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Our Mission Statement

    Our goal is to show the way to a better Health...Next, by taking us Back To Genesis.
we believe that if we choose to follow the simple principles and statutes of God as stated in the Torah,
we would not suffer the diseases suffered by the Egyptians. Why do we know that to be true?
Because our Heavenly Father says so in His Word. We believe that our mind cannot operate properly
unless our body is in perfect health. If we want to have a useful and fruitful spiritual life to touch other with our Lord's Love, we need to go back to Eden to get our physical health back. Our diet, the water we drinks, the air we breath, the daily exercise we do are essential.
    The second goal is to present you and our friends with some Christian Web sites of a very specific interest.  From our Home page you will be able to go listen to the spoken Bible, to access to a Concordance in 7 languages and with many translations, to find answers to your questions about God, His angels, life after death and many more, to study Theomatics, the mathematics of our Father, to discover the site of Cracking the Bible Code, to study about Creation & Evolution, to listen to the News that the regular media do not want you to know. To learn about people who along the line of time have efficiently contributed to the advancement of the Kingdom of God, like Madame Guyon, who was put in the dark jail of La Bastille, for few years because of her unconditional love for her Savior. We will also post links or banners to Seminars or to other great Christian events, that we will try to keep as up-dated as possible.

    At least we have selected some links to Internet services that we have tried and which have been a blessing to us. We recommend the "AllAdventage" banner that you may download for free and that will make money for you when you are on line: it paid for our monthly Internet Access Fee in 2 weeks. "Internet Call Manager" has allowed us not to miss a phone call, thanks to their service we did not miss the call which confirmed my interview to my new job..., cheaper than another phone line, we also know who is calling us, and we can choose to get back to the caller or let him (her) speak a message in our Internet Voice Mail, Great! We use "VoxPhone" to speak with my brothers in France for free, and the sound is so good, that they seem to be in my living room, we can also conference with 4 different locations. Or I use "Dialpad" to call anywhere in the USA from my computer for free!

Please keep coming back to our Home Page for more exploration and spiritual surfing.
In His Love...