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The Future
21st Century A.D. and further
as foreseen by Nostradamus

according to the conclusions of the authors of the JCL Editions books used
(i.e. Jean Guernon & Michel Dufresne - JCL Copyright)

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The future

Proliferation of religious sects

1,45 : The advent & the multiplying of religious sects (1960- )

Original editions with good translation for this 1,45 quatrain

1,96 : The religious sects proliferation and their repression (1960-)

Original editions with good translation for this 1,96 quatrain

3,76 : The birth in Germany of recognized polytheistic religious sects for their meetings in small number, their complete submissiveness to their pastors and their recourse to the old tithe to assure the material survival of temples. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,76 quatrain


Advent in islands British of an oppressive queen

4,96 : The British islands give themselves a queen whose detail will be to be of 15 years the eldest of his young brother. A possibility: Anne, daughter of Elisabeth II. Her reign marked by iniquity. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,96 quatrain


The satanic practices and superstitions resurface

1,42 : Satanic rituals and superstitions(1679 1752 or year to come, 2051?)

Original editions with good translation for this 1,42 quatrain

Twelve cardinalsin revolt against the pope

4,11 : A pope forced to execute low tasks. Twelve cardinals in open revolt. A crime committed to conceal another. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,11 quatrain

6,22 : A pope's election to come provokes a schism within the church of Rome. The nephew of this pontiff murdered in England. The Catholic population demonstrates for peace in the world.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,22 quatrain

Diplomatic meeting between theVatican and France

8,4 : Meeting in Monaco between the pope's legate, a cardinal, and a dignitary of France. Disappointment of the pope and the chief of the French nation with the conclusions of the Summit. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,4 quatrain

Death of an eminent man of church of France

8,5 : Death of an eminent character of the church of France. The East of the country in agitation. The Swiss canton of Lucerne knows deep religious order distresses. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,5 quatrain

Persecutions against the church of Rome

2,10 : The persecutions against the Catholic church and against prophets in general. Events to come

Original editions with good translation for this 2,10 quatrain

5,43 : The religious persecution to come. France, Italy and Germany at the heart of the action. The responsibility of the city of Mainz (i.e. Mayence in French) in this business.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,43 quatrain

5,44 : A cardinal of the Catholic church captured in sea. That gesture threatens peace. The pope forced to double the guards of the Vatican to assure his protection. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,44 quatrain

5,83 : Plots against the church of Rome. The most closely concerned prejudiced three days in advance. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,83 quatrain

8,98 : A vast persecution undertaken against priests of the church of Rome. Its faithful servants put to death in the longest settling of accounts of history. The spilled blood becomes symbol of expiation. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,98 quatrain

8,99 : The Vatican deserted by the pope and by the curia. The Holy See gets resettled, probably to a  place corresponding to Avignon. The role played by three powerful characters in the safeguard of the Christian tradition. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,99 quatrain

10,30 : A pope whose soft politics is associated to the green color along with his nephew will be chased a way out of the Vatican without having the leisure to carry anything with him, probably toward Avignon, as indicated by other quatrains since the nephew would be murdered in the valley of the Rhone. The pope would then take war colors the red & black, the green standing for peace and the red and the black being associated with the revolt.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,30 quatrain

10,31 : The Roman curia would transport itself, for a time, in Germany, following a repression without precedent in the South of France at the time of its establishment in Avignon. The attack by the invader of the temporary Holy See in Provence whereas one will have fleed the place, and blown up everything. Indication of nostalgia for Afghanistan from leaders of the army that pursues the curia.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,31 quatrain

Papal Elections

5,46 : Election to a pope's Holy See coming from the ancient Italian region populated by the Sabinses. His accession at the head of the Vatican provokes the revolt of several cardinals. The role of an Albanian in these events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,46 quatrain

5,77 : The church of Rome submitted to important disruptions in its curia by a great reformer. Intervention of a monarch of France to support him and thus make him invincible. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,77 quatrain

6,26 : The advent of a pope that must only reign four years. His successor recognized for his doubtful mores. The support that would give him the cities of Ravenna, of Pisa and Verona. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,26 quatrain

6,82 : The murder in England, of the nephew of a sovereign pontiff. The murder would be ordered by certain elements of the Roman curia aspiring to higher functions. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,82 quatrain

6,86 : An archbishop of Sense promised to a bright future by reason of a dream badly interpreted by one of his colleagues. A monk of humble of French Gascogne descent, responsible for the mistake. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,86 quatrain

8,19 : Major schism within the church of Rome. Murder of the family members of the pope by cardinals in revolt. The Roman curia divided in two clans. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,19 quatrain

8,20 : Continuation of the previous quatrain in that this crisis of the church should follow a pope's controversial election. The schism decreases the pope's influence within the Christendom. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,20 quatrain

8,93 : The election of a pope whose mandate would not exceed seven months. His death provokes a schism without precedent. The reign of his successor of an equivalent length. The return to the peace and calmness then wanted by the population of Venice. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,93 quatrain


Religious persecutions in Spain

8,78 : Advent in Spain of a military and religious chief. His passage causes chaos within the church of the country by encouraging heresy and tacitly allowing the wreckage of temples. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,78 quatrain


Rediscovery,after 500 years, of writings of value

3,94 : Rediscovery, 500 years later, of works forgotten of an eminent researcher. Big satisfactions for the humanity. Possibility that it  is about Nostradamus himself. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,94 quatrain


Emergence of a great Libyan philosopher

3,27 : Emergence of a Libyan philosopher whose works would know a vogue without precedent in France. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,27 quatrain


Discovered in the soil of a whiteclay

1,21 : The discovery of a type of white clay in the soil. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,21 quatrain


Daughters murdered in place oftheir mother

4,71 : Some daughters of one same family put to death by the drowning, in place of their mother. Suicide of this one by reason of the remorses. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,71 quatrain

6,50 : Discovery of bone at the bottom of a well and accusations charged against the mother of the victims. A country sees his leaders confining themselves to an escallation of self-praises and honors. Spectacular conjunction of the planets Mars and Jupiter at the same moment. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,50 quatrain


An immigrant gives up the nameofhis forebears

8,79 : To make forget his past and the one of his forebears, a character of noble lineage, welcomed in a foreign soil, bring a stern attack to the prestige of his race. Events to come as for the discovery of his ancestral filiation.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,79 quatrain

Elevation in temperature of thewaters of the Black sea

2,3 : Elevation of temperature of the waters of the Aegean sea or the Black Sea. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,3 quatrain


Drying out of an important lake(48th parallel)

5,98 : Drying out of a lake located at the 48th degree of latitude (Superior lake in Canada?). The Béarn and the Bigorre regions (in France) submitted to great tribulations. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,98 quatrain


Fire simultaneous deaths in twobuildings

2,35: The major fire in two dwellings and the death of most occupants. Event to come (1994 or 2002)

Original editions with good translation for this 2,35 quatrain


Created artificial rain

6,44: of the artificial rain created from data gotten of a war marine. The city of Nantes to the heart of the experience. Maritime disaster in Red sea or in sea of Oman. The birth of a monster stemming from a crossing against nature. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,44 quatrain


Cataclysm in the French Gers

1,46 : Cataclysms in the Gers in France, future event.

Original editions with good translation for this 1, 46 quatrain


Important earthquake (May 2047)

10,67 : An important earthquake will occur in May 2047 while it will fall hailstones as big as eggs.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,67 quatrain

Phenomenal drought in the center of Italy

2,84: A phenomenal drought in the center of Italy. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,84 quatrain

4,53: Important drinking water shortage, probably in Italy. Guards of the only available reservoir put to death.Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,53 quatrain

Important drought in Georgia (ex-U.R.S.S.)

6,35 : An important to come drought in the old soviet Georgia between months of March and September. Next possibilities: July-August 2002, September to November 2026 and March to May 2027.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,35 quatrain


A rain of horseflies and grasshoppers ravages Italy

4,48 : The fourth and the eighth wounds of Egypt will repeat themselves in Italy. Clouds of horseflies and grasshoppers to ravage the heart of the country. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,48 quatrain


Major floodings in the South ofFrance, in Italy and in Spain (Toulouse and Bordeaux destroyed)

2,17 : Floodings in Italy and in the south of France. An important character recovered in a trunk. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,17 quatrain

3,12 : Major floodings in the South ofFrance of France as well as in Italy and in Spain. Nearly total destruction of the French cities of Toulouse and Bordeaux. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,12 quatrain

9,37 : The flooding catastrophic of the Garonne destroying Toulouse. Cataclysms to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,37 quatrain

10,6 : The flooding that one will believe to a deluge. People of Nîmes find shelter in a Coliseum, whereas a lamp rekindles in Rome in the temple of Vestal virgins as related in several quatrains. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,6 quatrain

10,50 : The important floodings in Lorraine after a treason of agreements that would be the prelude to an attack on Greece that will also mark the betrayal of an international agreement. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,50 quatrain


Floodings in the north of Italy

2,33 : Floodings in the north of the Italy and wreck of the Héraklion in the Aegean sea (1966) or event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,33 quatrain

2,43 : Floodings in Italy, provoked by the overflow of the Pô and the Tiber. A comet observed at the same time as an earthquake is felt as well. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,43 quatrain

9,84 : Flooding in Italy, of such a violence that the tomb of great Roman would be reopened possibly brought about by the earthquake of the preceding quatrain and that would push the head of state, thus identified with the Antichrist by the signs predicted in the letter to Henri II, to finish the hecatomb that he will have started to undertake. Event of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,84 quatrain


Flooding in Naples

2,31 : An important flooding in Naples and in its surroudings Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,31 quatrain

8,16 : Major deluge, from the southern tip of the ltalie to Florence's confines. The importance of the ancient Sicilian city of Syracuse in this cataclysmic. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,16 quatrain


Epidemic in Greece, in Macedoniaandin Venice

9,91 : Epidemic of an unknown illness, whose symptoms are like the gout, ravaging Greece and the surrounding islands, Macedonia and Venice. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,91 quatrain


Emigration of people of GreeceandMacedonia in Provence

9,75 : Peoples coming from the regions of Greece and Macedonia that will be forced to emigrate in France because of a tragedy coming from the sea that will render their country inhospitable. The indelible traces of their cultural print, that will remain engraved forever in Provence. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,75 quatrain


Earthquake in Mortara and theflooding in England

9,31 : Flooding of banks of the Channel St-George in England and earthquake in Mortara one day of Easter, and flooding of temples in Toulouse or Rome at the same moment, to the verge of one of the four wars to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,31 quatrain


A rigorous and unforeseen winterdestroys harvests

4,33 : A particularly precocious and rigorous winter destroyed harvests in a country where the event would be rather quite unforeseeable by reason you its moderate climate. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,33 quatrain


A wave of cold weather in theregion of the Garonne

8,35 : The French region of the Garonne touched by a wave of cold weather without precedent by reason of scientific experiences attempted elsewhere in the country to exercise a control on the climatic conditions. Event of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,35 quatrain

Birth of an exceptional child inItaly (family having already counted a pope)

1,95: the d birth a family's descended exceptional child having possibly counted a pope (the Borgias, XVI ' century?).

Original editions with good translation for this 1,95 quatrain


A big famine touches Spain

8,50 : A big famine reaches Spain. An important character of Tunisia put to death by an emissary with a doubtful past. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,50 quatrain


Birth of a malformed being calledtohigh functions

3,41 : birth of a malformed being called to occupy some important functions. His/her/its treason. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,41 quatrain


An imposing character from Orientvisits France and Italy

2,29 : An Oriental in visit in Italy and in France. The character's peregrinations. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,29 quatrain

4,31 : Emergence of a new wise man called to know a great fame. His likely origin: Tibet. At the same moment would occur an important massacre. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,31 quatrain

5,75 : The advent of a great thinker, in Orient, identifiable to the symbol of the square and the twisted stick that he would hold in his left hand. His noticed silence before certain events.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,75 quatrain

5,76 : A future leader associated to his disdain for the big cities and to his tendency to want to erase traces of his frequent passing through places. His visits notably noticed in the south of France. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,76 quatrain

10,75 : One of messiahs so much awaited by humanity (Mahomet?) won't come back on earth, but a character, probably of Egyptian origin, will impose himself instead, and will acquire an influence and a considerable power over the Orient.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,75 quatrain


Execution of a political prisoner

8,45 : The attempt on the life of a great character kept under narrow surveillance. His execution delayed by a message transmitted to his jailers. His death, in a temple, during the Easter feasts of a non-specified year. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,45 quatrain


Murderous persecutions in GreatBritain

2,51 : Murderous persecutions and social injustices in England. Events to come (2018, 2366 or 2666)?

Original editions with good translation for this 2,51 quatrain


An individual buried alive bymistake

3,36 : An individual, victim of an apoplexy crisis, buried alive and of whom, the exhumation of the body would reveal that he would have gnawed his very hands to delay his ineluctable end. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,36 quatrain


A big monarch healed by an impostor

6,18 : A monarch, seriously sick and abandoned to his fate by his physicians, extricates himself of this state by the intervention of an impostor. The reign of the miraculously healed one branded of glorious. Heaven temporarily encourages an enemy of Christendom. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,18 quatrain

Discovered of the tomb of a triumvirate of the past

5,7 : The discovery of the tomb of a triumvirate of the past just as researches would be centered on the unearthing of a mysterious treasure. The event celebrated by the setting up of a commemorative statue. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,7 quatrain

Downfall of a public building

6,51 : A spectacle unites monarchs and princes around a numerous crowd. Downfall of the building where would take place the activity. The king of the nation stewardess saved by reason of a delay of thirty minutes on the foreseen timetable. Good possibility that it was about opening ceremonies or closing of Olympics to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,51 quatrain

Prisoners between-tear themselves

8,63 : An adulterous man kills, under the ascendancy of anger, a woman and her son. Eight individuals jailed at the same place tear themselves apart non-stop during their incarceration. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,63 quatrain

Died of a tyrant

2,42 : The death of a tyrant, legs and arms broken. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,42 quatrain

4,55 : A statue tinted of blood and acrow crawing during seven hours, gloomy omens announcing the murder ofa tyrant and a people's desolation. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,55 quatrain

Death of a great leader

10,56 : The death of a great leader after an ashamed decay whereas islands British could not impose their wills anymore to the government of Tunisia.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,56 quatrain

Murder of a French prince

10,35 : A youngest son prince, burning of desire for his first cousin, is murdered whereas he visits a mausoleum dressed as a woman. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,35 quatrain

A great French prelate forced toexile

6,53 : A great French prelate, becoming suspected, is forced to leave the country furtively. The intervention an artful character from Britain makes his flight possible. Turkey, the island of Cyprus and Tunisia participate in an unhappy event without anyone even that suspecting their intervention. Events of the future.

A treasure exhumed in Toulouse

8,30 : The discovery of an imposing treasure in swamps of Toulouse just as one would get ready to construct an intended building there to spectacles to big spreading. Event of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,30 quatrain

Discovery of a treasure in Aquitaine

1,27: The discovery of a treasure in Aquitaine. Future event.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,27 quatrain

Some old account books found inRome

8,29 : The discovery under one of columns of the temple of Saturn, in Rome, of the old account books of the Treasure of the Republic, following a follow-up earthquake after an important flooding. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,29 quatrain

Another treasure put to the dayin Rome

5,66 : The discovery an organized treasure of precious metals and ancient objects dedicated to Trajan under ruins of the old temple of Vesta, in Rome. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,66 quatrain

8,66 : The discovery of a precious manuscript relating to the cult of the deads under the Roman empire, in an underground shelter containing among other things, an ardent lamp. An Italian monarch and a prince of his house see the sacred rights of their population ridiculed. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,66 quatrain

9,9 : The discovery of an old temple in Rome and a child's presence that will have found death there. General breakdown of electricity at the same moment in all the South of France provoked by floods.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,9 quatrain

Discovery of a treasure by a potter in Rome

9,12 : The discovery of a treasure of old currency or else of statues, and other artefacts, by a potter searching for clay for his art, in a lake not specified close to Rome.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,12 quatrain

Discovered of manuscripts of Caton the elder

8,26 : The discovery in Barcelona of writings assigned to Caton the elder. The quarrel between the abbey of Montferrat and the city of Pampelune for the precious document possession. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,26 quatrain

Two nations touched by the indigence

1,28 : Two nations touched by destitution. Future event.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,28 quatrain

Devaluation nearly world of themonetary courses

2,75 : The monetary markets fall and an universal famine. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,75 quatrain

3,5 : The nearly total world devaluation of the monetary markets. Two nations come to the rescue of the most resourceless. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,5 quatrain

5,72 : Sensuality under all its guises provokes a reduction of religious devotion. Islam takes shadiness of this. At the same moment occurs a serious international monetary crisis. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,72 quatrain

 8,17 : The very affluent of the planet impoverish by the fall of the rich country currencies. Three characters at the origin of the vast stir. England, France and Italy at the heart of the premisses of a future world conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,17 quatrain

8,28 : The world devaluation and destruction of the paper-money in circulation following a vast fraud. Failure to respect an understandings established concerning the payments of debts accumulated by certain nations. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,28 quatrain

A case of poisoning

7,42 : The failure of a tentative of poisonning of two foreigners. The cook's role in the discovery of the plot. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,42 quatrain

A fire ravages a big region

6,97 : A vast fire ravages a region of the globe located at the 45th degree of North latitude. Eventually, the fire propagates itself to a big city. Researches were done there, shortly before, in order to demonstrate the historic presence of the Vikings in this part of the world. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,97 quatrain

Political execution of a fatherand his son

8,75 : The political execution of a father and his son just as the pregnant wife of the first character would be at Tours. The person responsible of this condemnation himself then hiding in a resting place. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,75 quatrain

Abduction of a minor in Tuscanyor Saragosse

9,65 : The abduction from a politically meaningful family; by the father or the guardian, of minor children, to Luna in Tuscany, or to Luna located in Spain, to the North of Saragosse. These are discovered by some indications from one of children. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,65 quatrain

Diversion of fund in a temple bythe western

10,81 : Western citizens, on the run, hide considerable holdings and some overwhelming evidences, inside a burial vault. These are discovered and arrested, the goods recovered, and the victim identified.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,81 quatrain

Murderous attempt against a character of Genoa

5,28: An assassination attempt against an important character of the Italian city of Genoa, committed by three members of a revolutionary organization. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,28 quatrain

Political murder to Poitiers

8,24 : An important character of Perpignan clubed close to the French city of Poitiers where he would have found shelter. An individual claiming the blood of the old lineage of the Lusignans at the heart of the matter. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,24 quatrain

The international terrorism becomes permanent

5,65: International terrorism becomes permanent. A great lady disappears in mysterious circumstances. Leaders of the world gradually revolt against this crime of international proportion. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,65 quatrain

 7,37: Ten mercenaries sent to murder the commander of a fleet. The discovery of the plot provokes panic in the rank of thugs and almost trigger the failure of the enterprise. The road stead of Toulon and the squadron there lying at anchor are suddenly plunged in the most total darkness.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,37 quatrain

Adoption of hedonism as a way oflife

8,27 : The inviting way of hedonism put forth everywhere, reaches the French Var. Meanwhile, others praise the ancient values of the knighthood. Advent of a comparable emperor to his great predecessors. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,27 quatrain

The discovery of a permanent solution to the world economic problems

4,30 : The world eleven economic recessions foreseen by the magus. An economist of genius eventually finds a definitive solution to this cyclic problem. Events at the same time of the past and of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,30 quatrain

Radical climatic change in theArctic

6,5 : Radical changeof climate in the Arctic. A place designated by "Samathobryn " ( Samoyedes territories IMO) at the center of the cataclysm. The region then deprived of any form of government. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,5 quatrain

A great deluge floods the planet

8,91 : An imposing gathering of soldiers in the French region of the Bouche-du-Rhone. Their association with the ancient crusaders. An universal deluge hits a great number of countries. Next possibility: April and May 2009.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,91 quatrain

A phenomenon of haunted house

7,41: Manifestations from beyond the grave inside a property stayed a long time uninhabited for this reason. The exhumation of the victim's bones puts an end to acting up. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,41 quatrain

House pets communicate with theman

3,44 : House pets finally communicate with man. Life now possible outside the planet. A new tyrant sows terror. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,44 quatrain

Theological confrontation between Islam and Christendom

5,53 : The theological confrontation importing between Islam and the Christendom on the gift of prophecy. General disinterestedness of the populations about the issue of the debate. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,53 quatrain

 5,73 : The church of Rome persecuted and the despoiling of its possessions. Loss of interest of the mothers for their children. Poles allied to Arabs in a war of religion to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,73 quatrain

 7,36 : Christendom gives up certain foundations of its faith. The role played in this turn of events by seven characters from Istanbul. Religious persecutions undertaken by them and by their disciples. The Roman curia chased. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,36 quatrain

Advent of the three great Antichrists

8,77 : The three great Antichrists of humanity. The four conflicts caused by as many characters before the occurrence of these three.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,77 quatrain

Exactions and origin of the Antichrists

9,17 : The first Antichrist, who will make re-erect crematory ovens, who will make also spill the blood of a very important number of individuals, of which several of very great value, during the war that he will impose to humanity.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,17 quatrain

9,44 : Evacuation of the city of Geneva and at the time of the intervention of an exterminator or of the utilisation of a terrifying weapon, at the moment of a change of Saturn. Signs precursors of the event. Event of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,44 quatrain

10,10 : The Antichrist that will come from a lineage of butchers and rapists leaders , from generation to generation, springing up from the ancestral roots.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,10 quatrain

10,57 : The ascension of the Antichrist to power while kidnapping the Dauphin, possibly at the time of a king's death. He would not tolerate that the survivors of populations he would have eliminated carry the mourning clothes. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,57 quatrain

10,65 : An Antichrist, probably the second, that brings by the publication of edicts cruels,  the murder of a great part of the clergy of the an Catholic church.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,65 quatrain

10,66 : The chief of the government of Canada that would make harvests freeze of the island of Nova Scotia because of a secessionist leader, a precursor of the third Antichrist that will briefly appear and will provoke a generalised revolt that will likely deteriorate in major conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,66 quatrain

10,70 : A provincial leader launches an object to a king that makes his eye swollen which in turn will render him so furious that he will enact the utilisation of a meteorological weapon against this deputy's territory to make him bend, which will bring the loss of harvests, and make the rebellious culprit succumb .

Original editions with good translation for this 10,70 quatrain

The one thousand year Peace following the last war of the last Antichrist

8,95 : Satan chained for a thousand years according to the tradition of the apocalypse of Jean's. The church of Rome at last reunited under its chief. The return to traditional values brings back the clergy and supporters in the big Bosom of the Faith. Events of the far future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,95 quatrain

9,66 : The one thousand year of Peace following the Antichrist's last war. The importance of the child role for the absolute social harmony. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,66 quatrain

10,99 : At the time of the thousand years of peace, whereas man will have learned to survive in an environment that won't support the rearing for feeding or companionship anymore, but in which wild life will be preserved, and where deer live as free as wolves as Isaïah predicted .

The next to last prophet

2,28 : The very one before last that will be branded prophet that humanity would get to know before Christ's return on earth. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,28 quatrain

Resurection of the deads and Christ's second advent

2,13 : Christ's return on earth and the resurrection of deads. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,13 quatrain

3,2 : Man finally reaches immortality of the body, at the image of (spiritual) creatures of superior order.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,2 quatrain

10,74 : Not far from the year 3000, some seasonal games are instituted and the buried come out of their tomb (if it is not strictly part of a ritual to come of these "hecatomb games" to come one day) either as part of what is branded the last judgment in the bible, or because of scientific progress.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,74 quatrain

The achievement of writings ofNostradamus

1,48 : The achievement of the totality of the prophecies of Nostradamus on a period spreading over a little more than two thousand years (1555 - 3797) and the announcement of at least an ulterior cycle of a length of a little more than 5 000 years.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,48 quatrain

Warsof the future (2000 -)

The two (three!) wars to come

1,15 : The 70 wars to be known before the fall of the Catholic church( 68 [in fact 67!?] wars that occurred between 1560 and 2000 - there would remain [in fact three] of them) Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,15 quatrain

Britain and its last military intervention (2004?)

3,57 : The 290 years of war of Britain counting from the accession to the throne of the first representative of the House of Hanover (1714). The treaty of Utrecht and its effects on Poland. The last military intervention of importance of the United Kingdom, in the year 2004.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,57 quatrain

6,27 : The British Islands, implied in a future world conflict, that will see the confrontation between Islam and the West. The fog, characteristic to British islands, prevents their invasion. Event of the future. Next possibility: the year 2004.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,27 quatrain

Fall of the soviet socialist regime (1991) follow-up by an important change with Islam

3,95: The fall of the socialist regime in USSR(1991). Announcement, for the future, of major changes to occur inside the Islamic regions. Possible supremacy of the American capitalistic system.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,95 quatrain

Military alliance of two greatPowers

2,89 : Alliance between two great nations that could very well be the ex-U.S.S.R. and the U.S. of A. Unity of political thought. Contemporary event.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,89 quatrain

 6,20 : The military and economic alliance between the ex-U.R.S.S. and the United States of America. Deep mutations in the population of the old empire. Massive emigration of inhabitants. Advent in Italy of a leader possibly recognised for his high facts. Contemporary events, and to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,20 quatrain

 6,21 : A concluded alliance between the ex-U.R.S.S. and the United States of America brings China to fear for its autonomy. he Orient discovers itself a new leader. A war bloodies the island of Rhodes, Turkey and several countries of Islam. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,21 quatrain

Emergence in Islam of a leader who will unify Asia andthe Middle East

3,60: Emergence of an important character succeeding in uniting Asia and the Middle East in a common reason whose doctrine would feed itself from the blood of its own adepts. Possibly the Antichrist of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,60 quatrain

 5,47 : A great chief imposes himself to the head of united Moslem nation. The treason of Turks towards him. The Greek and Hungarian armies work against his troops. War of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,47 quatrain

5,55 : Birth, in the Moslem world, of a man called to occupy high functions. An armed aggression against Spain and Italy of the North led by this possible leader.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,55 quatrain

 5,69 : A great character perishes in his sleep during a fire. His disappearance brings back peace for a time. Emergence of a military chief identified with colors gold, blue and red, and his conquest of Africa. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,69 quatrain

 8,70: A future messiah of Islam, originating from Iran, invades Iraq. The tyranny experienced by this conquered country. The physical look of the conquerer generally associated to black.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,70 quatrain

Political murder in Italy

8,47 : The execution of a member of the Italian family at the hands of an individual pretending to wisdom. Some conspirators shut in in Pérouse and the role of the Trasimene lake as a particular symbol of facts evoked. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,47 quatrain

8,94 : An Italian revolution provokes the murder of an important character in the country (possibly the pope of the previous quatrain). The defeat of the troops of this one and of those of the Spaniards, sent to bring their support, imputed to the delaying taking this important decision to react. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,94 quatrain

Religious revolution in Islam

4,43 : The religious revolution, possibly in Islam, at the same moment of a major military confrontation. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,43 quatrain

6,33 : A future leader of Iran takes it out on Iraq where he undertakes a bloody drench. His name associated to the old divinity Roman Alus. The character recognized for his stern look and for his irate character.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,33 quatrain

Attack on Jerusalem by Iraq

8,96 : Jews chased out of Jerusalem by armies of Iraq. Aggressors identified to descendants of the Hebrews brought in captivity in Babylon at the VI th century before Christ. The absence of real leader within this nation as the very basis of this new decay. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,96 quatrain

The biologic agent utilizationincommodities

9,14 : The use of a biological agent camouflaged in the food commodities brings a pestilence that contaminates France and especially drags in the death of seven children in Bordeaux before being confirmed.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,14 quatrain

Epidemic the year according tothe preparation to the war

9,55 : The preparation of war by the follow-up west by an exceptional epidemic, possibly attributable to theutilization of a bacteriological weapon by the aimed enemy. Event of thefuture.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,55 quatrain

Does the Atlantic alliance intervene in Spain (Basque conflict ?)

10,96 : From Basques (wind of sea), or Marraneses, or of an another one (new to come?) Sect, that will have a sea related name, and that will face an oppressor regime, possibly Islamic, that will require the intervention of the Atlantic alliance which situation will provoke two injured persons. The conflict is solved in favor of the moderates. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,96 quatrain

The holy war of Islam led in Greece, in Italy and in France

3,54 : Emergence of a great military chief in the south of Europe. His war led in Greece, in Italy and in France against the armies of the lslam and the defeat of these at the hands of troops sent from the west. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,54 quatrain

 4,39 : The island of Rhodes threatened by a Moslem invasion. The west intervenes but the aggressor straightens the matter in his favor. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,39 quatrain

 4,67 : The world war that puts to grips Islam versus the remainder of the planet. A city entirely destroyed by nuclear engines. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,67 quatrain

 4,68 : Islam triggers its war against the West. Its two main leaders are percieved as originating from a region watered by the Rhine and by the Danube. Their meeting in the immediate vicinity of Greece. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,68 quatrain

 4,85 : The war of the future that witnesses the confrontation of the west and Islam. A famine comes with the confrontation. A particular prisoner transported in a car of load. An individual eclipses another. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,85 quatrain

 5,11 : A holy war provoked by Islam led in general against the west Europe and the West. The Moslem Asia allied with the aggressor. The Mediterranean become dangerous for navigation. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,11 quatrain

 5,13 : The armies of Islam occupy Europe, from Hungary to Spain. Military alliance without different nation precedent belonging to this faith. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,13 quatrain

 5,14: war of the Islam led in Europe. The end of the conflict and the capture, by the west of a Libyan chief in part responsible of atrocities. Possibilities for the next 50 years:2008, 2036 or 2038.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,14 quatrain

 5,24 : The war of the future that will put in presence Islam in general against Christendom. Right from the beginning of the conflict, Islam imposes its domination. Events to come probably related to those of the three previous quatrains.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,24 quatrain

 5,25 : The beginning of this war of the future between the lslam and the Christendom, at the earliest by August 2006. The church of Rome toughly bruised by the conflict. Iran(or Iraq?) deploys at this moment a million of troops.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,25 quatrain

 5,27 : Iran invades Turkey. Of the bloody confrontations in Black sea. The Egypt and the Greece fear for their security. Big Arabian blood effusion to the conclusion of this war of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,27 quatrain

 5,48 : The fall of the Iran shah in 1979 preludes a war to come between the Islam and the west. Aggression by the Moslem of Africa against Hungary.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,48 quatrain

5,58 : The city of Nîmes becomes an important military center during the third world war. The military chief of this base of operation injured during a confrontation with the enemy in the Mediterranean.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,58 quatrain

 5,59 : A chief of army nominee by the name "Aenobarbe" intervenes in Spain to chase out the Moslem invader.

During this time, the Englishs are in Nîmes. Fall of a meteoroid or a comet in Artois or use of missiles by the enemy. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,59 quatrain

  5,63 : Ships along of the Italian coasts. A war, been born of contrary ideologies, generates important massacres in the peninsula. Wounds cover the body of survivors. Holocaust, possibly nuclear, to come between Moslems and Christians.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,63 quatrain

 5,64 : The coast being located between Genoa and Nicea attacked militarily at the time of the end of the traditional acations of commuters. The unsuspecting of leaders made so that the threat felt provokes the delay of anticipated reinforcements. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,64 quatrain

 5,68 : A war led in central Europe and in France by a military chief designated with the epithet "The great camel". His defeat close to the Alps at the hands of a great French general. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,68 quatrain

 5,78 : The concluded alliance in1987 between the ex-USSR and the United States of America takes end in the year 2000.The two nations undergo heavy losses then in the course of a military conflict that oppose them to the Arabian world. Intervention of the Vatican to limit the damages.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,78 quatrain

 6,81 : Human massacres in Switzerland, in the British Islands and Genoa perpetrated by a army chief qualified of inhuman and of blood thirsty. Several other countries also invaded by this conqueror of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,81 quatrain

6,98 : The region of the French Vaucluse attacked militarily. Temples of Avignon desecrated. Human massacres of no precedence in this region that waters the Rhone and the Durance. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,98 quatrain

6,99 : Troops of invasion of France blocked below the Pyrenees and the Alps. The confusion of the chief of the armies of occupation. Discovery, at that moment, of an important archaeological site within one of these mountain chains. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,99 quatrain

7,7 : Invasion of Greece by Albania and by its Moslem allies. Numerous massacres within the population in general. Next possibility: The summer of 2023.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,7 quatrain

8,64 : Invasion of the western part of Europe. The children shipped massively to the  British islands in order to assure their security. Good probability that it was about facts that have to do with the future world conflict that see the confrontation between the nations of Islam and the west.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,1 quatrain

9,16 : The high character assembly that will be held at Castel-Franco having for object a peace treaty that the official representative of the nation in litigation, little minded for compromise, will refuse to ratify. This state of thing will bring a blockade that will prevent the Italian and the French to have access to the Gulf of the Adriatic. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,16 quatrain

9,62 : Prisoners, possibly maintained under the ascendancy of opiates, brought to Salon at the time of a temporary defeat of the Great Monarch, of which the third would be freed thanks to a separation between the factions of the invaders, which will take place, lasting the whole month of October at the time of the next world conflict(or at another moment with one of the other French liberators during one of the subsequent wars against one of the Antichrists).

Original editions with good translation for this 9,62 quatrain

9,67 : The gathering of Christian forces in the regions of the Isère and the Drôme to counter the Moslem invader, probably in support of the pope in Avignon.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,67 quatrain

9,85 : The beginning of the Moslem invasion in a war of the future, and the mobilization of inhabitants of the South of France, of Marseille, in Lyons, and of the Guyenne, and to the Languedoc, that flock to the rescue of their Monarch and their Faith, whereas close to Saint-Paul-of-Mausole, a famous monastery of Saint-Rémy-of-Provence,a conflict will be raging.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,85 quatrain

10,92 : A child killed directly before his father in Geneva whereas the chief of the city is demembered.  Could be terrorists, or some exactions of occupant armies or, although less obvious, a metaphor for Calvin's epic.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,92 quatrain

Condition of the woman in territory occupied by Islam

10,98: The condition that will be imposed to the European girls under Islamic law, the Islamic constraints of the excision, the mentality of harem, only having debauched and predatory merchants, according to the occupant's new law, so they'll becomes odious. One of the rare quatrains that speaks of the young women's life conditions under the future occupation, and possibly the generalized crossbreeding that would occur.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,98 quatrain

Murder attempt on the pope closeto Baghdad

2,97 : Murder attempt on the pope in the vicinities of the old city of Babylon, in Iraq. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,97 quatrain

 5,15 : A pope of Rome made captive during a journey to Baghdad. An unfit substitute named to his succession. The tragic end of this last character. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,15 quatrain

Emergence of three great leadersin France

8,46 : The three great leaders who France would eventually know. Emergence of a catastrophic war shortly after their entrance on stage. The murder of the pope of the moment in the valley of the Rhone. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,46 quatrain

8,97 : The birth of three predestined children on the France French Riviera. The country very close to a crisis just as these would reach their majority. Fall of the government and return of several important characters just as these three sons would affirm their authority. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,97 quatrain


Emergence of a big Leader in Spain

10,95 : A great king, of Spaniard origin, who imposes hardships to troops of Islam, possibly the Great Chiren or the great monarch since he also frees the seas from the Moslem invader during the next world conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,95 quatrain

Murderous war at the end of a millennial

2,46 : Louis XIV and the war of Succession of Spain (1701-14) or the Third world War, occurring at the end of one century.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,46 quatrain

Undone of America dice the opening of hostilities

8,10 : The defeat of America during begining of the next world conflict. Likely use of atomic weapons during this lightning victory of Islam. Switzerland hit by an epidemic of unknown type. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,10 quatrain

Iran invades Macedonia and the noon of France

2,96 : Iran invades Macedonia. France attacked on the south front. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,96 quatrain

 5,62: France attacked by the way of the south just as Italy would have been defeated.  Spain threatened at the same moment. The control of seas passes into the hands of the Moslem invader. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,62 quatrain

 5,71 : Some leaders of France gathered on seventeen ships by Bouche-du-Rhone. The impatience demonstrated by the sea and by their troops by the wait imposed by the slowness of orders as well as by the low level of water of the Rhone. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,71 quatrain

 7,19 : The city of Nice destroyed by a weapon associated to its sheen metal. The aggression makes the object of commentaries and analyses by the numerous victims within the tourist clientele of the region. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,19 quatrain

7,21 : The occupied French Vaucluse. A plot fomented against the government's chief. The tense relations between this department and its neighbors. Good probability that it was about a page of this war of the future that will oppose Islam to Christendom.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,21 quatrain

9,10 : Two monks that would have a child who would be killed by a wild beast after have been removed by a glassmaker while armies attack regions located to the South West of France in the future or the past if hidden in the secret files of the Vatican. Or possible veiled evocation of events of 1845, discoveries by Verrier concerning Uranus and archaeological discoveries of that moment and the beginning of the end of the reign of Louis-Philippe 1st with the crisis of 1847.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,10 quatrain

10,58 : France vacillates even though the big Monarch, artful, will fight the young chief of war related to the Libyan "Emathian", at the time of a period of mourning. The Vatican in peril at the same moment whereas Marseilles is attacked by the forces of Islam, in direct provocation to talks started by the remainder of the West.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,58 quatrain

10,59 : It is presumably about a counter-offensive of a light contingent, composed of25 men from Lyon, of which5 would not be French, possibly of experts of the UN, accompanying a character of the royal family of the Great Monarch at the time of the establishment of his general Head Quarters in this region.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,59 quatrain

10,60 : An attack, by a nuclear weapon, or with a weapon of the future, which provokes tsunamis (kind of hurricanes) in all the region of the black sea and all the region of the Mediterranean Sea between this one and coasts of the North of Italy and the South of France.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,60 quatrain

10,61 : A conspiracy orchestrated by various people from Greece and from cities of Austria, Russia and central Asia, aimed at delivering Hungary into the forces of Islam that would become ,by intelligence bureau located close to the Marne. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,61 quatrain

10,94 : One of the invaders of France that in opposition with a United Nation resolution exert reprisals against agriculturists of Nîmes, Arles and Vienna, in Provence, of a violence such that only six would survive to testify of the attack, after having escaped disguised as monk (or most probably in the traditional north-African Arab cloak).

Original editions with good translation for this 10,94 quatrain

Hungary and Serbia occupied bythe invader

10,62 : Hungary threatened all over again by Turkey (conquered already?), from Serbia, whereas Budapest alerts the West, in vain, because this country would find itself again soon under the boot of invaders that will impose the Islamic law.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,62 quatrain

A monarch ousted from his throne

3,47 : A monarch, ousted from his throne, constrained to seek shelter in the Greek island of Lesbos. His previous tentative to find support in Orient. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,47 quatrain

Seven hundred hostages of whichfifteen are executed

3,48 : Seven hundred convicts, of which half are designated by fate to be executed. Disappointment because of some help coming too late since fifteen among them would already have been executed. Events probably to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,48 quatrain

Invasion of Italy by Islam

3,43 : Invasion of the ltaly by the Islamic armies. France intervenes to push back the enemy out of the borders of the peninsula. Physical features of the Arabian conqueror. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,43 quatrain

 4,24 : Military aggression in Italy and profanation of the Vatican by the Islamic troops. A false Moslem prophet at the head of attackers. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,24 quatrain

 4,59 : The shortage of drinking water in Italy and invasion of the country by Iran. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,59 quatrain

 4,66 : Moslem invasion of Italy. Shortage of drinking water and victuals in the country. The starved become anthropophageous. The seven chiefs identified to the aggressor. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,66 quatrain

 4,77 : A monarch of Islam pacifies Italy, A Christian king affirms himself on the planet. Kingdoms of the world know a lived short quietude. The desire of this new elected to be buried in Blois after his actions of fame on seas. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,77 quatrain

5,32 : The invasion of Italy and destruction of the city of Rome. At the same moment, ruin of an important country (possibly the USA)during these tragic events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,32 quatrain

 5,67 : The chief of Italian city of Perouse refuses to expose himself in public. Seven new aristocrats made captives. A father and hi son lose their lives during a particular duel or a tentative of murder. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,67 quatrain

 5,84 : A character identified tothe Italian city of Trieste takes it out with France in an armed conflictofthe future that can correspond to the third world war.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,84 quatrain

 5,88 : The Italian city of Savone becoming the slave of the one of Turin. A marine monster or a ship beaching itself on a beach, after a storm. A monument erected on this place. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,88 quatrain

 6,6 : War you future underlined by the apparitionof a comet in the zodiacal constellation of Cancer. Death in Rome of an important military chief. Other likely allusion about this war that will oppose Islam and the west.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,6 quatrain

 6,17 : Invasion of the ltalie by Islam. Inhabitants opt to collaborate with the enemy. But faced with the atrocities committed, the Italians eventually turn against the aggressor. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,17 quatrain

6,36 : The invasion of Italy by troops associated with Islam. The city of Perouse ignored by the aggressor. Pisa and Florence in state of revolt. Murder of a monarch. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,36 quatrain

6,38 : War of the future where troops identified with Islam would undertake the conquest of the Italy. Horrible massacres in the defeated peninsula.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,38 quatrain

6,39: A ransom imposed to a Italian prince for the liberation of a parent associated to the color blue . The city of Perouse at the center of the matter. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,39 quatrain

6,42 : Invasion of Italy by a set of nations associated with Islam. Advent in France d a great military chief called to dislodge the aggressor from the territories conquered. The counselor of this valiant warrior judged as too prudent. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,42 quatrain

6,68 : Invasion of Italy by troops identified to Islam. The defeat of the country drives the Italian soldiers to rebel against their chief and to foment a plot to murder him. The government forces achieve a compromise with the invader. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,68 quatrain

6,69 : Continuation of the previous quatrain. The Roman curia must go into exile in France after the invasion of Italy. The country touched by a great famine. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,69 quatrain

