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DrJohn's Alan Dean Foster Page

A Few Alan Dean Foster Links

Alan Dean Foster Page - The Best I've seen
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I REALLY like Alan Dean Foster. I was introduced to him in an "English as Second Language" class, when I read Bloodhype back in Grade 10. Since then, I've scoured all the local used bookstores for his Humanx Commonweath Series books, its Flinx * and its Ice Rigger + sub-series. Here are a few of my favorite by this author:

The Humanx Commonwealth Series

(in approximate chronological, as opposed to bibliographical order):
Title Year Published Illustrator Galactic Date
Nor Crystal Tears1982 Michael Whelan
Voyage to the City of the Dead1984Barclay Shaw aa106
Midworld1975H. R. Van Dongenaa543
Icerigger +1974Tim Whiteaa548
The Tar-Aiym Krang *1972Darrell Sweetaa549
Mission to Moulokin+1979Michael Herringaa550
The Deluge Drivers+1987Michael Herring
Orphan Star *1977Darrell Sweetaa550
The End of the Matter *1977Darrell Sweetaa551
For Love of Mother-Not *1983 Michael Whelan
Flinx in FLux *1988Darrell Sweetaa553
Bloodhype *1973Darrell Sweetaa555
Mid-Flinx *1995
Cachalot1980Darrell Sweetaa600