Lark's thoughts on hunting and hunting ethics have been presented in publications such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, Toronto Star, Soo Star, and Timmins Daily Press newspapers; the "Greenhaven Press, Inc. - Current Controversies" Series 'The Rights of Animals'; and popular press paperbacks like "Tales of the Ultimate Sportsman". You can search for several websites featuring the complete text or excerpts from his writings. |
Ron is able to make your first time first-time experience comfortable and enjoyable. Seasoned hunters come to recognize Ron's abilities quickly forming a true hunting partnership remembered for a lifetime. |
One shot dropped the bear quickly,
traveling no more than twenty yards, saving us a tracking job .
In an E-mail, after his hunt, Brett says: "I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere thank you and appreciation for everything your family, Ron, and assistants did for Rick and me. It was an exceptional experience in all respects and has truly changed me as a person, and as a hunter. Your group embodies everything that is good and right about hunting. I am further educated on the ethics and meaning of hunting thanks to you, your family, Ron, and others." . . . "Finally, I would very much like to be invited back for a hunt next year. I have shared my experience with my wife to such an extent that she can probably tell each story as well as I can." . |
In Rick's letter that accompanied this picture, Rick writes; "Brett and I had a great time hunting with you and Ron. The job everyone did at your camp was first rate, and we really appreciated it." |
In a note to us, after the hunt, Ed writes; "had a great time and want to thank you and Ron very much; you both went that extra mile to provide me with the best spots. Your special concerns on how to make and take the correct shot, and the time taken to show and teach me the way it's supposed to be don was great. P.S. My sons will enjoy the 'Experiences'." . |
More 2001 Hunt photos on Page 2 (Click here!) |
Check back later for more photos... |