6,78 : The invasion of Italy to the course a world conflict to come. The peninsula adopts a certain form of collaboration with the enemy. But confronted with the acts of barbarism of the aggressor, Italy is compelled to call to its help the great monarch's troops that had imposed themselves in Western Europe by then.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,78 quatrain

7,6 : The region of Naples and Sicily become inhabitable. Exodus of inhabitants toward Corsica and Sardinia. Efforts put forward in order to stop the conflict and to put a term to the famine that will have resulted. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,6 quatrain

7,8 : Italy conquered by an invader of the future. Warning launched to the city of Florence to mistrust the policies of the capital. The country put to fire and blood. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,8 quatrain

7,30 : Invasion of Italy of the North and of the ancient Savoy. Cities of Genoa and Nicea hardly hit. Big massacres perpetrated within the population of these regions. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,30 quatrain

8,8 : The fall of the Italian government and political abduction of a person of the feminine sex in Turin. A commando rushed therefor the liberation of the precious hostage. Events of the future to take place in the setting of an invasion likely of Italy.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,8 quatrain

8,9 : The invasion of Italy at the very beginning of a future world conflict. Conference in Savone between the French leaders and those of Italy. Massacres perpetrated in the peninsula by a Moslem conqueror identified to his black beard.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,9 quatrain

8,13 : The recall of the character's eventful life associated with mythological Bellerophon to announce the suicide of two lovers after the capture of the city of Milan at the time of a future world conflict. The two heroes associated to the ultimate fight delivered before the definitive defeat of the country.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,13 quatrain

8,40 : Invasion of Italy by a coalition of countries of Islam and experienced vengeance to harm by the aggressor against a noble family of the peninsula. The invader's march toward Rome. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,40 quatrain

8,62 : The havoc of the Vatican and religious persecutions carried on by troops of a monarch installed in French Avignon. Injustices committed by this important character of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,62 quatrain

8,72 : The future invasion of Italy by conjugated forces of the countries of Islam. Ravenna and Perouse to the heart of the matter. The general scarcity brought by the conflict. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,72 quatrain

8,84 : Invasion of Sicily by a fleet part of the Italian harbor of Trieste, after the capture of this one by the enemy. Good probability that it is about this world conflict to come that will oppose the countries of Islam against the West.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,84 quatrain

9,3 : The deportation of a great character, or his death, or again the evacuation of the population of the place, or its total eradication in Ravenna. Evacuees would be deported to Fours. Birth in Rome of a double concordat. Events concerning the invasion of Italy during a conflict to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,3 quatrain

9,30 : The sailing of boats with French crews from the harbor of Puola with the participation of Spain, from off the coasts of Yugoslavia which will be in the  hands of the Moslem invader, who will also have conquered Turkey. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,30 quatrain

9,32 : An archaeological discovery of importance. Italy tried by the Moslem conqueror whose leader will be frizzy and bearded while one of his fleets would leave from the harbor of Mytilene in Crete.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,32 quatrain

9,76 : The tyranny that will exercise the Islamist invader, probably Libyan, at the time of the next world conflict, or one of the Antichrists to come, on Italy. His murder by a rich young man to a place being located at the junction of two streams.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,76 quatrain

10,20 : The military movement that would pursue and kill partisans that would hold meetings, whereas propaganda and/or censors would dominate the press. A defender of liberty (the great Hadrie?) come to the rescue in Rome, but loses his legal authority because of some fiscal irregularity and finishes by being condemned to death. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,20 quatrain

10,27 : The liberators of Italy suffer a reverse of fortune without precedent because authorities in place "back down" allowing the ex-occupant back with a vengeance that would then exercise itself in force against the authorities in place under its aegis in a war to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,27 quatrain

10,33: Some cruel zealous with daggers under their long dresses seize the Florence's leader, in the small city of Fiesole, whereas Florence is rendered vulnerable thanks to the treason of the silly. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,33 quatrain

Fall of a Italian monarch and aggression against Venice

3,11 : The decay of an Italian monarch and the attackon the city of Venice. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,11 quatrain

 4,1 : The fall of Venice just as the city would wait for reinforcements. Numerous losses of life during the brief confrontation. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,1 quatrain

 5,21 : The murder of a Italian chief into the hands of people to whom he would have carried out help before. The public execution of those that came to avenge him. A particular loot shared between the conjured. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,21 quatrain

5,22 : Continuation of the previous quatrain. An foreign army arrival to bring help in Italy undergoes an important defeat close to Parma. Good probability that the announced events occur during the month of May 2002.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,22 quatrain

 8,11 : The crowd without precedent in the Italian city of Vicenza and destruction of its famous basilica. French defeat in the Ligurie and important mourning lived by the population of Venice. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,11 quatrain

A submarine the long of the Italian coasts

3,21 : An open operational submarine in the opening of the Italian river Crustamin. Tentatives to capture it. Events  to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,21 quatrain

A commando takes himself of ittoa harbor of sea

7,40 : The high facts of 21 commando troops against a non-identified sea harbor. The success of the raid in spite of the numerous losses amongst the volunteers. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,40 quatrain

Attack on Monaco

3,10 : The military aggression of Monaco by way of sea. The seven required assaults for its fall. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,10 quatrain

Iraqi invasionof Italy and of the South of France

3,99 : Iraqi invasion in Italy and in the south of France. Defeat of the attacker in French soil. Advent of a dictator in Iraq wearing beard and black hairs. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,99 quatrain

 4,27 : A prince, originating from Denmark, delivered to his enemies in Provencal soil. The committed cowardice punished severely. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,27 quatrain

 8,21: Masterly invasion of the south coast of France during a next world conflict. The three necessary assaults for the success of the enterprise.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,21 quatrain

Major confrontation between Christian and Moslem in Spain

3,20 : The military confrontation between Christian and Moslem in Spanish territory. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,20 quatrain

 5,80 : The approach of a Moslem fleet near the strait of Gibraltar and its defeat. Military confrontation having an ideological and religious foundation. The important role of France in this conflict to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,80 quatrain

 5,87 : The alliance of France and Spain to fight against an invader originating from a country professing Islam. The planet Saturn isolated form the others at the time of the conflict. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,87 quatrain

 7,22 : The Tarraconese, eventually allied with an Iraqi invader. The faction getting settled slowly between the two brothers-in-arms. The capture of the chief of the aggressors and the festivities surrounding the event. The pope in Lyons at the time of the tumult. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,22 quatrain

8,51 : Capture of the Spanish city of Cordoba by Arabs and commemorative visit of the old mosque by the conqueror. The support given by Cologne to invaders. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,51 quatrain

8,54 : A sumptuous wedding brings the displacement of important characters of the north of France and from Spain. The truce agreed with the Moslem occupier to allow the celebration. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,54 quatrain

8,61 : A certain consignment from Spain reaches late a politician of France rather than to its real recipient, the chief of the nation. Spain in warant the time of the expedition of the precious merchandise. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,61 quatrain

8,85 : Military & religious sanctions and against republics of the south of the ex-Soviet Union on behalf of the Islamic fundamentalists of Iran and Iraq. Invasion of Spain and establishment of a bridge head at the border of France, in Basque Country, by the same elements. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,85 quatrain

8,86 : The invasion of Spain by Islam and aggression against the French city of Bayonne by its troops. Events preceding by little those announced by the previous quatrain.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,86 quatrain

Invasion of Majorca by the Islamic work strengths

9.56 : The follow-up journey until the capture of the island of Majorca, and its (re-) integration to the Kingdom of France whereas the French put back in chain this kingdom(until today),  after the capitulation of Perpignan September 9, 1642,or conquest to come by the Islamist conquerors possibly making part of the invasion plan that would aim France and Spain.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,56 quatrain

Advent of a big chief in Burgundy

1,65 : Advent of a great chief and thunderbolt in Burgundy, events future

Original editions with good translation for this 1,65 quatrain

4,84 : The miserable end of a important character of the French Burgundy. His captivity close to his  former subjects and his death during one been associated with a global Mars-Venus-Sun conjunction into one of the summer constellations (Gemini-cancer-lion). Events of the future.(Next possibility, 23 June 2000).

Original editions with good translation for this 4,84 quatrain

 5,45 : The advent of a great leader in France. His physical features. The government of the country transferred close to the forest of the Ardennes. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,45 quatrain

 5,79 : The emergence of a future leader partner to the justice and the social equity. The character's value would be such that no one could hence forth compare oneself to him.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,79 quatrain

 6,70 : A great chief of armies, known as "Great Chiren", comes to the rescue of defeated Italy and overthrows the invader. The glory that he would benefit and the humility that he would display while only adopting only "the  victorious" for title. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,70 quatrain

8,44 : The advent of a great French warrior comparable with the Ogmios of the Celtic tradition. His role within the government preceding his. Good probability that it was about a descendant of the Bourbon lineage. Events of the future(End of the XX th or beginning of the XXI th century).

