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Welcome to New World Freedom Party International's Commentary Page

Here you will find commentary on selected weekly news, & other events or ideas. This week all I can say is:

***1. Once again the "self appointed/non-annointed ones" of ex-Democrat and ex-Republican machines, calling themselves something like "the Committed on Presidential Debates", are railroading the American Public into only being able to, and (with the NEWS media's help) only being exposed to, their parties nominees - now and, especially, when it gets down to the last few weeks before the election in the televised debates. That should be a crime and against the law. It isn't for them, because they, just like the Pres and Sen(Sin)ators, are "above" the laws they create for the underlings. That is YOU, by the way in case you don't know yet, the sleeping cattle or "goyim", as (Great) Grandaddy Rothchild put it.*

New News: 10-10-00
Congress has finally found a politically acceptable way to ease the 41-year-old embargo against Cuba by allowing U.S. companies to sell food and medicine to the communist island. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate are expected to vote to endorse a compromise package next week that would also cast into stone current prohibitions on Americans traveling to Cuba as tourists. * Nader Demands Apology for Debate Exclusion Common Dreams News Center Ralph Nader sent a letter Thursday to the co-chairmen of the Commission on Presidential Debates demanding an apology for his exclusion from a viewing room, separate from the presidential debate auditorium, at UMass Boston Oct. 3. Nader had a ticket to attend. Nader was prevented from entering the viewing room by a security guard and three state troopers. "One of the police officers told me that I would face arrest if I continued to remain on the premises," Nader wrote in the letter. Nader was also prevented from appearing at a pre-arranged live broadcast at the Fox News trailer, which was located at the site with the full permission of the CPD.

***2. What's wrong with the U.N. and U.S.? They seem to be delaying all manner of aid, protest and intervention in the Grozny invasion by Russia! If it was any other country slaughtering off people, besides one of "their" commrades in corruption, they would be moving supplies, troops, weapons, satellites, surveillance, rhetoric and hype by the tons. At least in planning and pre-logistical media presentations. Instead, the U.S. is debating about how many hundreds of millions of dollars to give their brothers in Russia of aid. Meaning - give U.S. citizen anonymous subverted donations, to the Rich and Powerful who run the Russian Government and pull the strings on what they do. Donate without your permission or understanding of what's going on, your hard slaved moneys, for "them" to play with their agendas.*

"How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking, always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to." - Goethe

They (the Administration & thus the Government) are returning to the provision in CESA that they had backed away from. What they are proposing to do is alter computer files without a persons or businesses knowing and enter private property without usual search warranting procedures to act. The basic principle is that, people who are the subject of searches should have notice, and the opportunity to challenge. The Fourth Amendment prohibits the government from conducting "unreasonable" searches and seizures. The administration wrote: "You specifically ask whether law enforcement has the authority to search for keys without notifying the subject. Although some courts have permitted the government to conduct a search, in analogous circumstances, without notifying the target at the time of the search, these same courts have held, and we agree, that in a criminal investigation the government must ultimately provide meaningful notice to the target of the search." One trick word here is "ultimately", inferring "de facto". The letter further urges Congress to pass CESA and defends Fidnet, a plan to monitor online intrusions into federal computers. "Fidnet is entirely aimed at improving the security of government computer systems.... We strongly support its development. Federal computer networks are a favorite target of computer hackers," they say. Last summer reports said that the system would monitor not just federal computers, but other Internet traffic -- a claim that the FBI assistant general counsel denied as recently as during a panel discussion last week.

***3. Bugging, surveiling and tapping of computers, phones, bank accounts, houses, motels, cars, street corners, TV's, jobs, TV and movie scripts, and all manner of our other general personal affairs by the Government, in lieu of the Secret Government, must really be on the agenda for most Americans. Otherwise, they should be ousting politicians, sueing their owned Government, relentlessly disempowering the private concerns directing and controling the Government behind the scenes, persistently refusing to be quieted until all is well for their onetime freedoms and supposed rights of privacy and "due process".*

***4. Americans had sure better keep their guns and open their eyes and reasoning minds. You don't see the quirk-engorged proxies of the agendaed elite, currently passing themselves off as our representatives in what's supposedly "our" Government and Institutions, clamoring with urgent rhetoric to gun control the huge military arsenals and current and new military and police state trainees of seige, killing, terrorizing, etc., OR quickly working to subdue the arsenals of illegal and other weapons in our burgeoning "police state". Maybe we do need more gun control, if so, let's do it where most needed and most beneficial to the task of reducing the guns and other dangerous weapons, in the military and "police state". More defenseless Humans each year are being gunned down by trigger happy and "above the law" law enforcement blatantly unecessarily and undefendably, to prowl again at large with their all "protecting badges", after token investigations and clearings. I don't think most park rangers or game wardens need the automatic, semiautomatic, chemical, electrical, etc., weapons many in the "police state's" Wars on: Drugs, Porgnography, Terrorism, Illegal Aliens, Dead-Beat Parents, Private citizens Guns and Communications, etc., now have (authorized or unauthorized).*

***5. Due to the recent killings and the assumed, but reportedly masked, assailants at Littleton, Jefferson (Co.), Columbine (High) (each of the 3 with nine letters), and the interestingly -"13" victims- of the AmBush (pogrom), it seems that realistic computer simulation and training games and tools that teach survival, defensive and offensive strategy and methods, must be scourned, demonized and banned. This will have Mega-cost to the military and other agencies and departments, etc., currently utilizing the very best of these programs on our country's very impressionable children. These youngsters are joining the ranks of our various military, intelligence, policing, and other bureacratic services and are currently being trained by the thousands. Yes, 14 to 20 year old children training for despicably alarming potential, and real undertakings. Not to mention the 100's of thousands of 21 and over 21 year olds ready and many willing to act. Well, that's progress, I guess, if the hypers can kill off these tools of death. Perhaps they can collect some of the guns and other weapons in the military and police state, and destroy them, in this "killing tutorial" clean-up. Maybe, they will also retrain and deprogram, the already poor and misguided, their institutions have mass produced. The country should be much safer and less corrupt when these hapless dupes are salvaged by this fervorful movement. Meanwhile, this week at Littleton two related (perhaps loose end) deaths have mysteriously occured.*

About the Usurped Gov. Waco Killings: It's obvious, even though noone ever mentions it, that there was no intention of survivors being prompted to come out after hours of life threatening gasing, because the most effecient and necessary 1st aid treatment to extremely saturated tear gasing victims would have been copious amounts of rinsing with several hundreds of gallons of water, if all the 80-90 victims would have come out. They didn't have it on hand, had shut off water, and wouldn't even let fire water trucks in to the compound (due to possible dangers in firefighting) until ashes were almost cool to the touch. A military, FBI, ATF, etc. near 2 month planned tank assault on some little farm houses in the country with propane tank heating, must have been short of anyone intelligent enough to realize; plastic, reinforced cloth, pipe, and metal lines providing the path along walls for the gas to get to the many heater units, would be ruptured and sparking when they busted walls down. (They didn't cut off the compounds gas!)What an above the Law and Constitutional Sham. Seriously worse than Clinton's and the Senates above the Law "of the commoners" antics.

Well that's all of my opinions and observations for now.

Thank you for your attention to my thoughts. Please email yours to me, if you like, at:


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