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Feng Shui Made Really Easy III

Sheng Qi and Sha Qi

Master Joseph Yu
June 1999

There are two types of Qi, the good and the bad. The good type is called Sheng Qi while the bad type is called Sha Qi. The word Sheng means vital or life. The word Sha means evil or killing. These two types of qi can sometimes be felt by our senses, but we may be unaware of their existence some other times.

Beautiful objects are considered Sheng Qi. They are pleasant to our eyes and we feel comfortable with beautiful objects at our sight. Although what is beautiful to one person may not be so to another, we cannot disregard general consensus of opinion.

A house built in a beautiful environment is then said to be bathing in good Feng Shui because it is surrounded by sheng qi. If the interior of a house is clean and tidy, well ventilated and has good lighting, then the house is also filled with sheng qi. People living in such a house will feel calm and peaceful and life is enjoyable to them. They will have more energy to work and play. They are enjoying good Feng Shui.

On the other hand, ugly objects are considered Sha Qi. They are unpleasant to our eyes and we feel uncomfortable with their presence. A house built near a dumpsite with flies and mosquitoes, with bad odor polluting the air, is suffering from bad Feng Shui. People living there will easily get sick and feel unhappy. They will find life horrible.

Chinese people consider the Perfect Trinity to be formed by Truth, Kindness and Beauty. Ancient people argued in search of truth. They were kind to each other with a common goal of creating a beautiful world.

Today, there are Feng Shui wars in a lot of places. This is the most ignorant action. Using ugly objects to harm competitors is creating a source of sha qi at home. It not only hurts the competitor but the person himself and other innocent neighbors. Feng Shui practitioners who employ such technique to make money should be reprimanded.

Some people teach others to use mirrors to handle sha qi. They are equating qi to light, which is not true. If light is not qi then what does the mirror do?

Well, they say that there are three kinds of mirrors - the plane mirror, the convex mirror and the concave mirror each having a special function:

[1] A plane mirror can reflect sha qi back to the source.

[2] A concave mirror can concentrate the sha qi at one point.

[3] A convex mirror can disperse sha qi.

What really happens is that a plane mirror will form an image at the back of the mirror. If there is a source of sha qi outside your house, using a plane mirror at your front door will bring it virtually into your house. If you use a concave or convex mirror you are also bringing the sha qi in a focussed way into or near your house. Fortunately, it is only the image of the source of sha qi that is involved, not the sha qi itself. Since light contributes only a part of the sha qi, the actual harm done is not great. We can be sure that it does not work even if no harm is done.

If we analyze Feng Shui with a scientific mind, we will not blindly believe such false teachings.

Joseph Yu, ?1999, All Rights Reserved

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