Original editions with good translation for this 8,44 quatrain

10,44 : A " king ", native of Blois, surely the future great Monarch, (re - )conquers Messina in Italy of theNorth, Courdoue in Spain, and the coast of Yugoslavia from Moslem bandshands, but after seven years, he disappears.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,44 quatrain

10,79 : The paths of Egypt are embellished for the passage of the "Mercury" or "Gallic Hercules", symbol of the French people at the moment, at the height of his power (making tremble earth, sea and regions),at Memphis in Egypt.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,79 quatrain

Advent of a great chief in Avignon

8,52 : The reign of a future monarch of France established in Avignon. The opposition against his regime operated from Poitiers. The end of hostilities in the region of the Vaucluse.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,52 quatrain

Advent of an exceptionalbeing that will make one day of the Thursday of feast

10,71 : Advent of an exceptional being that will make, one day, the Thursday, his feast, and that will acquire a renown all over the world that will attract crowds.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,71 quatrain

A collaborator opposing of the FrenchGreat Monarch

9,41 : Whereas fights will still be raging in the south of France, one of the invader's thug , called the black duke with a red feather, will seize of Carpentras not far of the general district of the Great Monarch in Avignon. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,41 quatrain

9,80 : The collaboration of a French military chief with the Moslem conqueror who will give him troops whom the invader will send to fight far away, probably in Istanbul, against a rebel chief to the Islamic cause, at the time ofa war of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,80 quatrain

A Moslem fleet before Marseille

1,18 : The Turkish fleet before Marseille (1543) or event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,18 quatrain

 3,79 : The harbor of Marseille. The multiple invasions it has known in the course of the past century. Its strategic position and its importance in conflicts to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,79 quatrain

 10,87 : One of the (Iranian , Iraqi or Libyan) invaders who invest the South of France bringing a reign of death with him. He will get settled &laquo;with weapons and luggages & raquo; close to Nice, and will ransack the whole region and will ship overseas by boat to his country the loot.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,87 quatrain

10,88 : Marseille is invaded by infantry and the mobile troops, at the time of the third assault of an attack to invade France at the time of a next world conflict to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,88 quatrain

10,97 : The exile by boats of inhabitants (full ships of captives of all age) of a region, at the time of an invasion by the forces of Islam that they would have facilitated by giving up to the requirements of invaders too early, in order to be able to recover their freedom of speech as soon as possible.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,97 quatrain

Invasion of France and fall ofParis

3,93 : Invasion of France and fall of Paris. The French government gets settled in Avignon. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,93 quatrain

 6,43 : The destruction of the city of Paris and its suburb. Inhabitants prevented to return to live in the region ravaged because of the consequences of the lasting deadly effects of the weapons used (radiations?!).Intervention of Great-Britain to sustain the country. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,43 quatrain

8,34 : A pope's death in Germany and the victory of a British in the south of France. The invasion of the country via the Alps and by its border of the Jura. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,34 quatrain

10,8 : The Moslem would make common front following the capture of some among them. Following this alliance, in the course of one week, three people would either be decimated or seriously wounded, at the noteworthy moment when a count of the region of Sinigaglia, Italy, baptises his own son. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,8 quatrain

Confrontations between the Emathien and the French liberator

9,38 : Some English troops enter in Blaye while passing by La Rochelle, but while going around the Great Emathien, a Moslem occupant of France, to rejoin the French liberator, who will be located upstream close to Agen at the time of the next world conflict. The secret of an expected support in Narbonne is betrayed by a conversation.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,38 quatrain

9,93 : The attack of the Great Monarch that will defeat the Emathion while putting instead defensive walls, in place of pulverized ones of a stronghold; others brought there with the help of vehicles whereas allies of this Emathion would have been far from there. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,93 quatrain

10,7 : The Emathion at the head of a complementary army to the Iranian forces in the beginning of the invasion of a France that is attacked by the North this time. Event to come.

Narbonne touched toughly by thewar

3,92 : Narbonne hardly hit by an armed conflict. The French government gets settled in the High-Alps. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,92 quatrain

Air raid against the French Gers

8,2 : Air raid on the French Gers and destruction of an important building in the region of the Garonne. Events of the future. Next possibility: 2006.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,2 quatrain

Total destruction of a city important of the globe

3,84 : The total destruction of an important city of the globe. Impossibility for survivors to return there. Nuclear radiations? Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,84 quatrain

Temples of Toulouse desecrated

3,45 : Temples of Toulouse desecrated. The death of five intruders. Events to come (2232?).

Original editions with good translation for this 3,45 quatrain

9,72 : The profanation and ransacking of temples of Toulouse, by a decree in advice of the town hall of this city. This event would take place during spring, about 250 years after the beginning of the era of Saturn, in the 25th century, by a new sect of people.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,72 quatrain

Tried Toulouse

9,46 : The discovery of an individual who died by strangulation foretelling reprisals without precedent, probably ordered from the Middle East, against Toulouse for a sacrifice not specified. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,46 quatrain

Lyons and region tried

3,46 : The French city of Lyons and the major changes that it would have to go through. Future events (2478?).

Original editions with good translation for this 3,46 quatrain

8,6 : The devastating attack launched against the city of Lyons. Conquest of the islands of Malta and Sardinia during a world conflict to come. A meeting in London between Switzerland and England passes for a gesture of weakness.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,6 quatrain

8,38 : A new revolution hits France just as its government's head quarters would have been moved in Avignon. The valley of the Rhone becomes the main center of the big slaughter evoked here. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,38 quatrain

9,68 : An attack on the great monarch by soldiers hidden in some bushes, possible regicide, or otherwise, wounding that will led to important aftermaths until his death. Plot taking its origin in Lyons and that takes place at Montélimar. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,68 quatrain

9,69 : Commandos from the French resistance, camouflaged on mounts of Belley and Bourg in Bresse, which is in the surroundings of Lyons, to counter the Moslem invader, are victims of intense storms and hailstones, probably artificially provoked, that will kill fauna, and two third of insects of these places. The likely continuation of the preceeding quatrain.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,69 quatrain

9,70 : A terrorist act killing villagers of a neighboring city, Vienna, at the time of the feast of the St-Sacrament in Lyons. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,70 quatrain

10,29 : At the time of one of the wars to come, an escaped prisoner is caught up in a cave of goats in Saint-Paul-of Mausole and brought to Tarbes by the Bigornaises.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,29 quatrain

10,47 : The lady of Bourg-les-Valences, convicted to a torment for treason. The mayor of Lyons pursues her accomplices while passing by Mirmande, and makes it so that other false pilgrims and captors are captured.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,47 quatrain

10,48 : An offensive at the time of the next world conflict that would take place upstream whereas pursuers having attacked the Provence without find not a soul there, would then continue their path northwards and would be stopped near Leignes by an ambush that would decimate them. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,48 quatrain

Three Great nations from the East submitto the invader

10,53 : Three nations that, at the time of the next world conflict, will have chosen to leave the western coalition in order to ally with the invader after intimidation, and also in order to have the leisure to argue, without sudden intervention on behalf of theIranian chief, territories that they would covet one the others.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,53 quatrain

Reign closely of 27 years, in Foix, of a Moslem invader,

9,73 : Arrival of one of the Moslem invaders in Foix at the time of one of the conflicts to come. His reign of less than 27 years. Turkey enemy of this invader. Next possibility in February 2011.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,73 quatrain

Conflict between the Middle Eastand the west

2,79 : Conflict between the Middle East and a country considered as being located to a great distance. Contemporary events or to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,79 quatrain

Advent of two important characters. Greeceand Turkey to the center of an armed conflict.

1.74 : Advent, in Greece and Turkey, of two main characters, future events.

Original editions with good translation for this 1,74 quatrain

 4,23 : The Turkish city of lstanbul attacked and set ablaze, result of a poisoned gift on behalf of an old ally. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,23 quatrain

 4,38 : A chief of Istanbul madecaptive and the bitter retreat of two united armies in the Turkish territory. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,38 quatrain

 5,17 : The submissive Cyprus island suffers a new armed conflict. A Catholic prelate, nephew of the pope in title, murdered in the valley of the Rhone at that time. A French leader,Breton of origin, made prisoner by the Moslem during a confrontation in Mediterranean. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,17 quatrain

 5,70 : Military aggression by the Chinese or indochineses troops against Turkey. The population of the lstanbul city kept in captivity. War of the future (possibly in 1998).

