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Workshop Leader

Murray   D.   Callahan

M.A., M.A.C.

Murray Callahan is an ordained minister who has been counseling individuals, couples, families, and groups for more than twenty years. His services have been sought by mental health agencies, social services, pastoral and professional counselors, churches, academic institutions, business and the United States Military. His inventories, assessment tools, counseling forms and record -keeping instruments are being used in public and private agencies, graduate counseling programs, and Christian counseling ministries.

Murray has served as a public mental health specialist, supervisor for graduate counseling students, director of a counseling center, professor in both seminaries and secular universities, chaplain, and senior pastor.

He is currently executive editor at COUNSELSOURCE, chair of the department of counseling at a seminary, educator, author, marriage and family counselor, and a registered consultant with the Federal Drug Free Communities Program.

Reverend Callahan maintains a consulting practice in Virginia Beach, Virginia where he resides with his best friend and wife, Dianne. Murray and Dianne are celebrating six grandchildren, 33 years of marriage and ministry comprising church planting in seven states and numerous ministers and missionaries who have benefitted by the Callahan's training and friendship.

Dianne is an accomplished artist and Murray conducts training and team building seminars and workshops throughout the year. He is available for seminars, workshops, pulpit supply and on-site consulting.

    He can be reached via Email at or

            Reverend Murray Callahan
            P.O. Box 64421
            Virginia Beach, VA 23467
            United States

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