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Central Florida - Buyer Advantage...Get cash back when buying a home.

Real Estate Services offered by... Larry E. Johnson
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Serving Central Florida
Since 1980



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City of Orlando

City of Oviedo

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City of Altamonte Spgs.

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Get the Buyer Advantage
Have your 1st. Mortgage Payment Paid for you!

It all begins here! On the left you can "Click" the "search the MLS" button to do a Home Search from the Realtor MLS and visit some other useful sites. If you bookmark the MLS link you will be able to search for homes at any time you wish. Get ready for some great information!

Hello and Welcome! I am Larry Johnson,
Broker-Owner of Real Estate Services offered by...

Larry E. Johnson Broker-Realtor!

"At Last! An Opportunity To work with a 22 year real estate veteran Broker and get cash back at closing...

I have access to all homes currently on the market thru the
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Email me at any point!
Larry E. Johnson

Larry E. Johnson
407.247.1769 (Local call in Orlando)

Working with me will save you time, money and
put cash back in your pocket"

*** Just a sample of the many properties we have access to!***

Subject to prior sale .. Call us for all the details!
Note: Phone number in pictures has changed to

One of these could be your next home

and with mortgage payments close to what you would pay for rent!

Want a pool with it?

Better call me now! Summer's around the corner!

Real Estate Services offered by Larry E. Johnson

Have questions? Feel free to email me at:
Larry E. Johnson

Larry E. Johnson
407.247.1769(Local call in Orlando)

Larry E. Johnson

P.S. - The real estate market is hot throughout Florida right now. It's a sellers market, so homes are moving fast. If you're serious about buying a home, now is the time.

The Smart Way to Buy Your Home...

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Notice of Non_Representation

Florida Law Requires that Real Estate Licensees provide this notice to potential Buyer's and Seller's of Real Estate.
You are hereby notified that Real Estate Professionals and I do not represent you in any capacity. You should not assume that any real estate broker or salesperson represents you unless you agree to engage a real estate licensee in an authorized brokerage relationship, either as a single agent or as a transaction broker. You are advised not to disclose any information you want to be held in confidence until you make a decision on representation.