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from the publisher

P.D.Q. ~~Poetry Depth Quarterly~~
(formerly The Poet's Guild Quarterly)
Founded in 1995 by G. Elton Warrick.
Send all correspondence to Publisher at:

5836 North Haven Drive
North Highlands, CA. U.S.A.   95660
(916) 331-3512

P.D.Q. magazine email:

On Line E-Mail G. Elton Warrick, Publisher

Editor - Joyce Odam, E-mail

Art Manager/Webmaster Lori Smaltz. E-Mail

P.D.Q. Informational Web Site

Subscription & individual copy requests to:
Publisher G. Elton Warrick, at :

5836 North Haven Drive
North Highlands, CA. U.S.A.   95660
(916) 331-3512

P.D.Q. is a digest size magazine published quarterly.

Cover letter required with short 3 to 10 line biography.  All poems must be in English, typewritten and presented exactly as you would like them to appear. Due to the page size, only 52 characters will fit across the page, (including spaces). Poems of any length are considered, but each work must be the original property of the submitting poet. Send 3 to 5 poems to the editor (address above). Your name and address must appear on each page submitted. No simultaneous submissions accepted. A few poems from each issue are selected to represent P.D.Q. at our informational web site as quality examples of what a reader may expect to discover from a given issue. No download submissions accepted. E mail submissions must have legal name and postal address included with each page of poetry, or poem. Manuscripts without S.A.S.E. or sufficient postage will not be read or returned. For non E mail submissions: Include a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE).

We have recently published poetry by Jane Blue, Taylor Graham, Simon Perchik, Ken Hoffman, Danyen Powell, Eva Hung, Ruth Daigon, Carol Hamilton, Mary Crow, Jim Dewitt, Robert Dunn, B. Z. Niditch and Madelyn Eastlund. P.D.Q. is an attractive magazine consisting of 35 to 60 pages, printed with a color cover and original art.

Current P.D.Q. subscription rates: For U. S. and possessions one year is $18.50 Individual copies will be $5.00 . A two year subscription will be $35; and three years will be $45. (add $10 a year for Canada, Mexico and other foreign postage.)

NEW Subscription rates effective May 1st, 2003:

For U. S. and possessions one year is $20.00 Individual copies will be $5.50 . A two year subscription will be $38; and three years will be $56. (add $12 a year for Canada, Mexico and other foreign postage.)

Contributing poets/artists are paid one copy, no other payment is made. Our current press run is about 200, including 5 libraries. P.D.Q. editor submits nominations for The Pushcart Prize. P.D.Q. is also indexed by the Index of American Periodical Verse: (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press) also Indexed in the Poet's Market 2003 , and Dust Books 2003.

Art Guidelines

Send submission to Art Manager

For Email:

1- Type the word submission in the subject of the email

2 - Type your name, postal mailing address, a brief 3-5 line bio and the title of the piece of artwork you are sending.

3 - Send ONE piece of artwork for ONE email.

Example:  We require 12-15 pieces of artwork that best represent you as an artist,  so this would ALSO be 12-15 emails.

4 -  The artwork file must be an ATTACHMENT, it must be 150 dpi or better.  The format must be .JPG or .GIF

.BMP files are not acceptable.

Do not send .ZIP  or .EXE files . 

Make certain your name is on the email to identify you as the artist

5 -  Send a photo of yourself to be displayed along with your bio. Use the same file format guidelines as sending your artwork.

Email Art Manager - Poetry Depth Quarterly


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Poetry Depth Quarterly, 5836 North Haven Drive, North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 331-3512.

All material copyright © 1995-2003 by Poetry Depth Quarterly.  All rights reserved.