Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis & (TJTA) are registered trademarks of Psychological Publications, Inc. The Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (T-JTA), measures person- ality traits that affect an individual's personal and interper- sonal adjustment. The T-JTA is an excellent tool for counseling individuals or its unique "criss-cross" feature can be used to create an ideal instrument for counseling couples. The T-JTA profiles are designed to help counselors quickly identify client problem areas and the structure of the inventory makes it possible to use the instrument to better incorporate clients into the counseling process. T-JTA helps clients better understand them- selves without feeling pathologized. Spouses or family members can compare their own self-portraits with the perceptions others have of them making the tool very versatile in any relationship therapy. ASSESSMENT IN GROUPS Criss-Cross Administration Criss-cross administration involves two individuals and four administrations of the TJTA. For couples, the male will answer the questions about himself and then take the assessment again, answering the questions about his partner. Likewise, the female will answer the questions about herself and then take the assess- ment again, answering questions about her partner. The criss-cross report interprets the self-report data for each individual and then compares and contrasts the two self-reports. Each individual's self-report is later compared to the description provided by the other person. Differences between the individuals' self-perceptions and the perceptions of the other partner can often be very revealing about the relationship. These differences in perceptions can also be used in counseling sessions with the couple to give rise to discussions that will further the understanding of the individuals in their relationship. Further description of the T-JTA follows, along with information about the authors, quick facts, scales, norm groups, report options, common questions, and workshops. T-JTA Quick Facts Author: Robert M. Taylor and Lucile P. Morrison Publisher: Psychological Publications, Inc. Date of Publication 1992 Appropriate Ages 18 and older Norm Groups Young Adult (18-25 ) General Adult (26-54) Senior Adult (55-74) Minimum Reading Level 8th Grade (5th Grade for Secondary Edition) Administration Time Approximately 30 minutes (one administration) Assessment Length 180 items with 3-point response scales Scales 9 personality trait scales 2 test-taking indices Report Options Individual Profile Report Individual Interpretive Report Criss-Cross Profile Report Criss-Cross Interpretive Report T-JTA About the Authors Robert M. Taylor is a licensed psychologist and marriage, family, and child counselor. He earned a graduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the former director of counseling for the American Institute of Family Relations. He was instrumental in establishing the Los Angeles Vocational Guidance Center and the Child Guidance and Parent Counseling Service, also in Los Angeles. He developed and directed the first internship training program in marriage counseling in California. Lucile P. Morrison (1896--1991) received a BA from Vassar College and an MA in psychology from George Pepperdine College. She was a licensed psychologist and marriage, family, and child counselor. She served as vice president, director, and staff member of the Psychological Guidance Center in Anaheim, California. She was also a director of Psychological Publications, Inc., in Los Angeles. T-JTA Scales Personality Traits A Nervous/Composed B Depressive/Light-Hearted C Active-Social/Quiet D Expressive-Responsive/Inhibited E Sympathetic/Indifferent F Subjective/Objective G Dominant/Submissive H Hostile/Tolerant I Self-Disciplined/Impulsive Test-Taking Indices Attitude Scale Mid Count T-JTA Norm Groups Normative data are available for three groups to reflect different stages of adult life: Young Adults: 18-25 (8,852 subjects) General Adults: 26-54 (16,547 subjects) Senior Adults: 55-74 (773 subjects) T-JTA Report Options Individual Profile Report This report profiles percentile scores on the nine bipolar personality traits. The profiles are designed to give clinicians a quick guide to the individual's strengths and potential problem areas. In addition, it provides a summary of the demographic data collected and summarizes the results on the two test-taking indices--the Attitude scale and the Mid count. Individual Interpretive Report In addition to providing all of the information that appears in the individual profile report, the interpretive report analyzes the nine personality scales to identify the individual's strengths and weaknesses. It also interprets relevant interactions among the scales. The report includes an optional Client Summary that can be shared with the individual. Criss-Cross Profile Report Based on both partners' self-reports and each partner's evaluation of the other, this report includes a summary of the demographic data collected, a discussion of the two test-taking indices, and five profiles: two for the individuals, one for the couple, and one criss-cross profile for each partner. Shaded zones on the profiles indicate levels of adjustment (Excellent, Acceptable, Improvement Desirable, and Improvement Needed) for each of the personality scales. Criss-Cross Interpretive Report Based on four administrations of the instrument, the criss-cross interpretive report provides all of the information that appears in the criss-cross profile report plus an integrated, narrative analysis of the individuals' self-report scores and a discussion of the degree to which each individual's self-portrait matches the portrait painted by his or her partner. the information provided is useful in understanding the two partners as individuals, the dynamics at work in their relationship, and the degree to which they understand how their partner feels about him- or herself. The information can also be used to set the stage for further discussions--to identify the strengths and weaknesses that the individuals bring to the counseling process and point out in an objective manner where improvement is desirable. The report includes an optional Couple's Summary that can be shared with the individuals. T-JTA Common Questions and Answers What is a sten score? A sten score is a standard score with a distribution of 1-10 (sten means "standard-ten"), just as a T score is a standard score with a distribution of 1-100. A raw score is converted into a sten score using either a look-up table or a formula. "Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis" and "T-JTA" are registered trademarks of Psychological Publications, Inc. ABOUT THE TEST The Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis is a valuable standardized assessment instrument and counseling tool. The T-JTA is a personality inventory designed for use in individual, premarital, marital, group, and family counseling. It is currently in extensive use as a diagnostic instrument to determine therapeutic goals, evaluate progress and change, and in direct use with clients part of the counseling process. The T-JTA is a paper and pencil test which measures nine personality traits and their bipolar opposites all of which are important components of and significantly influence personal, scholastic and vocational functioning and interpersonal relationships: The T-JTA functions as a diagnostic device to identify individual strengths as well as areas of needed improvement T-JTA test results pinpoint specific problem areas providing insight into the internal forces that actually produce many of the external complaints or conflicts. In addition to its application as a personality assessment inventory in working with individuals, the T-JTA is uniquely appro- priate for use with couples, and family members. The test questions can be answered first as they apply to another person in T-JTA "Criss- Cross" fashion. This procedure adds the measure of interpersonal perception to the counseling perspective. Similarities, differences or areas of misunderstanding become readily apparent.Click here to return to TJTA mainpage Copyright 1997 by COUNSELSOURCE. All rights reserved.
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