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Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire Webring Joinup

Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire Webring Joinup

Hello, thanks for coming to this page. If you have a homepage and would like more hits to it then you can join a webring.

I own my own webring called 'Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire'. I have called it the Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire because we accept any sort of site (as long as its not pornographic). I am working on it to bring different sorts of sites in. For anyone who wishes to join the Empire.

If you are interested in joining then there are several steps you need to take. I have tried to make the joinup as painless as possible so I would like you to read this next section before you take any action.

1) You to fill in this form and submit it so you are placed in the queue.

2) Here is a selection to use: Here they are;
My Main Logo

My Alternative Logo

3) You need to copy and paste the right html fragment, and put it somewhere accessable on your homepage. Then edit its details and put in your Ring ID, your Name and E-Mail address.

Click on the picture that you want to get the correct html fragment for it.

4) Now once you have submitted your site and put on the html fragment you need to e-mail me and tell me you have done it. In the e-mail I need your site id number and title and I would like any suggestions you could give me about this joinup process.


Edit Your Sites Webring Details

If you already have a Site on my webring and would like to edit it's information fill out these details:

Site ID No:
