink |
na |
Brachypelma ruhnaui |
Mexican Gold Red Rump |
3/4" |
$100 |
Brachypelma smithi |
Mexican Red -knee |
1/2" |
$40 |
Brachypelma vagans |
Mexican Red Rump |
1/2" |
$20 |
Chilobrachys fimbriatus |
Indian Violet |
na |
Chilobrachys huahini |
Huahini Birdeater |
na |
Cithatischius crawshayi |
King Baboon |
3/4" |
$20 |
Chromatoepwlma cyaneopubescens |
Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue |
1/2" |
$60 |
Cyclosternum fasciatum |
Costa Rican Tiger Rump |
na |
Cyriocosmus elegans
( |
1/4" |
$100 |
Cyriocosmus elegans
( |
Venezuelan Dwarf Tiger Rump |
1/4" |
$100 |
Cyriopagopus sp. |
na |
Ephebopus cyanognathus |
Blue Fanged Skeleton |
na |
Grammostola cala
(G. rosea red phase) |
True Chilean Flame |
1" |
$35 |
Grammostola chalcothrix |
Argentine Golden |
na |
Grammostola pulchra |
Brazillian Black |
1 1/2" |
$65 |
Grammostola rosea |
Chilean Rose Hair |
1" |
$15 |
Haplopelma minaz |
na |
Heteropoda sp. |
Chinese Giant Crab Spider |
1" |
$30 |
Holothele incei |
1" |
$60 |
Holothele sp. |
na |
Hysterocrates crassipes |
na |
Hysterocrates gigas |
na |
Lasiodora difficilis |
Brazilian Red Leg |
1/2" |
$25 |
Lasiodora parahybana |
Salmon Pink Birdeater |
na |
Lasiodorides striatus |
Peruvian Goloath Strip-knee |
na |
Lasiodorides geometricus |
American Brown Widow |
1 1/2" female |
$45 |
Latrodectus hasselti |
Australian Red Backed Spider |
1 1/2" female |
$50 |
Latrodectus menavodi |
Costa Rican Red Banded Widow |
1 1/2" female |
$40 |
Latrodectus variolus |
Northern Widow |
1" female |
$30 |
Megaphobema robustum |
Columbian Giant Red Leg |
1 1/2" |
$150 |
Metriopelma sp. |
Dwarf |
na |
Dwarf White Metriopelma |
na |
Metriopelma sp. |
Venezuelan Black and |
na |
Nhandu chromatus |
Brazilian Red Rump Zebra |
na |
Nhandu coloratovillosus |
Brazilian Black and Grey |
1 1/2" |
$60 |
Nhandu vulpinus |
Brazilian Giant Blonde |
na |
Orphnaecus sp. |
Phillipine Rust |
1/2" |
$30 |
Pamphobeteus platyomma |
Brazilian Giant Pink |
3" male |
$120 |
Pamphobeteus sp. |
Ecuadorean Purple |
na |
Poecilotheria |
1" |
$75 |
Poecilotheria metallica |
Gooty Sapphire Ornamental |
1" |
$475 |
Poecilotheria miranda |
1 1/2" |
$225 |
Poecilotheria ornata |
Ornate Ornamental |
1" |
$60 |
Poecilotheria pederseni |
Pedersen's Ornamental |
1" |
$70 |
Poecilotheria regalis |
Indian Ornamental |
1 1/2" |
$55 |
Poecilotheria rufilata |
Redslate/Olive Ornamental |
1" |
$75 |
Poecilotheria striata |
na |
Psalmopoeus cambridgei |
1" |
$35 |
Psalmopoeus irminia |
Venezulean Suntiger |
1 1/4" |
$45 |
Psalmopoeus pulcher |
na |
Pterinochilus murinus
(orange phase) |
Usambara Orange Baboon |
na |
Pterinochilus ? |
1/2" |
$25 |
Tapinauchenius purpureus |
Purple Tree Spider |
4" female |
$300 |
Theraphosa apophysis |
Goliath Pinkfoot Birdeater |
na |
Theraphosa blondi |
Goliath Birdeater |
2" |
$100 |
Vitalius cristatus |
Brazilian Red Rump Zebra |
1/2" |
$35 |
Xenesthis immanis |
Columbian Purple Bloom Birdeater |
2" |
$250 |
Scorpions & Other Inverts |
Anroctonus australis |
Black-tipped Fat Tailed Scorpion |
3" |
$60 |
Pandinus imperator |
Emperor Scorpion |
6" adult |
$35 |
Damon diadema |
Tailless Whip Scorpion |
1 1/2" |
$50 |
Mastigoproctus gigantus |
Vinegaroon |
na |
Insects |
Archimandrita tesselata |
Egyptian Peppered Roach |
1"-3" |
$20 |
Blaberus giganteus |
Brazilian Glasswing Cockroach |
1/2" - 1+" |
$25 |
Eublaberus sp. |
Central American Burrowing Glasswing
Cockroach |
1/4" - 1+" |
10/$10 |
Gromphadorhina portentosa |
3" |
$20 |
Pycnoscelus sp. |
Mexican Burrowing Cockroach |
8oz container |
$10 |