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Integrating the urban, modern Jewish American city experience with its historical sites and themes in such locales as Boston, MA, Portland, ME, East Bay and Providence, RI, and the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NYC.

Question: What's a political mensch?

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Celebrating 352 Years

of Jews in America

See below, Michael Alan Ross' original humorous, political satirical song lyrics,

Capitalist Commands!

Offered in the spirit of the 10th Commandment,
Don't covet!

Now available!

The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook

6 Self-Guided Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours

Covers Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge

Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w photos

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Now available!

The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Ways to Self-Struggle with Classic Morals

In Song, Poetry, and Prose

Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other!

Softcover 153 pages with practical suggestions pages!

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Satirical Political Song

Capitalist Commands!

Offered in the spirit of our
Ten Commandments

Copyright Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2007.
All Rights Reserved.

Buy the book with additional songs:
The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Can we laugh at ourselves and our competitors in good humor
and based upon the same set of values, i.e. The Ten Commandments?

Michael Alan Ross uses his creative poetry, prose, and lyrics to meet such a challenge.

Mr. Ross, author of The Ten Commandments Guidebook and BostonWalks' The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook - 6 Self-guided Jewish History Walk Tours of Downtown Boston, here below offers an example, of his original, humorous, political satirical song lyrics, Capitalist Commands:

Capitalist Commands!

Copyright Michael Alan Ross 2004-2007. All rights reserved.

(Suggestion: Sing to the music of Sloop John B.)

So, lets try to understand
Capitalist commands.
Right is right and Left is unholy sin.
Cant let them win,
Cant let them win,
We wont let them win cause its sin to let the Left win.

Our profits are number one.
Passing money from father to son,
Dont let the IRS take it away.
National health
Steals all our wealth.
We d have less money to defend USA.


De-regulations two.
Big government is through,
Dont let the Justice lawyers break us apart.
Thats subterfuge,
Socialist rouge.
Kills our business and breaks my capitalist heart.


Power is number three.
Only nepotism for me,
Dont let persons merits determine jobs.
It all depends,
On helping friends.
Theyll defend and protect me from plebeian mobs.


Conforming is number four.
We like rich more than poor,
Token is the word for our Blacks and Gays.
Right wing uptight,
Need not be white.
You too can join us in old-fashioned ways.


Live well is number five.
High profits help us survive,
It is great that you continue to buy.
Patriots know,
To get more dough,
American prices rise like good apple pie.


Sportmanships number six.
Losers should take their licks,
Call all Presidential elections fair.
Its not a great cost,
To have many votes lost.
There are less lost votes than voters who dont vote and dont care.


Order is number seven.
America is heaven,
Business as usual is our way.
A final decision,
Provides clearer vision.
Muddying waters with details can cause us dismay.


Retributions number eight.
Fear and trembling should be the fate,
Of all who challenge our morality.
Put them away,
Where they cant say,
Elections were stolen, not won by majority.


Materialisms nine.
Going to malls is always so fine,
With dollars anything can be bought.
Big boats and cars,
Fine wine at bars.
Who doesnt agree that poverty is so much rot.


Governings number ten.
The true power of the pen,
Is enacting Right-wing bills into laws.
All Leftists bills,
Our voice-vote kills.
Its fun being in power like our papas.


Copyright Michael Alan Ross 2004-2007. All rights reserved.

Satirical Song Lyrics and Poetic Commentaries!

Mr. Ross' original, satirical, song lyrics and poetry in light of the Ten Commandments offer uplifting, spiritual and, sometimes, challenging interpretations.

In his guidebook Mr. Ross offers many suggestions for us to consider in struggling with the Ten Commandments, making his Guidebook not only fun reading but also a fine teaching tool.

Click here to purchase The Ten Commandments Guidebook, ISBN 0970082525, by Michael Alan Ross.

The Ten Commandments Guidebook, ISBN 0970082525, by Michael Alan Ross, BostonWalks Publishers 2004. In paperback, 153 pages, list price: $19.95.

Wholesale purchase of 12 or more copies also is available at 40% discount.
Contact information: BostonWalks Publishers, 50 Grove St., Belmont MA 02478, Email:, Telephone: 617-489-5020.

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Walks Around Boston Links

New Interpretations of our Ten Commandments Links

Now available!

The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook

6 Self-Guided Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours

Covers Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge

Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w photos

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Now available!

The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Ways to Self-Struggle with Classic Morals

In Song, Poetry, and Prose

Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other!

Softcover 153 pages with practical suggestions pages!

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Book Order Form
to order now!

"West End House" circa 2004
Begun by 35 Jewish boys in 1903!
Click here to connect with some of
Boston's Best!

Yea, Team! The Boston Red Sox and The New England Patriots!

From the Charles River, a red, white, & blue political agenda flows!

Copyright Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2007. All Rights Reserved.

Email: BostonWalks


Chazak Ve-ematz
be strong and resolute

(Moses words to Joshua in Deut. 31:7)

Boston Walks

The Jewish
Friendship Trail