South park



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cartman singing

Kenny McCormick the living deadKenny Mc Cormick is a poor little child. You can barely here his voice under his big orange hood but I assure you it's never something nice. He unfortunetly is dommed to die every eppisode.Sleep well little child the lord holds thee now.

StanStan is the leader of the swearing grade 3ers. He cant kiss jis girlfreind Weny Testaburger with out pukeing. He refers to the bus driver Mrs. Crabtree as a "Fat Ugly Bitch" and when she responds "what did you say" he responds somthing like "I said I have a bad itch".

Cartman Erik Cartman, to you Cartman, is a fat assed Jerk, a bully, and his mom's a slutty hemaphedic on the cover of Crack Whore magazine. The spoiled stupid ass master's favorite snack is cheesy poofs. He likes to make fun of Kenny's poor family by saying thing like: Hey guys, Kenny's familly's so poor that they had to put a cardboard box up for morgage and hey Kenny, If drinking scotch as a paying job your dad woud be a millionair.

Kyle broslofskyKyle is the famouse Person who ypu always hear say you Bastard(s) and occasanaly oh my G-d they Killed Kenny and even once oh my G-doh I killed Kenny. He's a Jew lonely on Cristmass to be left out of Parties and celebrations.

ChefChef is the school coock who likes sing about his own Raw Sexual fantisies at inapropriate moments.