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The Seven Card Studs/Bathtub Gin Gang 30 Year Reunion was a success!

"The Seven Card Studs/Bathtub Gin Gang Dixieland Band" held a 30 year reunion in Laguna Hills, CA., this past September, 1999. This time marked the anniversary of the Seven Card Studs' debut at Knott's Berry Farm, just after performing at Richard Nixon's first inaugural ball at the White House, 1969, Washington, D.C. The youngest of the group was a sophomore in high school at the time. After graduation, the Studs took time to persue individual, professional careers. In 1975, the band was presented an opportunity to return to Knott's on a full-time basis. So, the band regrouped, replaced two guys with two girls, and were renamed, "The Bathtub Gin Gang." They remained at Knott's through 1979. More changes were in store for the band in following years, and even today, audiences are still being entertained by individual members of, collectively-called, "The Gang." In attendance were all but three of the seven original members, along with 12 others from subsequent years. Among our honored guests was Allan Trefry, former band director of Whittier H.S., the orginal Seven Card Studs Alma Mater. Thanks and love to all my 'Stud Brothers & Sisters', (see above photo,l-r), Steve Briggs-(clarinet/sax); Jack Neece-(drums); Marty Buttwinick-(bass); Marshall Ariza-(tuba/bass); Bob Leon-(piano); Sharon Mewess-Trees-(piano); Joe Vinatieri-(trombone); Myself, Dale Colgrove-(cornet); Stephanie Webb-(banjo); Bryan Weiss-(trombone); Dan Tyler-(piano). Not shown are Steve Kerchner-(piano), & George Thatcher-(trombone). Unable to attend were Steve Tellez-(banjo/drums) and Michael O'Neal-(drums).
David Joy and Charlie Bulla...Where are you?
Highlights were captured on audio and video tape, and are available by contacting me via e-mail.
All proceeds from tape sales will go to charity.
Dale >=(iii)=<()"
