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Feng Shui Made Really Easy IV

Feng Shui Study Tools

Master Joseph Yu
June 1999

To study a subject we must have powerful tools. The tools in Feng Shui study are:

(1) Yin and Yang
(2) Five Elements
(3) He Tu, Luo Shu
(4) Xian Tian and Hou Tian Ba Gua
(5) Nine Stars
(6) Mountain and Water
(7) Logic

Note that the order of the above 7 items does not imply the order of importance. They are all necessary and none can be omitted. They are, however, related.

For example, Yin and Yang are closely related to Mountain and Water. However, mountains and waters need special attention apart from the yin and yang aspects.

Luo Shu is closely related to the Nine Stars. You may wonder, "Are they the same?"

Well, do you remember that Qi can be tangible and intangible? Luo Shu deals with the intangible 9 stars. What about the tangible 9 stars?

The entire Feng Shui study is to know how to use these tools to make an analysis of a site that may be a house, a large building, a village, a town, a city or a country.

We can study Feng Shui more effectively than people in the old days. Our education system offers us a solid scientific background to understand Feng Shui principles better than our ancestors. However, we may also be lost if we adhere to science with no flexibility. Some of the fundamental concepts cannot be explained by the science we know today.

There is another question which is frequently asked. Should the Four Pillars be an indispensable tool in Feng Shui studies?

The answer is "No!".

Four Pillars of Destiny deals with Heaven Luck. It tells us what is ahead of us in our path of life. It gives us suggestions to handle situations in the future. One of the ways is to use Earth Luck, that is, Feng Shui. The other way is the appropriate use of Man Luck.

Another question is, "In prescribing Feng Shui cures, should we take into account the four pillars of the occupants so that the right elements are assigned?"

The answer is a simple "No!". Is this answer shocking?

Ask yourself, "If water is my most unfavorable element, should I stop drinking water?" Is the answer obvious? What more intimate relationship between yourself and water than letting water into your body? It is simply a misconception and misunderstanding of the five elements theory to try to use objects and substances to balance the four pillars.

Feng Shui and Four Pillars are divided into different levels. In the basic level, we may be using colors and substances to balance our Four Pillars. Since it is not harmful and may be beneficial in a psychological sense, it can be recommended.

Joseph Yu, ?1999, All Rights Reserved

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