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MWO Gary Francis Quann (Retired)

Cyprus X 2
Special Service Medal (NATO)
Canadian Peacekeepers Service Medal

I am a Radio Operator MOC 211, and enlisted in the CAF in 1974.
Here are the locations I have served since then.

1974 06 Mar - Canadian Forces Recruit Center Cornwallis NS
1974 31 May - Canadian Forces School of Administration & Logistics, CFB Borden ON
1974 28 Jun - Canadian Forces School of Communications & Electronics, CFB Kingston ON
1975 16 Jan - 2 CMBG HQ & Signal Sqn, CFB Petawawa, ON
**CCUNCYP 22 Nov 76 - 24 May 77 United Nations Forces in Cyprus**
1978 17 Apr - 3 PPCLI CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, BC
**CCUNCYP 30 Mar 80 - 30 Sep 80**
1981 12 Jan - 4 CMBG HQ & Signal Sqn, Lahr, Germany
**1984 26 May - Married Marie Rachel Mona Durand**
1986 25 Jul - 1 Canadian Signals Regiment, Kingston, ON
**1987 Apr 26 - Birth of Darrell Francis**
**1989 Jan 20 - Birth of Vincent Paul**
** 1991 Apr - NATO Integrated Communication Course, Latina, Italy
1991 25 Jul - Canadian Forces French Language School, Shearwater, NS
1992 29 Jun - 705 Hamilton Communication Squadron, Hamilton ON
1995 07 Aug - MARLANTHQ Det Mill Cove, NS
1997 10 Aug - Land Forces Atlantic Area G6, Halifax, NS
2001 07 Jul - Land Forces Central Area G6 Ch Comm Op, Toronto ON
2003 20 Feb - Release fromt the Canadian Armed Forces and back to Lower Sackville, NS.

And here is my wonderful wife Mona recieving her Cpl's in Moose Jaw.
Mona served for 8 years in the CAF as an Administration Clerk.

She was posted to:

St Jean, PQ
Moose Jaw, Sask,
Lahr, Germany, and;
Kingston ON.
Mona retired from the CAF in 1987 to raise our two sons
Darrell and Vincent. She recieved the Special Service Medal for NATO. (same as above)

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