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The Paper-Cutting of China

Paper-Cuts of Yangzhou are so magical that hundreds of flowers can blossom out and spring and autumn can reappear in a bright day

Papercut is an art form originally created in China. Around the first century A.D., the Chinese invented that most flexible, versatile and adaptable of materials -- paper. The first papercut can be traced date back to the period known as the Northern and Southern Dynasties (A.D. 386-581). In the T'ang Dynasty (A.D. 618-906) papercuts are the subject of a poem by the poet Ts'ui Tao-yung and from other sources of this period they are described as being used to decorate plants and worn by ladies in their hair in form of butterflies and flowers.

The attraction of the traditional Chinese folk art of papercutting lies in its apparent simplicity: a typical papercut requires no paints or brushes, only an ordinary pair of scissors or a knife, and a single sheet of paper. Unique among Chinese folk arts, papercutting's influence on other fields and its number and variety of products reveal the depth of its roots in popular culture as a mens of beautifying the everyday environment.

Yangzhou Papercutting is no doubt the best one which is well known for its excellent cutting, novel and pretty design, soft and vigorous lines, and meticulous contents. It covers figures, birds & animals, fish & insents, and landscapes etc., among which flowers in four seasons, hundreds of butterflies can be especilly well cut. Yangzhou Arts Factory, a professional factory of producing papercutting, commands many skilled personal and professional artists of Fine-arts including Zhang Yongshou, a national-graded Fine-arts Master, who is so magical that hundreds of flowers can blossom out and spring and autumn can reappear in a bright day by his scissors.

Paper-cutting samples












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