Original editions with good translation for this 5,70 quatrain

5,91 : Swift invasion of Greece, possibly at the end of year 1994 or in the beginning of the following. Other possibility:2023. Premises of the third world war.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,91 quatrain

 6,24 : The advent of an important political character, probably French, shortly after the observation a notorious conjunction of the planets Mars and Jupiter in the constellation of Cancer. Its reign at the conclusion of a war of the future (2002?).

Original editions with good translation for this 6,24 quatrain

8,83 A :military controlled aggression against Turkey from the Croatian harbor of Zadar. The success of the enterprise by reason of the idleness of one of allies of Turkey. Uprising of the Turkish people against its religious chiefs. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,83 quatrain

Come in this world of an individual must be designated under the appellation of "grand Hadrie"

1,8 Character of the great Hadrieevent to come (great military chief).

Original editions with good translation for this 1,8 quatrain

 1,9 : Character of the great Hadrieevent to come (great military chief).

Original editions with good translation for this 1,9 quatrain

 6,49 : A pope of Sicily origin takes up weapons to chase an invader having submitted some countries bathed by the Danube. His victory, without bloodshed . Possessions of the enemy seized. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,49 quatrain

10,38 : Following a siege or the installation of quarters not far from a place that could be the harem of the troop chief, the great Hadrie confronts garrisons that belong to contingents of the "Saint Moslem" rather than accept to be handed over to the Islamic forces occupying Switzerland. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,38 quatrain

Consecration of a monarch in Italy

8,90 : The consecration of a king marked by certain convenient bound to the ancient Serapis god. Religious persecutions at the same moment. Possible disavowal of the population of the country for this insane monarch. Italy probably to the heart of the matter. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,90 quatrain

The invader pushed back out ofFrance

4,12 : An invader hunted out of borders of France. The aggression results from the alliance of at least two nations. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,12 quatrain

 9,25 : Hispano-américans cross the Atlantic, in the spring of a non-specified year, to free France then under the rule of Moslem forces at the time of the next world conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,25 quatrain

A monument erected in Maine-and-Loire

8,36 : The construction of an imposing work of art in the French department of the Maine-and-Loire. Opposition of the nation to the project at the exception of the Jura and the Haute-Saône.Consecration of the monument by the pope. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,36 quatrain

Concession of a territory of theAquitaineto England

9,6 : The concession of a territory of the Aquitaineto England and reign of the Great Monarch at the time of, or following, the next world conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,6 quatrain

A Counterattack that fails in Italy, against the aggressor,

9,43 : Naval interventions in the Adriatic against a western fleet, by ten Moslem ships either because of a treason or because of an Islamic intelligence service particularly efficient.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,43 quatrain

Defeat of the aggressor in Italy

4,34 : A future world war where the chief of aggressors would possibly be delivered in the hands of his enemies after a defeat without precedent in Italy. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,34 quatrain

 5,23 : Continuation of the two previous quatrains. Defeat of Libya, allied to Islam, in this war of the future. Interesting confirmation on the year 2002 as possible date of the announced events.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,23 quatrain

 6,28 : A future French chief, at the same time military and religious, frees the city of Rome during a confrontation of the third world war. The ultimate battle between belligerents occurs in the Alps. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,28 quatrain

7,28 : A military chief captured by a valorous war facing many perils to cross some occupied territories. The success of the mission in spite of the loss of 30 men. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 7,28 quatrain

8,73 : The capture of the chief of armies of invasion during the world war announced in the previous quatrain. His public execution for crimes of war hides a less noble incentive. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,73 quatrain

9,33 :  Possibly Napoléon, and the wars of Italy, but more probably the future great monarch called to push back the Islamic forces during the war that they will undertake against Italy.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,33 quatrain

10,80 : The liberation of Rome by armies of the great Chiren and two allies that sink the Moslem fleet in the Italian harbors.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,80 quatrain

The invader pushed back until Tunis

9,42 : The final counter-offensive against the Moslem fleets at the time of the next world conflict whereas Spain Italy and Monaco would be experiencing an important epidemic. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,42 quatrain

Long period of prosperity afterthe victory

10,89 : The auspicious time, following the liberation of France by the great Monarch from the Islamist oppressor, that will ream in pacific during a very long time.

Original editions with good translation for this 10,89 quatrain

Sharing of a war loot; the Tuscans and Greeks touched by the conflict (2002?)

1,83 : Tuscany, Italy and Greece, the sharing of some loot, future event (May 2002?).

Original editions with good translation for this 1,83 quatrain

Consecration of a big monarch and reconquest of islands of the Ionie

9,21 : The consecration of the great monarch and his reconquering of the Greek island composing the ancient Ionia after a journey by France et the ex-Yugoslavia.

Original editions with good translation for this 9,21 quatrain


Armies in movement in Europe

2,22 : The disappearance of an island. Some armies, making movement in Europe, crushed just as the chief of a great nation would be put down. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,22 quatrain

4,5: Spain and France unite their strengths in a terrifying military confrontation. The final victory of troops identified under the symbol of the cross and the universal peace that would result. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,5 quatrain

 5,74 : The birth in Germany d an exceptional being, descended from the ancient Roman blood, called to become the military chief that will defeat Islam and give back to the church of Rome its glory of yesteryear, at the conclusion of an important militaryconflict to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,74 quatrain

 5,100 : Alliances between Germany and France during a war to come. The Southwest of France at the heart of the conflict. Important destructions in Carcassonne. One adopts the strategy of the " burnt " earth.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,100 quatrain

 6,40 : A Great one from the German city of Mainz deprived of his dignity. Compassion demonstrated towards him by the inhabitants of Cologne. The tragic end of his disciples. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,40 quatrain

Important confrontation in theTurkish straits

3,68 : An important military confrontation inthe region of the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles where Spaniards and Italian troops would undergo very dear losses in human lives.Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,68 quatrain

 5,90 : A war of the future will last nine months inside the territory of the actual Greece and in the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. Strong probability that it was about one of the phases of the third world conflict.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,90 quatrain

Invasion of two neighboring countries of the Middle East

3,4 : Invasion of two adjoining countries of the Middle East. A direct consequence of the creation of the state of Israël in 1948. Event to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,4 quatrain

 6,85 : The possible destruction of the Turkish city of Tarsus by the French armies. Moslem defenders brought in captivity. Intervention of Portugal in the matter. A pope to come adopts the Urban name for his pontificate. The importance of June 21 of this same year of the announced events.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,85 quatrain

The Middle East surrounded by its enemies

3,31 : The Middle East grasped by the allied armies, at the conclusion of the first and the second world conflict. Repetition of the same phenomenon in a conflict to come, marked by the massacre of the family of an important leader of a country of Islam.

Original editions with good translation for this 3,31 quatrain

 4,95 : The world aligns on two superpowers: America and the Islamic block. World war stretching over 43months.Victory of the West and its allies. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,95 quatrain

 5,16 : The defeat of Islam at the end of a future world conflict. Misfortunes of the island of Rhodes at the same moment. Southern Iraq invaded and the cruel repression that would be exercised there.

Original editions with good translation for this 5,16 quatrain

A war of a length of seven months

4,100 : A war of a length of seven months ending by the defeat of troop qualified of the term mischievous. Destruction, by a weapon of the sky, of a royal palace. The planet Mars invisible at that moment. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 4,100 quatrain

Several cities of the globe become inhabitable

2,95 : Cities of the globe become inhabitable. Townsmen, constrained to return to sources, must learn to cultivate theearth to survive all over again. Apocalyptic events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,95 quatrain

Political tumults in north Africa

6,54 : A gesture of treason done by the populations of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco provokes the arrest of the monarch of this last country. Event dated precisely by Nostradamus that will occur in 2180of the Christian era.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,54 quatrain

6,80 : A future leader, originating from Fès in Morocco, imposes his law. His Asian allies surge on Europe. Defenders associated to the cross, as well as to a flag that bears the colors blue and pers. Events of the future.

Original editions with good translation for this 6,80 quatrain

The Middle Orient and itsfuturerole in the sharing of the world

2,73 : The Middle East and its future role in the sharing of the world.

Original editions with good translation for this 2,73 quatrain

 8,59 : The ancient Moslem Empire knows a new height. The world war that results from the ambition of itsnew leaders. The eventual defeat of the aggressor. The Orient and the Occidental so weaken by the ferocious combats that will have taken place. Events to come.

Original editions with good translation for this 8,59 quatrain

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