Simpsons From Cartoon/Comeady Central

homer Homer is an idiot. He has no brain and drinks on a daily basis. His favorite drink is a duff beer and his favorite expressions are dohh and woohoo. He hates his neighbor Ned flanders who he calls Flanders and wants to punch his hidely doodely face in.

Marge is a hose wife married to Homer Simpson. She is a neat freak and is a really big complainer. When she's nervous she grumbles mmmmm. She loves Homer and calls his homey and her big lug.

Bart is a smart ass little kid in grade 4. He makes prank calls and does all sorts does mischievous things like most punks. His best friend is Millhouse and his favorite expresion is eat my shorts. His favoite show is ithy and scratchy. His best sport is skateboarding

Lisa will be the Einstein of the 21 century. In a competition with Bart she always turns to her mother and says but mo....m and she wins. What else can I say about this little girl with no life.

Maggie is the youngest of the five simpsons. She cant talk walk or eat real food. She can barely crawl and loves to suck her passifire. She loves her passifire so much because when she was born homer kissed marge, maggie tried to kiss someone but there was no one to kiss so she grabed the passifire and still is kissing it.