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The big temporal data of the epistle

In the dedication of the first seven Centurieses to his/her/its Caesar sons, Nostradamus lands the finality of his/her/its prophecies to two specific places. To the section 37, he/it first writes: "... I composed the divinatory books containing each hundred quatrains of prophecies being a matter for the judicial astrology, which I wanted to put tip to tip of dark way and that constitute of the perpetual predictions from here the year 3797." He/it adds then, to the section 48 of the same text: "... and that, as for the visible judgment of the sky, that again we are to the seventh number of one thousand that parachève the all, us approaching of the eighth where is the firmament of the eighth sphere, that is very big dimension, where the big God étemel will come to complete the revolution, where the celestial pictures will restart their cycle and the superior movement that give back us the steady earth and farm..."

Finally, in the epistle to Henri "second", the author writes to alis néases 11 and 12: "... wanting to let what will arrive to the however in writing.

course of years to come in cities, cities and regions, even for what is of years 1585 and 1606 to count this ]our that is March 14, 1557, and very beyond, until the advent that will occur in the beginning of the seventh millennial, according to my calculations and according to the extent of my know sances, where adversaries of Christ and his/her/its Church will begin to swarm bigger number."

By this three Nostradamuses interventions lets therefore lucid lies to hear that he/it used two chronological systems: the first with as starting point the beginning of the common era (Christian era); the second, of which the point of origin is located a few thousand of years before the beginning of our present calendar. To sketch the big lines of it, he/it first brings us toward the last years of an eighth intended millennium to perfect the big cycle of times whose ultimate years should correlate to vicinities of the year 3797 of our era. He/it also speaks us of the seventh millennial of which the beginning (year 6000) would mark the "avènement", real big persecution prelude must hit the church of Rome one day. However, since this last year must be necessarily posterior to the year 1557, it first goes from one that the beginning of this big era would not know how to be previous to the year 4444 before Christ (6000 - 1557 + 1).

And to bring us to his/her/its point of origin, Nostradamus brushes two big past time chronologies then. Taken Com between paragraphs 20 to 27 (block 3), the first grants 4757 or 4758 years to the period having flowed out between Adam and the beginning of the common era. She/it ensues more or less of the one transmitted by Eusèbe of Césarée that, for his/her/its part, grants him 5200 of them. It is necessary to say otherwise that she/it falls outside of parameters of decorated it previous graph, so that it is necessary to deduct some inevitably that she/it would not have been mentioned that to alleviate the Vatican. Of the remainder, the place where it was inserted in the epistle lets glimpse an entrance further in matter that a real point of support for the pursuit of his/her/its demonstration.

More eloquent, the second (block 7) adopts like starting point the first day of the Creation - contrary to the précé

tooth that left of Adam - and count 4173 years and eight months However, when one proceeds to the sum of the different poles given, one rather arrives some to 4092 years and two months, letting .ainsi a period of 81 years and six months between the first day and first 1lth man. It was of course about a proposition danger reuse under all reports since the church held firm then lies to the seven days génésiaques, what explains why Our tradamuses would have opted to conceal his/her/its subject of the way. It is necessary to say while Joseph Just Scaliger - son of Scaliger Julius Caesar - passed besides to this prudence while granting to this same period a length of 4763 years, even pretending that the Adam of Jews had been preceded by the first four dynasties of the ancient Egypt, position that was worth him the exile in the Netherlands.

While adopting 4092 years and two months like space of time between Adam and the beginning of the common era, Nostradamus rejoined the Hebrew tradition that granted him 3761 and the thought of Scaliger Julius Caesar of it therefore - his/her/its son assigned him the fatherhood of this big era while giving him the name of Julian era - that valued him to 3950. As for the two months on which the magus of Lounge wants to insist, it is necessary to believe that he would have added them to take times in agreement with a beginning of year in January, since one 1557 the month of March started it again.

In manner of conclusion to this discussion, Adam's era according to Nostradamus would have started therefore in the year 4093 before Christ and the beginning of his/her/its seventh millennial would pass thus by the year 1908 of the common era. He/it also results some that the year 3797 correspons draits to the year 7889 of this big cycle of times, either at the end of this famous eighth millennial.

The first prominent event

To stow this definition of times better, Nostradamus bets us then of a fact of history destined to pave the way to this "advent" foreseen by him for the first years of the seventh millennial. Inclusively, to paragraphs 86 to 89 he/it first surrounds the temporal borders of the business while specifying his/her/its conclusion in

the course of the year 1792, then while dating his/her/its premises through the intermediary of astronomical data.

One notes while he/it had been sufficient to establish him to hold itself/themselves of it to a part of the section 87 where he/it is said that it would be about one year where the Saturn planets, Jupiter, March, Venus and Mercury would occupy respectively and to the same moment spangled them tions of the Capricorn, the Aquarius, the Scorpion, Fishes and the Capricorn. The simultaneous presence of these five objects in four of the twelve sectors of the zodiac corresponds to a probabi mathematical lité of the order indeed of once every 1600 years, what brings us to the questioning of the other indication reason. That he/it decided some seems thus on the other hand to lead us toward the twisting trails of the judicial astrology, that to be-to-say toward the astral significance of some of events must threaten the church and some of the big monarchical regimes (section 32: "... so that, seer as in an ardent mirror, as in an obsessed vision, the big sad, stupendous and catastrophic events that approach via their main craftsmen. First, of God's tems pleses, secondly of those that are terrestrial..."}.

