Care to Join Us?
Rules for Membership:1. The principal owner and keeper of the submitted website should be a woman, or have created a website that would appeal to empowered women. 2. Attractive, wholesome, inspiring websites are invited into the circle, especially ones focused on helping womyn face the future in an empowering way. 3. No sites with content which supports sexism, oppression, pornography, or vulgar language will be accepted. 4. Your site must be tastefully and lovingly done. You don't have to be a professional html programmer, but your site must reflect care, taste, and be aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eyes. 5. No broken links, defunct images, or sites solely comprised of links. 6. Site must contain ample content, focused on empowerment, enrichment, futuristic skills, holism and balance, health, healing, successful relationships, spiritual development, career planning, and so on, with a positive focus.
Steps for Joining the Web Ring:1. Go to: Add Me! and complete the "Submit site to 21st Century Womyn" Form. You will receive a confirmation email from the webring site, informing you that your submission has been added to the approval queue. You will then receive a separate email from the webkeeper with your personalized html fragment ready to mount the webring icon onto your site. 2. Copy one of the sets of graphics, at the bottom of the page to your hard drive, by right clicking over the image with your mouse, and choosing "Save this Image". You will need to save two graphics: for instance: for Set 2, download: "21stcentury99.gif" and "21stnext99.gif" I've included a choice of graphics to offer you a variety. Choose the one that catches your eye or suits your site the most. If you'd like to create your own graphic, I'd love it if you'd share them with me, to include on this page (with acknowledgement, of course:^) 3. Copy and Paste the emailed html fragment along with the two graphics into your website directory. 4. Make sure you type in the complete address for the graphics (from your server, not mine, please). Make sure the url is correct, or your pictures will not be displayed on your site.
Copy one of these sets of graphics to your computer.(8 sets to choose from thus far) Thanks for Joining!