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I am interested in the following:

ObjectAda product specifications information

White Paper on using Ada for Java development

White Paper on OLE development with Ada

White Paper on comparative language costs

All of the above.

Please answer the following questions:

Which operating systems do you target?

JVM Windows 95 Windows NT
Win3.1 DOS  


How important is it for your software to be highly reliable?

Extremely Very Somewhat
Not Much    


How large are your typical project engineering teams?

1-5 6-10 11-20
21-50 Over 50  


Which languages do you use on your projects? (Check only three three most heavily used.)

Ada 83/95 C/C++ Java
Basic Pascal Fortran
Eiffel Smalltalk


Which of the following are important in your development?

ActiveX controls MFC
GUI development Real-time development
Database access Number crunching
Client/Server applications Multi-threaded applications
UNIX GUI compatibility

What is your time frame for making a purchase?

30 days 1-3 months
4-6 months over 6 months


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