However, of all posterior years to 1555 and previous to 1792, one alone answers to the stated criteria whole: 1785. January 20 of this one, four of planets named found again to the place nominee of the sky indeed, while the fifth touched lightly the sector foreseen for her. Here are the reciprocal positions besides of it:

Planet Coordinates Constellation

Saturn 20 hs 09 mins 07 ses in ascension Capricorn right

-21° 37 ' 43 " in declension Jupiter 22 hs 53 mins 31 ses in ascension Aquarius right -09° 47 ' 35 " in declension March 17 hs 46 mins in ascension right Scorpion -24° 17 ' 13 " in declension
Venus 22 hs 56 mins 51 ses in ascension right verseau -09° 56 ' 10 " in declension (the planet was to less than 5° then in thimble-clinaison of the beginning of the Fish constellation)

Mercury 21 hs 05 mins 34 ses in Capricorn ascension right -15° 40 ' 29 " in declension (the planet entered in the one of the Aquarius March 5, then in the one of Fishes the 25)

As for dates data by paragraphs 86 and 87, data present themselves as follows: Saturn: Brings in April 7 and August 25, 1785, the planet oscillated between 20 hs 22 mins 54 ses and 20 hs 45 mins 03 ses in right ascension and -19° 00 ' 52 " and -21° 59 ' 50 " in declension in the zodiacal constellation of the Capricorn.

Between the 1st and June 24 as well as between September 25 and October 16, she/it made some as much, still in the same constellation.

Jupiter: Brings in June 14 and October 7, 1785, the planet went for a walk between positions 0 hs 43 mins 13 ses and 1 h 04 mins 13 ses in right ascension and 02° 52 ' 23 " and 05° 07 ' 40 " in declension in the constellation of Fishes.

Between the 1st and June 24 as well as between September 25 and October 16, her himself made there also notice.

March: Brings in April 17 and June 22, 1785, the planet found again between coordinates 22 hs 16 mins 10 ses and 1 h 15 mins 50 ses in right ascension and -13° 43 ' 24 " and 05° 53 ' 57 " in

declension, passer-by thus of the constellation of the Worm bucket in the beginning of the period, to the one of Fishes at the end,

Between the 1st and June 24. March occupied the sector of Fishes while between September 25 and the 16 octos bre, the star evolved in the one of the Taurus.

Venus: Brought in April 9 and May 22, 1785, the planet wandered between points 4 hs 15 mins 55 ses and 5 hs 17 mins 23 ses in right ascension and 25° 19 ' 55 " and 27° 45 ' 39 " in declension in the zodiacal sign of the Taurus.

Between the 1st and June 24, Venus stayed in constel lation of the Taurus, but found again in the one of Can cer September 25, then in the one of the Lion to count of the following day, where it stayed the remainder until October 16.

Mercury: Brings in the 3 and February 24, 1785, Mercury was observed between coordinates 20 hs 07 mins 14 ses to 21 hs 01 mins 18 ses in right ascension and -17° 06 ' 34 " and -19° 30 ' 16 " in décli naison in the heap of the Capricorn.

Between June 1st and June 24, the planet found again in the sector of the Taurus, then, bring in September 25 and October 16, in the one of the Virgin.

In sum, the only obvious utility of dates data would be to make discover us that Saturn stayed in the constellation of the Capricorn for the period spreading of April 7 to October 16, 1785, that Jupiter made some as much to count of June 14 in the one of Fishes, that March passed the Aquarius to Fishes, before attein dre the Taurus September 25, that Venus transported itself of Tau reau until the Lion between April 9 and September 26 and in short that Mercury found again in the Capricorn in February, in the Taurus in June and in the Virgin between September 25 and October 16. On the other hand, as we already expressed him, he/it would be able to that these dates bring a particular lighting on the nature of soubres jumps of the year, but, for the meantime, he/it would be good to value us of it

to the fact that the announced events had to know their crucial period between 1785 and 1792.

Before closing the topic for the meantime, he/it seems applicable to add that the Moon was visible in the constellation of the Aquarius during the month of September of this year 1785 and to specify qie the Dragon constitutes a heap circumpolaire of the northern hemisphere that recalls the mythical dragon of the garden of the Hespérideses whose head looks at the side of constellations of the Balance and the Scorpion and of which the tail pointed toward the one of Gemini. Stars of the Balance and the Scorpion evolve in the sky of May and June while those of Gemini make their apparition in January of every year. <

Besides, a Jupiter-Mercury conjunction occurred effecti vement during the night of the 24 to March 25, 1785, a March-Mercury squareness can be observed July 22 of the same year and a Sun-Jupiter meeting occurred March 15 to a point of the sky marking a direct line with the head of the Dragon via spangled it tion of the Swan (cross of the North). Finally, no solar eclipse, visible in France, was not seen in the course of the year.

As for events themselves, one knows that September 22, 1792 marked the adoption of the republican calendar of France that made of this year the year 1 of the Republic, justifying so the intentionally sion "that one will believe, to be a new era" of the section 89. Besides, one discovers that the date of January 29, 1785 marked the origin of the famous business of Marie-Antoinette's necklace, real element release of the big revolution that made one of slingers of the Parliament tell: "A cardinal swindler, the queen implied in a business of forgery!... That of sludge on the crosier and the scepter. What triumph for ideas of liberty!" Finally, to convince us better of conséquens these tragic of this event, what of better than this drawn passage of Marie-Antoinette's famous biography (Stefan Zweig): "And voilà that, one after Wallows, two great lightnings pass in the sky and show to the people the situation under his/her/its true day: on the one hand the suit of the necklace, on the other hand revelations of Calonne on the deficit." There is what is some of this first troubled period glimpsed by Nostradamus!