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April - May - June- 2003     

By Scott Gallaway

Like the rain that travels beside you,
Slowing down as it accelerates,
Because you accelerate more,
Time does speed up as you get older.

But in this case, you're the train-
Everything going past your window faster
Because you're taking on more
Passengers, luggage, family, death.

And the tracks are pressed hard
And the deer don't bother to get out
Of your way. Although from the strain
It seems you must be gaining momentum

The train turns, and is suddenly no
Longer beside you, but it's still moving
Straight down the flat ground,
Getting smaller, apparently not moving.

Scott Gallaway lives in Bowling Green, Ohio. He is an instructor at Bowling Green State University. Scott reports "When I'm not pointing out comma splices or helping develop thesis statements, I'm writing poetry." Scott's poetry has been published in such places as: Cumberland Poetry Review, Crucible, Permafrost, Half Tones to Jubilee, The Hiram Poetry Review, The New delta Review, Touchstone, Illuminations, Evansville Review, and Midwest Quarterly.

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